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Name: Carl Jun De la Cruz Grade&Section: STEM1101

~The evolution of traditional media to new media~

Focus of Reflection.

The development of media has changed how we perceive the world around us.
By enabling us to communicate with one another online, it changes our perspective. As
user-generated material grows increasingly prevalent in our lives, media has become
considerably more diverse and personalized. We are exposed to a variety of ideas that
influence how we perceive and comprehend the social world. Furthermore, as a result
of technological advancements, traveling great distances is now much faster and easier
than it ever was. With the advancement of mobile phones, it has also brought about
shift in communication, where the latter is now more effective. Students can now
complete online classes, take tests, and more thanks to technology.


Our understanding of the world has changed as a result of the media's

progression from old to modern. Old media, which includes things like television, radio,
newspapers, magazines, and books, is a more conventional manner of communication
while new media is interactive and user-generated. By enabling us to communicate with
one another online, new media offers us a fresh viewpoint. With the rise of user-
generated material in our lives, media has become considerably more diverse and
personalized. We are exposed to different opinions that help shape our knowledge of
and comprehension of the social environment, but does the medium of the media
actually have an impact on how we comprehend the information that is presented to us.

Guide questions for the reflection paper:

• What caused the drastic change in media?

• Where do you think the media will go?

• In news reporting, how is social media affecting the culture and accuracy of

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