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In the first 4 and a half days the turnovers have been fluctuating around 3000

uncontrollably. After that, in the middle of the 5th one the turnovers have been
leveling out gradually until the middle of the 10th day, where they have started to
remain steady at 3000 for 5 or 6 days. Then it have plummeted considerably at a
whopping 250, almost hitting the deck. This couldn’t last for long, so in the next
month it have started to reach the peak slightly. At the start of the 17 th day the
turnovers have been bottoming out at only 1000 in a moderate pace until the
company started to get back on its feet and made the turnovers sky-rocket to the
peak hitting 3800.

In the first 4 and a half months the sales have been falling and improving
minimally. At the end of the 4th month, the sales units have collapsed to almost
100 sales per unit and then the number have remained steady. Only after 2
months the sales units have been Climbing the graph significantly reaching 400.
Then it have suddenly bottomed out in the 10th day. After that they have been
growing dramatically at approx. 380 sales units. And at the start of the 10 th day,
they started to fall gradually.

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