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Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

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Environmental variables and distribution data support the preliminary

conservation status of a trapdoor spider in a transformed coastal ecosystem
Rodrigo M. Barahona-Segovia a, b, *, Rubén Montenegro c, Rodrigo González G. d
Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Biodiversidad, Universidad de Los Lagos, Av. Fuschlöcher 1305, Osorno, Chile
Centro de Estudios en Ecología Espacial y Medio Ambiente – Ecogeografía, Santiago, Chile
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile
Tarántulas de Chile Citizen Science Program, Chile


Keywords: Mediterranean coastal ecosystems are major tourist destinations that support intensive real estate business de­
Actinopodidae velopments. However, these areas are also important as biodiversity hotspots. Coastal spiders have been poorly
Coquimbo region studied as indicators of habitat disturbance, especially those that depend on certain environmental variables.
Maximum temperature
Plesiolena bonneti is a trapdoor spider that exclusively inhabits the coastal areas of central Chile (i. e., the
Real estate business
Relative humidity
Coquimbo region, 29◦ 57′ S, 71◦ 20′ W), intensely affected by habitat loss due to urbanization associated with
Tourism tourist destinations. The main aim of this work was to establish, preliminary, the conservation status of P. bonneti
supported by different environmental variables that define the activity period and occurrence of P. bonneti males
and its distribution area. Trapdoor spiders are rare and difficult to observe in the field. and therefore, we used
datasets obtained from citizen science to establish the period of activity, and environmental variables (maximum
temperature, relative humidity, and month of observation) as predictors of its occurrence. Moreover, since it
lives in an area perturbed by urbanization, we propose a preliminary conservation status using the IUCN Red List.
We found that the species is observed significantly more in the austral autumn and that its occurrence (65 % of
variability through Akaike weight) depends on maximum temperatures of 17 ◦ C and relative humidity above 90
%. Its current distribution is mainly coastal, between the Atacama and Coquimbo regions. We propose that this
species should be considered a vulnerable species. The increased observation of male P. bonneti post-rains may be
driven by a physiological response to avoid water loss, which would coincide with the reproductive period. As
the largest number of records are observed in coastal urban areas, we propose two simple management measures:
the creation of nature reserves within the city, and an educational program for this spider.

1. Introduction and how they respond to urbanization have been intensively researched
(Drius et al., 2019; Liquete, Piroddi, Macías, Druon, & Zulian, 2016).
Coastal urban development in Mediterranean biomes has increased Although spiders are perceived as biological indicators of coastal
exponentially over time (Barragán & de Andrés, 2015). These changes in change in the land, this role has rarely been assessed for this biome
land use impact deeply on ecological processes and biodiversity, and are (Bidegaray-Batista et al., 2017; Ghione, Simó, Aisenberg, & Costa, 2013;
a major threat to all Mediterranean coastal biomes (González, Seer, ElBalti, Schrautzer, & Irmler, 2015). Spiders show high fidelity for
Yáñez-Navea, & Muñoz, 2014; Kaniewski et al., 2013; Underwood, specific habitat resources or environmental conditions and have small
Viers, Klausmeyer, Cox, & Shaw, 2009). Hotels, secondary housing, and home ranges and distributions (Bidegaray-Batista et al., 2017; Seer et al.,
other buildings for tourism and recreational activities have promoted 2015.) Over time, many authors in different ecosystems have associated
coastal urbanization, and are main drivers in the native coastal habitat complexity (e.g., vegetation diversity) as a main predictor of
ecosystem transformation (Burak, Dogan, & Gazioglu, 2004; González & richness or abundance of spider communities (Bowden & Buddle, 2010;
Holtmann-Ahumada, 2017; Paskoff & Manriquez, 1999). In addition, Carvalho et al., 2015; Jiménez-Valverde & Lobo, 2007; Rypstra, 1986).
coastal ecosystem services and biodiversity in Mediterranean biomes However, some environmental variables are key to habitat-specialized

