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Name: Francell Shane L.

Marilla Course&Section: BSED SCI 2B


Direction: Evaluate the eight (8) Weaknesses of the Filipino character as shown below by

arranging them from most to least according to extremity, and give at least two

(2) real-life situations for EACH weakness based on your experience and/or

from someone in your community.


Real-Life Situations Examples:
 I had a classmate before way back on my elementary days where our adviser was
her relative. Even though she was doing nothing, she was able to be part of the
honour roll because of her relative which is our adviser.
 My cousin shared this to me when he was applying for a job in a company here in
Tacloban because he has already his own family, so he needs to find a job to sustain
them. While he was at the venue, he encountered different applicants and one
person who caught his attention is the applicant whose family name is the same with
the interviewer. It is like he was watching a family get together even because it
seems like the interviewer forgot that they have too many applicants for that day.
The guy whose surname is the same with the interviewer was accepted after being
asked of his bloodline like his grandmother, mother, father etc. and when the
interviewer found out that they are relatives, he is immediately hired for the job.
When it is my cousin’s turn to hand is application, the interviewer told him that he
will call him if he is accepted. By that, my cousin realized that here in the Philippines
it is manifested that blood is thicker than water.

Real-Life Situations Examples:
 I have a friend whom I gave chocolates in Valentines Day because she had no
boyfriend that time and she thanked me, but she told me that is it only chocolates
that you will give me. I felt shocked and sad at the same time because I save my
money so that I can give something to her so that she will feel that she is special to

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