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Name: April Jane I. Pinto Date: Mar 11,2022

Write a self reflection on Christ crucifixion:

Christ Jesus crucifixion mean Jesus died on cross to save us from our
sins. In the Bible verse John 3:16 for God so love the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should
not perish, but have everlasting life. The cross is simple and common
way of execution for the ancient roman empire to execute a person or
a criminal, your nail were driven through the wrist, you were hoisted
up on a wooden cross. Until you left hang and died. In bible Mathew
26:36-43, Jesus wear crown that were made of thorn. He was
stripped of His clothes and led to Golgotha. A mixture of vinegar, gall
and myrrh was offered to Him , but Jesus refused him, it state who
driven through Jesus wrist and ankle, fastening Him to the cross
where He was crucified between two convicted criminal. Most
denomination of Christianity teach that Jesus crucifixion happened
just as described in the Bible. The crucifixion is important for
Christian who believe that God sacrificed Jesus, His only Son, to atone
for the sin of humanity.

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