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The owner was so amazed and touched by the change in her dog that she began to cry. It is difficult to argue this change was a “placebo ef- fect.” The vast number of similar scenarios witnessed by veteri- narians explains the popularity of The Yuen Method amongst this professional group. You Are the Expert As you continue to improve on a regular basis, the improvements make you an expert, at least, first with yourself. When you are an ex- pert in achieving results for yourself, you will be an expert for others. This is true because, for most people, you are your own worst patient and critic. You don’t have to position and proclaim yourself as an expert, be- cause when you can change what needs to be changed in a matter of seconds, you are the expert. You are not going to mistakenly think that you are the only one that can do this and that no one else can. It isn’t like that at all. There is no conversion in belief or epiphany. You want others to also know, acknowledge, recognize and accept your results when they witness or experience it and realize that anyone can learn to do this. We proclaim we are ahead of the curve because we have decades of thorough experience in achieving results. As a doctor of chiropractic for more than twenty-five years, Dr. Yuen has countless patients and consulting clients from around the globe that came to him because of his experience and results, rather than from advertisement and marketing strategies. You will achieve results, whether they’re personal, professional, or involve business. You can even have a new purpose and career if you desire one. You will bring benefits to any business, to any individual and to your own and anyone’s family. You just do it, and your purpose is changing people for the better, improving people, improving businesses, improving society and im- proving the world in general. That will be your career, if you choose to do so. It’s all about directing people to improve themselves. Gaining experiences of doing this, each time you improve others, essentially you’re improving yourself, because that improvement also connects back to you as the source. Also, having weaknesses that are similar to your patients’ or clients’ makes you stronger to your own weaknesses when you strengthen their weaknesses. When you strengthen other people’s weakness to deletion, you be- come stronger yourself to resonate with the speed of deletion. Fre- quently, this boggles the minds of others. When you delete all the ac- cumulated effects from your body, mind and spirit, in whatever order the weaknesses come up, then you will improve your body, mind and spirit. You will become your own self-expert, exceeding any of your own expectations. Chapter Three Common Questions & Problems The Question Is, “How Do You Put a Quick Thought on the Midline?” Think of your body’s MIDLINE again, a nonphysical vertical line that divides your body from left to right or right to left. Locate and place your thought there. This strengthens you for any weaknesses you generally have. This may be temporary or permanent depending on the luck of the draw or random chance. Initially, as an exercise, you have placed your thought on your MIDLINE to become acquainted with it. As you be- come familiar with this procedure, the speed increases naturally and any weaknesses connected to FAST, NOT FAST, SLOW, NOT SLOW become strengthened, further enhancing your speed. To maximize your speed, you must be NEUTRAL for the following choices: To Become Faster: 1. Fast 2. Not Fast 3. Slow 4. Not Slow 5. Neutral SPEED PENTAGON Being neutral is a state in which you are completely unaffected by items one through four on the list. It’s OK to be fast and just as OK to be not fast. It’s OK to be slow and just as OK to be not slow. This frees you from the previous judgment and bias of the mind where any situation such as “fast/not fast” is categorized as “good/bad.” These kinds of mind categorizations prevent neutrality and the ability to differentiate strong verses weak. By strengthening yourself to items one through five on the list, you will automatically become faster because you have stopped your mind from interfering by secretly letting yourself know that you are too slow or not fast enough. The Question Is, “Can This Method Improve Relationships?” With more experience of strengthening the accompanying weak- nesses, you will naturally FEEL these weaknesses in others. We have already discussed working on your children’s weaknesses. When you work on your own weaknesses, as well, you definitely will improve the rapport with your children. The same can be said for your parents and your mate. This is also your process to improve people who are not family mem- bers and build high levels of RELATIONSHIPS with them, ones that weren't previously possible. Just improving others will strengthen RELATIONSHIPS with them. People will feel this on the SUBCON- SCIOUS and NON-CONSCIOUS levels. The CONSCIOUS level may require additional strengthening to create a faster rapport that may be delayed if this level is weak. There can be physical, mental or spiritual relationships, which may be challenging. The word or thought of “challenge,” itself, may feel weak if it is a problem and/or a question. When there is no weak- ness, then “challenging” is not a problem and needs no strength- ening. ¢ You can improve RELATIONSHIPS that may have previously seemed impossible. You will resolve RELATIONSHIP problems and questions that are presented to you. ¢ This can be a RELATIONSHIP that involves you and another or you and a group. * This can be a RELATIONSHIP that involves you and yourself. ¢ This can be a RELATIONSHIP between others that only involves other people, rather than you. Note: 1. A problem is synonymous to a question. 