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SéNo: $63. /2022/CV-SSIAMPC Viv vet han mie div ne Ref. Excess of investment tinit Ha Noi, ngay 07 thang 11 nam 2022 Hanoi, 07 November 2022 CONG BO THONG TIN TREN CONG THONG TIN DIEN TU CUA UY BAN CHUNG KHOAN NHA NUOC DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON PORTAL OF THE STATE SECURITIES COMMISION Kinh git/To: Uy Ban Ching Khoan Nha Nuve The State Securities Commission Cong ty/Name of the Company: Cong Ty TNHH Quin Ly Quy SSVSSI Asset Management Company Limited. Tru sé chinh/Address: Tang 5, Tda nha s6 1C Ng6 Quyén, Phuémg Ly Thai TS, Quan Hoan Kiém, Floor, Building IC Neo Quyen, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Dign thoai/Telephone: (+84-24) 3936 6321 Fax: (+84-24) 3936 6337. ‘Ngudi thyc hign cng bé thong tin/The authorized person to disclose information: V6 Thiy Linh. Chite vw/Position: Pho Téng Giém Bée/COO Dja chi/Address: Tang 5, Toa nha sé 1C Ng6 Quyén, Phuong Ly Thai T8, Quin Hoan Kiém, Ha NGiiS" Floor, Building IC Ngo Quyen, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. Dign thoai co quan/Telephone: (+84-24) 3936 6321, miy le 1688/ext, 1688. Fax: (+84-24) 3936 6337. Loai théng tin cng bé/ Type of disclosed information: 2124 gidvhours O72 gitvhours 0 Bat thudng/Irregular O Yéu cdwOn demand Dinh ky/Regular Noi dung thdng tin cong bé/Disclosed information: Quy Dau Tu Trai Phiéu SSI (SSIBF) céng bé théng tin nhur sau: SSI Bond Fund (SSIBF) armounces as follow = TSng gic tri du tu (tién g6c va lai dy thu) cla Quy vio ede tai san phat hanh bai ede ¢Bng ty trong cling mét nhém c6ng ty ¢6 quan hé sérhitu voi nhau vot ty 1g 30% ting eid tr i sn cua Quy. Total investment amount (principal amount and proposed acrued interest) of the Fund to assets issued by companies in the same group exceeded of 30% total asset values of the Fund. = Nguyén nhéin: do thank todn Iénh bin chimg chi qu cho nha dau tw nén tng gid tr tai san ctia Quy sut gid Reason: due fo the payment of redemption orders of investors, the total asset value of the Fund is decreased. = Nady niin bidt vugt mite han ché: tai ky dinh gid ngay 07/11/2022. Time of discovery of the matters: at valuation date 07/11/2022. ‘Thong tin nay dat due cOng bé tren trang thOng tin din ti ca Quy SSIBF vo ngdy 07/11/2022 tai duimg din hitps:/www.ssi,com,vn/ssiam/cong-bo-thongctin-ssibf. 1 ASSET MANAGEMENT ey A hits This information was disclosed on SSIBF’s Portal on — 07/11/2022 at huips:/hwwww.ssi.com_vnlen/ssiam/fund-announcements-ssibt. Chting 10i xin cam két cde thong tin cOng b6 trén day 1a déing sur that va ho’n toan chiu trich nhigm trude php ludt ve i dung cae thong tin da céng bd. We undertake that all information provided herein is true and we shall be legally responsible for the disclosed information, CONG TY TNHH QUAN LY QUY SSI & SSI ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED $6 Uohay Link £

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