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The Penguinfolk

penguin cannot become a Sensing the injured and exhausted dohwar, a school of
giraffe, so just be the best sharks attacked from below and surely the penguinfolk would
penguin you can be.

have all perished had the flying swine not carried so many to

shore upon their backs.
Temporarily safe, the dohwar immediately began to search

for some form of civilization but Cabez did not exist in those
              -Gary Vaynerchuk days and even if it had, it would have still been many days

travel to the east. So the dohwar attempted to rest for a time

and secure food and shelter, at least until a more permanent

In the Cliffs of Kolan on the west coast of the continent of arrangement could be made.
Maztica, there is a community of penguinfolk known as The moment of respite did not last long and the swine who
Bareega. It’s inhabitants have evolved from their mercantile the dohwar owed their lives to would now bring ruin upon the
origins into a more militant folk in order to better defend beleaguered penguinfolk. Their scent was strong, and it
against the threats of the world around them. attracted dozens of drakes known as hakuna who laired in
They also hold a secret that gives them a distinct advantage the nearby mountains. The number of deaths caused by the
for survival, but at what cost? hakuna was greater than the initial crash and shark attacks
combined, and with nowhere to go all seemed lost.
About The dohwar captain and helmsman both had been taken by
the hakuna, but the first mate, whose name was Bareega,
MZS4 The Penguinfolk is a supplement detailing the took command and led the dohwar back into the waters.
cliffside caverns and surrounding areas inhabited by a people Instead of heading into the deeps where the sharks lingered,
who were at one time known as the dohwar. Centuries ago, Bareega led the dohwar down the coastline and eventually
they crashed on Toril after traveling through the Night Above they came across a cave entrance large enough for the
and were nearly driven to extinction in those early days. dohwar but too small for the hakuna. The dohwar had
Though they still mostly resemble their ancestors, the escaped extinction once again under the wise decision
penguinfolk no longer consider themselves dohwar and making of their new leader.
certainly their culture has become far removed from their
mercantile origins. A New Home
In addition to the regional description and historical
accountings within this supplement, you will also find new Here, finally within these caverns alongside the steep cliff
character options, magical items, monsters and spells related face, the dohwar could rest. The caves went deep, but the
to the penguinfolk and their settlement. dohwar did not explore. At the shore line, the fishing was
good and there was plenty of vegetation to maintain both the
dohwar and their swine as long as they did not travel too far
History into shark territory.
Five centuries ago, neogi slave traders pursued a dohwar While the hakuna could be avoided and the sharks
spelljamming ship known as an uspos into Toril’s outsmarted, the dohwar also came into conflict with tribes of
atmosphere. The pursuit lasted many hours until the sahuagin who lived off the coast and hunted the same waters.
dohwars’ captain spotted a storm in the distance. Thinking he The sea devils were responsible for many losses year after
could lose the neogi in the storm, the captain commanded his year but at least the dohwar would survive.
helmsman to head directly for the raging storm, fully They called their settlement Bareega after the wise leader.
understanding the dangers but seeing no alternative. The "president" of the dohwar lived another thirty years and
Unfortunately for both the dohwar and their neogi during that time they made their caverns into a home. Living
pursuers, the storm was no natural event, but rather one here would not be easy and enemies still surrounded them,
caused by a small flight of blue dragons that had ties to the but for the next two hundred years the penguinfolk thrived
ever expanding Cult of the Dragon. The neogi foolishly and grew their numbers.
attacked the dragons and were destroyed for their efforts.
The dohwar were not spared from the dragons’ attacks either, The Deep Tunnels
but when their ship was disabled the dragons did not pursue It was not by any means taboo to travel into the deep tunnels
with intentions of finishing off the survivors as they did the that went far beyond the confines of Bareega, but the dohwar
neogi. rarely did so in the early days. Strange beasts occasionally
wandered up from below, but their attacks were infrequent,
A New, Dangerous World and guards were posted at all major entrances.
The uspos crashed into the turbulent waters of the Patzcoatl Then the sahuagin came for the dohwar en masse and they
Sea west of where the city of Cabez now lies. As the ship no longer had a choice.
sank the dohwar swam for shore, gathering all who survived,
including the sounder of space swine that were penned up in
the uspos’ cargo hold.

