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Philosophy of Life

All I want is a life filled with joy (Life After You- Daughtry). Everyone has
a unique perspective on life. Some individuals believe that success and wealth
make them happy, while others believe that love is all they need. Happiness is
regarded as the most desirable thing in the world, as Aristotle once observed.
However, everyone has varied desires. To be happy in life, I disagree; I believe
that it's the simple things that matter. having your family, friends, and other loved
ones around you; falling in love and finding someone you can trust; putting others
before yourself; expressing your feelings and emotions and living your life to the
fullest You sent Love doesn't find you; you have to look for it. It is unexpected
and appears implausible, yet everything changed for me once I realized what
true love was. All of a sudden, everything seems to revolve around this
personyour priorities, your thoughts, and your actions. Everything you do should
be aimed at making them happy because if they are, you will also be. Love is
when you discover someone with whom you can share anything and who makes
you feel as though you have all you need and nothing more to ask for. Having
that person you can spend your life with, in my opinion, is what helps you
achieve your ultimate happiness. I feel happy when I see other people happy.

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