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Reality shows are becoming more and more important on today’s TV. They are entertaining.

they give many spaces for creativity. My favorite reality shows are shows about design and art. I
also enjoyed Glow up, a reality show about make up. I watched three seasons.

However, there are some things that are not good about reality shows. For example, sometimes
they are not very realistic. Also, I think that letting the public vote for the winner is a bad strategy.
In most cases it’s not fair. Another thing is that I don’t like when the participants tell their sad life
stories to win the public over. I think it’s unnecessary.

I really enjoy watching reality shows. They are a good form of entertainment. I prefer the shows
that have a specific topic and a limited structure. In these shows there is no time for the
participants to tell their life stories. Finally, I think that realities should have in their challenges
activities that help the community and give jobs to the participants.

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