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As Louisians, how will you embody the following in preparation for your future profession/career:

A. SLC Vision and Mission. Cite at least two (2) concrete examples. (10 points)

B. Core Values. Cite the three (3) core values. Give at least two (2) concrete examples for each core
value. (30 points)

A. As a Louisian, I will embody the values of collective growth now, so I am able to learn more and
grow so that when I become a professional, so I can serve well and be able to inspire students to
always put God first in everything so that he may guide us and be able to become whatever that
we’re passionate about.
B. Christ-Centeredness, Excellence and Missionary. Making Christ as the center of all the things we
do is a must for us to be successful we need Christ, thus making him part or center of our plan.
Excellence is or will be shown once we did something that stands out and inspiring. Missionary,
as a Louisian my mission is to uphold and embody Christ and be Role model to my fellow
students so that we may grow and learn through Christ and through Christ will be our Success.

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