Without warning, hundreds of sahuagin raiders overpowered Only the gods, and perhaps the ancient aarakocra knew of
Bareega’s guardian protectors and fought their way into its the age when the amphibious races ruled much of the world.
caverns. Apparently, the disparate tribes of sea devils had Maztica was not the center of their power but this creator
come together to eradicate the dohwar once and for all. The race, known as the batrachi, once had a presence here. It was
raid was slowly forcing them into the tunnels, making them they who had had left behind the crystal skulls.
flee as fast as they could. The skulls were sentient and had thousands of years of
Deeper and deeper the dohwar delved, much further than solitude. The penguinfolk had awakened in them a longing to
any had gone before. Unfortunately, there were more than find their creators, whatever may remain of them. In return
enough flooded caverns and pools of water for the sahuagin for helping them in this search, the skulls told Aweekina they
to continue their pursuit, though this necessity did slow them would show her a way for her people to both survive and to
down. thrive. The dohwar merchant ways would need to fall away
After days of fear and exhaustion, a light suddenly and a new, warlike penguinfolk would need to emerge.
appeared to the dohwar where none should be. A massive Unfortunately, the crystal skulls, like some of their batrachi
cavern, smooth to the touch and nearly organic in its stone creators, have a cruel streak of their own. Their interests in
texture opened before the refugees. In the rear of the cavern, the penguinfolk are not the result of charity.
sitting in an elaborately carved alcove was the source of the
light. Twin crystal skulls shined like beacons to the Dohwar No More
beleaguered folk. Painfully, the skulls taught the penguinfolk to file down the
Drawn to the power in the skulls, the dohwar surrounded cartilage of their fins with sharp edged obsidian and to coat
the alcove in a great arc and basked in the warmth the skulls the resulting claws with the metal known as adamantine. The
emanated. A wave of energy passed through the dohwar, caves were loaded with veins of the valuable metal and the
spreading quickly into the caverns beyond. As it spread skulls taught them how to mine this as well.
outward it crashed into the hunting sea devils and gave them Useless appendages became deadly fighting instruments
a terrible feeling of sickness and a desire to return to the sea and even the traditional beak swords of the dohwar known as
as quickly as possible. the weega were now forged exclusively from the metal.
The dohwar stood by the skulls, unaware as of yet to what While the airborne cavalry known as deathsquealers
the skulls had done for them. Quiet moments passed until a remained strong and kept their traditional fighting styles
brave female by the name of Aweekina stepped forward. She (bolstered by their new weapons), a new breed of warrior was
had already lost her young to the raid and as she placed her born that shunned both the traditional weega and the space
hands upon the skulls, they bestowed upon her the swine of the deathsquealers.
knowledge that could save her kind from all future threats. The Adamantine Claw became a new elite fighting force,
From that day forward the dohwar would no longer fear who used only the strength in their bodies, reinforced by pain
the world around them, but their security would come with a and an indestructible metal.
cost. That was the moment when the penguinfolk stopped There are not many dohwar who are permitted to “speak”
referring to themselves as the dohwar. to the skulls (only those who touch the skulls may
Behold, The Crystal Skulls communicate with the intelligence that resides within), but
those who indicate a desire to can be granted an audience by
Initially unknown to all but Aweekina, the skulls were in fact the now immortal Aweekina.
remnants of a civilization so ancient, that even the men of Oftentimes, these chosen few forge a pact with the skulls
Maztica had not heard legends. for power and the arrangement forged gives the penguinfolk
the powers of warlocks – something never before seen
among them. This semi-religious group has been referred to
as a cult and they are often accused of serving only the skulls
without an actual desire to see the community flourish. The
deathsquealers in particular hold no lost love for the
penguinfolk warlocks.
Unbeknownst to even Aweekina, the crystal skulls care
nothing for the penguinfolk. At the time being the training
and magic that they provide has undoubtedly strengthened
the former space traders, but the penguinfolk themselves are
slowly rotting from the inside.
The skulls are certain that remnants of the batrachi
civilization still exist within the world, and they would
sacrifice the entire community for even the smallest of

Random Properties. The Crystal Skulls of the Batrachi have
The Crystal Skulls of the the following random properties
(DMG pg 219-221).

