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Business English lessons 2

1. Lazy susan –餐桌上的转盘

2. Hot potato 烫手山芋

---gun control is a political hot potato.
--what’s eating you? 你怎么了,闷闷不乐的?

3. LOL-laughing out loud 笑死我了

4. It suits me fine.正合我意

5. Monday morning meeting to kick off the week.

(1) Let us get down to business. 进入正题

(2) Looks like everybody’s settled in. 看起来大家都坐好了,准备好了。Shall we?

(3) Just to make sure we are all on the same page. 确认下大家都知道了。

(4) Any thoughts on that ? 大家怎么看?有什么想法吗?

(5) Looks like we are all caught up. 看来大家都清楚这件事情了。

(6) Now let us move on to …

(7) Now let us move on to where are we on the new product launch.

(8) We will get right on that.我们马上开始

(9) I really like the sound of that, I like the idea. I need a game plan.(计划)

(10)Get it off the ground 把想法实施

(11) I am with you on that.

(12) I hear you 有道理,我明白

(13)I hear you, but just from the financial perspective, I cannot see how this is gonna fit into our

(14) We had a great week last week. Let us pick up where we left off. 继续努力
(15) Good work !

(16) Im sorry to cut you off.抱歉打断你

(17)I’d like to make a point. 我想说一点

(18)Are you for or against this proposal ?

I’d like to set up a brief meeting (phone call) with you for further discussion if you are interested.
I will be available from 10am to 5pm any day for the rest of the week. Pls let me know your

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