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4 Processes by which a river can transport material:
Traction, Saltation, Suspension and Solution
4 Processes by which a river can erode its banks and bed:
Attrition, Hydraulic Action, Corrasion and Corrosion
A river will deposit material when a river lacks enough energy to carry its load. Deposition may occur during a dry spell when a
river’s discharge and velocity drop or when a current slows down.
Waterfalls form when rivers meet a band of softer, less resistant rock after flowing over a
relatively hard, resistant rock. The underlying softer rock is worn away more quickly and the
Area of
harder rock is undercut. In time the overlying harder rock will become unsupported and will Area of Deposition Erosion
collapse. After its collapse some of the rock will be swirled around by the river especially during
times of high discharge to form a deep plunge pool. This process is likely to be repeated many
times causing waterfalls to retreat upstream and leaving a steep-sided gorge. Slope


Gorge Current Current is

Soft is faster slower on the
Rock on the inside causing
outside deposition
Why is erosion and deposition taking place: When a river reaches a meander, most water is directed towards the
outside of the bend, this reduces friction and increases the velocity of the river at this point. The river therefore
has more energy to transport material in suspension. This material will erode the river bank by corrasion. The
bank will be undercut, collapse and retreat to leave a small river cliff. The river is now eroding through lateral,
not vertical erosion. Meanwhile, as there is less water on the inside of the bend, there is also be a decrease in
velocity. As the river loses energy it begins to deposit some of its load. This material builds up to form a gently
sloping slip-off slope.

How an Ox-bow lake is formed: Continual erosion on the outside bends results in the neck of the meander
Plunge getting narrower until, usually at a time of flood, the river cuts through the neck and shortens its course. The
Pool fastest current will now be flowing in the center of the channel and deposition will be more likely next to the
banks. The original meander will be blocked off to leave a crescent-shaped ox-bow lake.

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