Batrachi * 2 minor beneficial properties

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

* 1 major beneficial property

* 2 minor detrimental properties

The Crystal Skulls are two vaguely amphibian skulls made of Nauseating Antipathy. The Crystal Skulls may create an
a white quartz like crystal and they are fused in such a way effect similar to antipathy at will
which can affect a spherical
that both heads face generally in the same direction. area with a radius of a mile. They can maintain the effect
Their appearance is said to be either greatly unnerving or indefinitely, but only one type of creature may be affected at a
highly comforting, depending on the intentions and current time.
mood of the dual personalities that reside within. The In addition, it takes a full ten days to “recharge” this ability
personalities themselves are unique, but
remain unnamed. should the skulls decide to change the type of creature
Neither is dominant over the other, and they most certainly affected.
share a common goal. One is seen as the diplomat of the two, The nauseating antipathy, as its name implies, forces all
and the rage filled second personality tends to remain quiet, creatures of the designated type within range to suffer from
lest an outburst of cruel honesty reveal its intentions intense queasiness and unless they make a DC 19 saving
prematurely. throw, they are nauseated while in range. Creatures
The skulls are capable of communicating with any being inherently understand the source of the sickness and often
telepathically, but they do not often do so except to warlocks choose to leave the maximum range as quickly as possible.
which have made a pact with them. There is an entire Immortality. The Crystal Skulls may choose to stop the
ceremony for new initiates to communicate with the skulls effects of aging on the creature to which it is attuned. This
for the first time and forge the resulting pact. creature also need not eat or drink.
Actual possession of the crystal skulls is denied by the Fonts of Ancient Knowledge. The Crystal Skulls have
intelligence within and it (they) never grant permission to be remained undisturbed since the very end of the batrachi
removed from its chamber as if they were a simple magical empire, and they are virtual sages in reference to those
item. However, in the face of a major discovery about the ancient beings. The skulls know ancient lore that cannot be
batrachi or an existential threat, it might allow itself to be found elsewhere. Effectively, the Crystal Skulls have a skill
used by a warlock and perhaps only Aweekina. Its powers are proficiency in Intelligence (History) +15 in regards to the
listed below. batrachi or their empire.

The skulls have passed on to the penguinfolk the location of The lower levels are fully flooded with ocean water so
large deposits of adamantine, and how to
work the habitation only begins at sea level and above. The magic of
impossibly hard metal. the skulls keeps the sahuagin away from Bareega, but there
Voidmind. When attuned to the Crystal Skulls and within are other threats that occasionally arise from the depths of
30 feet of them, your mind is protected by their perfect both the ocean and the Underdark beyond the skulls.
crystalline structure. You are immune to psychic damage and Most recently, a chimeric shark-octopus creature known as
all enchantment magic spells or special abilities. a luscan killed close to a dozen penguinfolk before it was
Warlock Pact. The Crystal Skulls are a source of pact chased off. The penguinfolk do not generally build permanent
magic for warlocks as described in the New subclasses structures within the caverns
themselves, but rather use the
portion of this book. natural environment to suit their needs. Their eggs are
Skills. The calmer, calculating personality within the skulls hidden deep within the caverns, but are still kept a good
has proficiency in Charisma (Persuasion) +12 and the angry distance from the Crystal Skulls.
personality has Charisma (Intimidation) +12. Whichever In name, Bareega is led by the chieftain Kookree, a male
approach the skulls use to get what they want, they are deathsquealer descended directly from Bareega himself.
certainly difficult to resist. Kookree is the greatest warrior among the deathsquealers,
Destroying the Skulls. The Crystal Skulls are virtually and he tends to stay with the others of his squadron in the
indestructible, but other than their ability to project jungles, ruling with a light hand.
nauseating antipathy and their powerful personalities, they Kookree leaves many of the day to day decisions to his first
do not have many defenses against those who would seek in command, Looleeya, an adamantine claw monk
their destruction. spends much of her time training new initiates in the way of
The only way to permanently destroy the skulls themselves the Adamantine Claw.
would be to enter (through powerful magic, possibly psionic The lack of focused leadership has allowed Aweekina, the
powers) the crystal lattice realm in where the personalities seemingly immortal warlock and Keeper of the Skulls, to
reside and destroy them there. exert control for herself. Her influence is causing tensions,
Such a projection would be fraught with danger as the and the dangerous expeditions she sends the penguinfolk on
skulls have additional, unknown powers within their own are often seen as a terrible waste.
realm. A sample map of one of Bareega’s entrance caverns is
provided below.
Bareega is a collection of caverns and the tunnels that
interconnect them.

