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Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the importance of preserve

the cultural heritage for future generations. Governments should have a key function
in this task If we want to achieve this goal. In this essay, two aspects regarding how to
make sure cultural heritage is preserved will be dicussed: the increase of funding for
museums and teaching the importance of cultural heritage in schools.

One obvious strategy for tackling the issue of loss our cultural heritage is increasing
funding for museums. Museums are sometimes considered as boring places to spend
time at. Not only is it because the lack of engaging educative programmes that makes
difficult to attract people to them, but also because the lack of publicity in relation to
its installations. For this reason, If more funds are aimed to museums, more could be
done to solve the problem. Consequently, the memories of a community would be
shared and kept for more people.

(Closely related with the point mentioned above is) A second tactic is to teach in
schools the importance of cultural heritage. One possibility to develop this goal could
be to suggest old people to give small talks to children where they relate stories about
their past or talk about important events with the purpose to share their knowledge.
Furthermore, this process could have benefits related to fight the ancients’ loneliness.

Taking everything into consideration there is a clear case for teaching in schools more
facts related to our past. Education is the most powerful tool we have and through it
we can achieve almost everything we want.

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