2. A question is synonymous to a problem. You might wonder why a question is synonymous to a problem. Let’s take a simple question, “Why the heck is it raining again?” While this question doesn’t indicate a life disabling or even a seriously dis- turbing problem, nonetheless, it does signify that something about rain bothers you to some extent. You will probably find some weak- nesses relating to rain and if you don’t, then this question simply is masking something else that is really bothering you. This is true for every question that arises in your mind, no matter how insignificant the question might seem. As regards relationships, you might question the attitude or behavior of someone else, such as, “Why is my three-year old still throwing things?” Another common example of questioning an action is, “Why does my husband forget to take out the garbage?” While your child or husband might have a problem indicated by their actions, your ques- tion definitely indicates you have some difficulty (problem) dealing with such conduct. Whenever you query into what someone else is doing, you must find and strengthen your own weaknesses to the situation as presented by your question. As human beings, you will find yourself mentally questioning, doubt- ing, criticizing or objecting to various scenarios every day, so many, in fact, that on some days they are almost too numerous to count. If anything stronger than a mild emotion or frustration accompanies these thoughts, you would do well to correct your underlying asso- ciated weaknesses rather than justifying such reactions or ques- tioning another’s behavior. To simplify the process of identifying a problem/question more pre- cisely, understand that it’s often a MISINTERPRETATION that is the problem and question. MISINTERPRETATION can be from a person, from others, and/or from the collective MISINTERPRETATION. Often, the experts MISINTERPRET more than anyone else. Remem- ber, the wrong answer is the MISINTERPRETATION, which makes the problem worse, in addition to not resolving it. We are taught to “believe” that experts have appropriate answers, when in reality they don’t. When an expert gives you the answer and if it is the right answer, the right answer has its own energy accom- panied with it to resolve the problem immediately, not in the distant future. It is vital that you pinpoint the right answer to match any life problem and question. It can even be a life and death situation. If not, you will have continuous questions without answers. This creates more prob- lems as previously noted. Once again, to reiterate, the first step in the process is separating feeling by itself, without any emotions and thinking connected to it. Without emotion and/or thinking distortions, you can FEEL what is STRONG and what is WEAK. The weakness indicates the right an- swer. 1. You mentally feel what is strong or weak. 2. You physically feel what is strong or weak. When it’s a physical feeling, you still aren’t required to physically touch someone to feel what is strong and what is weak. You can eventually physically feel as accurately and quickly as you can men- tally feel. However, don’t prolong the feeling in your body. Ideally, the feeling is for a short duration of time. In a matter of seconds, you will know exactly what the person said and whether there’s a weakness or there’s not a weakness associated with it. Ideally, this can even take one second or less. The Question Is,” How Do You Tell the Difference Between Strong and Weak?” When you’re tensing your body, that is the baseline for physical strength, and after you let go of the tension, that initial lack or less strength is the physical weakness. When you synchronize your thought to these physical strengths and weaknesses, you can easily feel the difference mentally between strength and weakness. When you involve your body in this process, you will physically feel it. Again, detecting no weakness means this is not where the problem is located, even if it is sensed there. For example, where you sense pain on your body, this location is never where the pain is coming from. Just to repeat this crucial statement: The pain is never coming from the area where you think you sense the pain. This is true even when you think that you have directly injured the area or even fractured a bone, torn a cartilage, or injured a tendon, ligament, or muscle. The pain you sense always comes from somewhere else other than the site of the pain, injury, or illness, whether intentional or by accident. Another Common Question Is, "How Does One Access a Weakness?” The question has been answered by previous discussion. Without this initial step, you just can’t go forward with this process of achiev- ing PERCEPTION and INTUITION, which in turn forms your IN- SIGHT. Establish your baseline of strength and weakness. Then you can al- ways access a weakness when you choose to do so by the compar- ison of strength with weakness. To Recap The Previous Process: Strength is established by tensing your body for one or two seconds. Remember how that feels. Then let go of that tension. This is a different feeling. This second feeling, the feeling of letting go of the tension is the weakness.

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