Now that Maztica is back on Toril, and the gods have come
Character Options back, perhaps the penguinfolk will soon find a true faith, but
until such time, clerics are quite rare.
If it was capable of laughter, the sea devil would certainly
have done so. The still-living meat who stood
before him Adamantine Sheen
could not have been more than four feet tall and it appeared
to be defenseless as it waddled in his direction. Adamantine is abundant in the caverns of Bareega, and it is
The sahuagin thought an easy meal had presented itself to used for almost all of the penguinfolks' weaponry. Only
him, assuring him that Sekolah truly favored today's hunt. deathsquealers ever wear any form of armor, though the
The adamantine claw was used to being underestimated weight of adamantine armor tires their flying tapir quickly.
and it gave him a distinct advantage when it came
to larger Weapons are often used in creative ways to attack by
beings. Always did they fail to see death coming for them! destroying objects, such as by smashing an overhang with an
Having honed his fins down to sharp edges and enduring the adamantine hammer so that it falls on unsuspecting enemies.
terrible pain of an adamantine sheen, the penguinfolk’s The most deadly usage of this adamantine is of course by
impossibly sharp claws were ready. the monks known as the Adamantine Claws who file down
The sahuagin thrust its obsidian tipped trident at the their wingbones and sheen the newly created claws with the
penguinfolk in an attack that would have certainly
impaled a metal.
less agile creature. As it was, a single tine clipped his torso
and a fresh line of blood mixed
with his smooth feathers. Penguinfolk Names
The sea devil overextended itself in the attack however, and For all that the penguinfolk have changed from their space
in the blink of an eye, the penguinfolk slashed at the bound origins, their naming conventions have remained since
sahuagin’s throat. Rancid, fish-like blood poured from the their arrival.
wound as the sea devil gurgled.
The adamantine claw walked Penguinfolk do not have clan or family names, and each
on, not even taking time to watch the creature die as he name is typically intended to be unique (though coincidence
searched for new
adversaries. often dictates otherwise). When a name is chosen for a chick,
the sound made by a long and high pitched “ee” is the norm.
Penguinfolk Female names resemble those of males with the addition or
Maztican penguinfolk are barely recognizable as the replacement of an “a” at their conclusion.

annoying race of dohwar merchants that they might once

have been. Constantly under siege in a hostile world, they Names. Adeek (Adeeka), Bakeeree (Bakeera), Biteekie
have become shockingly efficient survivors. (Biteeka), Eekalee (Eekela), Jikee (Jika), Muteekee (Muteeka),
Rakeet (Rakeeta), Riteek (Riteeka), Tookreet (Tookreeta),
Deceptive Ferocity Vahteek (Vahteeka).
Beyond the strength they have been given through their Penguinfolk Traits
contact with the Crystal Skulls, the fact that almost all of Your dohwar character has a number of inborn traits that are
their enemies underestimate the penguinfolk gives them a common to all members of the race.
great advantage in battle. Age. Penguinfolk mature early (reaching adulthood at 14)
Enemies find it difficult to understand how but you tend to live only until the age of 50, with rare elders
anthropomorphic penguins flying on winged tapirs could be reaching 75.
such a deadly threat usually only until it is too late. Size. Penguinfolk adults typically range from
4 to 5 feet
Almost all penguinfolk are taught to fight from a young age. tall and average about 120 lb. Your size is Medium.
The most aggressive typically choose to become Speed. Your walking speed is 25 ft and your swim speed is
deathsquealers, the most agile become adamantine claws 40 ft.
and the charismatic or introspective are
indoctrinated into Limited Amphibiousness. You can hold your breath for up
the secretive society of warlocks. to ten minutes at a time.
Few other brands of warrior exist, but in most cases, this Flippers. As penguinfolk, you have very clumsy hands and
deadly trio is enough. cannot wield normal weapons without
suffering disadvantage
Faithless on attacks if you must use your hands to weirld them.
Exotic Metabolism. You are incapable of becoming
When the dohwar first came to Maztica, they were not known intoxicated and have an inborn resistance to all poisons.
for their piety, and it was only a few short centuries after their Weega Training. You are proficient in the use of a weega
arrival that the whole of Maztica was transported to the which is exempt from the disadvantage you suffer from your
godless world of Abeir. flippers.
Needless to say, the penguinfolk still have faith in very
little. It is likely this void that has allowed the Crystal Skulls
of the Batrachi to gain such a foothold on their society. The
warlocks in particular believe the skulls to be at least semi-
divine, a falsity that is encouraged by the manipulative

Light Falling
Optional Traits
At 10th level, you instinctively learn to use your body to slow
falls so that they no longer cause damage. This ability works
The following traits are optional and you may only
want to use them if you believe individiual races
as long as you are conscious.
have alignment tendencies and advantages to Extended Strike
specific statistics.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score

At 15th level, despite your stature, while riding your tapir,
increases by 2 and your Wisdom increases by 1.

your reach increases to 10 ft while attacking with a weega

Alignment. Penguinfolk run the full gamut of
and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you fly
alignments without any special preference for
out of reach.
over the other. However, as a deathsquealer, you
tend to be chaotic, as adamantine claws, you tend
Peerless Defender
to be both lawful and neutral and as a warlock, you At 18th level, if you are fighting in defense of allies, you are
are generally either chaotic neutral or chaotic evil. extraordinarily difficult to put down. If you drop to 0 hit
points, you may make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to
drop to 1 hp instead and continue the fight.
You may use this ability once between short and long rests.
New Subclasses Adamantine Claw
Maztican penguinfolk almost universally belong to one of the
three subclasses below, though there are
known to be The Crystal Skulls of the Batrachi have a vested interest in
occasional rogues (a holdover from their space bound the penguinfolk and despite their selfish purposes, they have
culture), barbarians, bards and
rarely clerics. Wizardry is all done remarkably well at keeping them safe. One of their first
but unknown and sorcerers are actively oppressed by the actions was to impart
knowledge of an ancient monastic
In fact, should penguinfolk be found outside of tradition that hearkens back to the time of the batrachi
Bareega’s influence, it is often an exile that has
manifested themselves.
such powers. Painfully, the penguinfolk are instructed to file down their
The deathsquealer is a martial archetype, the adamantine flippers until only sharpened bone remains, and these newly
claw is a monastic tradition and theCrystal Skulls are used as created “claws” are then coated in liquid adamantine. After
a patron for warlocks. years of training, the adamantine claw becomes a fearsome
attacker whose appearance belies incredible agility and
Deathsquealer martial prowess.
The deathsquealer is a near suicidal fighter who cares little Martial Arts/Phantom Attack
for the chaos they cause on the battlefield or the loss of their All penguinfolk monks who undergo the painful and
own lives. This tradition is the longest known for the transformative process of bonding adamantine to their bone
penguinfolk and while they were once considered “insane” by can use their claws as a monk weapon. Their claws also
their peers, the deathsquealer has become an honored score a critical hit against all objects due to the adamantine
warrior class in the True World. sheen.
Using 1 ki point, you may slash with your claws and cause
damage from a maximum range of 30 ft at 3rd level. This
At 3rd level, you are given a flying tapir as your mount and attack works exactly as if the target had been standing within
greatest companion. You and the beast become bonded in a 5 ft of the adamantine claw, but the wounds simply appear on
ritual that takes a full 8 hours. You add your proficiency the target on a successful attack.
bonus to the tapir’s AC, attack rolls, damage rolls and four
times that amount to its hit points.
The flying tapir cannot speak, but it understands both
verbal commands and subtle movements of your body. While
you are in physical contact with the tapir (riding the tapir, for
example), silence does not affect your ability to control its
movements. You can use a bonus action to command it to
take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action.
Should your flying tapir be killed, you must repeat the ritual
to bond with another.
Reckless Attack
Starting at 7th level, you can throw aside all concern for
defense to attack with fierce desperation as the barbarian
ability of the same name. When you make your first attack on
your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives
you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength
during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage
until your next turn.

Immune to Pain The realm is crystalline and beautiful, but you can only
The pain that is first inflicted by applying adamantine to the remain within it for a maximum of an hour without suffering
body certainly dulls after the initial process, but it never damage.
disappears fully. As a result, by 6th level, the adamantine claw At the start of every additional ten minutes you remain in
becomes immune to any negative effects caused by pain. the sanctuary, you take 2d8 psychic damage that bypasses the
resistance granted by this class at 10th level.
Staggering Attack You may take as many as 6 additional Medium sized
At 11th level, you can use 3 ki points as a bonus action to creatures with you, but they begin taking the psychic damage
infuse your claws with the same effects as a staggering smite after 30 minutes (also in ten minute intervals). The Crystal
spell. For the next minute, your claws are charged with this Skulls are not welcoming to others in
their demesne.
ability and if you successfully strike an opponent you deal an You may use this ability once between short and long rests.
additional 4d6 psychic damage.
In addition, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw Psychic Resistance
equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
modifier. At 10th level, the crystalline lattice of the skulls protects your
On a failed save, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and mind from psychic damage. You
gain resistance to psychic
ability checks, and can’t take reactions until the end of its damage.
next turn. Crystal Banishment
Adamantine Body Starting At 14th level, you may force others to enter the
At 17th level, the adamantine in your claws infuses your crystalline extradimensional realm. As an action, you choose
whole body and you gain the immunity normally afforded by a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must
adamantine armor. Any critical hit which strikes you becomes make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save
a normal hit. DC. On a failed save, it is sent to this realm for 1 minute or
until your concentration is broken.
Crystal Skulls Patron The creature also takes 6d8 psychic damage as the
intelligences of the skulls attack the creature's mind. At the
Your patron is an intelligent, ancient artifact that holds vast end of the minute, the creature returns to its original
knowledge of a civilization long lost
to time and catastrophe. position. You may use this ability once between short and
Your patron has undoubtedly selfish motivations, but the long rests.
power that it affords you is more than worth it.
Expanded Spell List New Monster
The Crystal Skulls let you choose from an expanded list of The flying tapir is a new monster closely involved with the
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells penguinfolk and particularly the deathsquealers.
are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
Flying Tapir
1st disguise self, false life
The flying tapir is an important part of penguinfolk culture
and when penguinfolk are met outside of Bareega, they
2nd darkvision, levitate generally can be found riding one of these creatures.
3rd stinking cloud, water breathing
Evolved Swine. The flying tapir was once a creature
known as “space swine” when the dohwar were a spacefaring
4th confusion, control water race of merchants. Though they are not entirely identical in
5th dominate person, telekinesis
appearance, in the True World
the tapir is closest in
resemblance to these creatures and they have adopted the
local name.
Psychic Sickness Interestingly, after nearly three centuries of selective
Starting at 1st level, the Crystal Skulls imbue you with some breeding, the flying tapir snouts are beginning to elongate,
of their ability to cause others to become sick in your and their appearance is beginning to fall more in line with
presence. their namesake.
As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-foot Of course, the tapir’s wings are completely unique to these
radius originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw swine, and they are powerful enough to carry most riders of
against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail medium size.
their saving throws are all nauseated by you until the end of Bonded Mount. The deathsquealers have formed what
your next turn. might be considered an entire subculture within the
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you penguinfolk. They are insane risk takers to the point of being
finish a short or long rest. considered suicidal in their reckless attacks, but the one
thing they are cautious about is protecting their mounts.
Extradimensional Sactuary A deathsquealer whose mount is killed will mourn the loss
At 6th level, you may use an action to create a door to the of their companion more than the closest of family members.
extradimensional realm where the consciousnesses of the The deathsquealers are not the only penguinfolk who use
Crystal Skulls reside. flying tapirs as mounts, but only they share a mystical bond
with the creature.

New Weapon - Weega

The weega is the weapon most often used by penguinfolk
which compensates for their lack of ability in wielding
weapons such as swords or macuahuitl.
The weega has some similarities to a sword, but there is
no handle. Instead, tight leather straps are woven through
the base of a blade. The straps are secured around the face
and beak of a penguinfolk warrior, and the wielder can
either jab or slash with a variety of quick neck motions.
A weega has no value to other races and can only be used
by penguinfolk (or dohwar). It can be used as either a
slashing or piercing weapon and in either case does 1d8
Most weega forged in Bareega are adamantine and score
a critical hit on objects.


The Penguinfolk Author

Jon Hild

Cover Art
Joel Amat Guell  

of Maztica

Dyson Logos 

Page 5 Art
Small, but ferocious. The Penguinfolk of the Piotr Herla

cliffside settlement of Bareega are not to be

Additional Art
trifled with. All additional art was found on, and is part of the Public
Domain or was created by the author using stock
Though they might have once been a race of artworks and modified using
spacefaring merchants, these folks have learned
to survive in a hostile world.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand,
Certainly, their aquisition of a poweful and
Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all
sentient artifact has had no small part to play in other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards
their survival, but at what cost? of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of
Wizards of the Coast. This material is
Cover Art by Joel Amat Guell protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any reproduction or
unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the
©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box
707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA.
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