* Corresponding author at: Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Biodiversidad, Universidad de Los Lagos, Av. Fuschlöcher 1305, Osorno, Chile.
E-mail address: (R.M. Barahona-Segovia).
Received 18 January 2021; Received in revised form 20 February 2021; Accepted 24 February 2021
Available online 28 February 2021
1617-1381/© 2021 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
R.M. Barahona-Segovia et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

spider groups, such as mygalomorph spiders (Campbell & Engelbrecht, Varas-Belemmi, 2020; Carranza et al., 2020; González &
2018). This group possesses high surface-volume ratio and, therefore, Holtmann-Ahumada, 2017; González et al., 2014; Paskoff & Manriquez,
they are vulnerable to environmental changes (Nentwig, 2012). Canals 1999). Two genera of trapdoor spiders inhabit these ecosystems: Mis­
et al. (2011) and Mason, Tomlinson, Withers, and Main (2013) deter­ sulena and Plesiolena. Missulena is represented in Chile by M. tussulena
mined that higher temperatures and low relative humidity in the air Goloboff (1994), while Plesiolena is an endemic genus, restricted to
influence water loss via evaporation in mygalomorphs. Therefore, spe­ Coquimbo region and is represented by two species: P. bonneti Zapfe
cific environmental conditions predict activity patterns and occurren­ (1961; Fig. 1) and P. jorgelina Goloboff (1994). For P. bonneti and
ce/abundance of mygalomorphs and increase their vulnerability. P. jorgelina the only localities in which they are found are those
Trapdoor spiders (Actinopodidae) are mygalomorphs that inhabit described by Goloboff (1994). Males of P. bonneti are easily recognizable
burrow nests whose outer opening is protected by an operculum artic­ because their abdomen has two large red maculae separated by a wide
ulate, offering protection against predators and microhabitat to main­ central black line (Goloboff, 1994). Natural history or ecology is
tain physiological conditions (Ferretti, Copperi, Schwerdt, & Pompozzi, completely absent for both genera. Recently, after seasonal rains during
2014; Grismado and Goloboff ;, 2014; Goloboff, 1994; Main, 2001; mid-autumn, citizens have reported that P. bonneti males disperse
Shillington, 2002). Juvenile and mature males of mygalomorphs through the landscape, especially in the remaining natural areas within
disperse short distances and females are mainly sedentary (Main, 2001). the Coquimbo-La Serena urban or semiurban lands. This behavior has
Many trapdoor spiders can live many time, reaching maturity after 6–7 also been reported by Ferretti, Pompozzi, Copperi, Pérez-Miles, and
years (Main, 2001). They are habitat-specialized and have small distri­ González (2012) and Goloboff and Platnick (1987) for other Argentinian
butional ranges (Bond, Beamer, Lamb, & Hedin, 2006; Bonte, Lens, & and Chilean mygalomorphs. In this work, we determine the baseline for
Maelfait, 2006; Coyle & Icenogle, 1994; Decae, Mammola, Rizzo, & the activity period and environmental drivers that could predict occur­
Isaia, 2019; Rix, Wilson, & Harvey, 2019; Vincent, 1993; Yáñez & rence/abundance, as well as distributional limits of P. bonneti, using
Floater, 2000). Considering the high pressure on coastal Mediterranean these data to propose a preliminary conservation status of this species in
biomes by urbanization and other human activities, spiders with a a coastal area transformed by urbanization in the Coquimbo region. Our
burrowing lifestyle, such as Actinopodidae, are vulnerable to habitat aims are
loss and more prone to extinction (Bond et al., 2006; Ferretti et al., 2014;
Yáñez & Floater, 2000). Currently, 159 spider species (only 0.32 % from (i) to assess the activity period of P. bonneti through time,
the total,) from 49,136 species described (World Spider Catalog, 2021) (ii) to match the occurrence of P. bonneti with environmental
are threatened under the IUCN Red List criteria. It can also be noted on predictors,
this list that the population of 45 species is decreasing, and the popu­ (iii) to identify and compare distributional limits of occupancy be­
lation trends for 112 species are unknown. Moreover, residential and tween different occurrence sources, and
commercial development threat to 22 % (n = 35) of spiders assessed (i. (iv) to assess the conservation status of this trapdoor spider species
e., VU + EN + CR). Spider assessment for the IUCN Red List is encour­ using the IUCN Red List criteria.
aged, although spatial and abundance data for many species are scarce.
Cardoso, Erwin, Borges, and New (2011) propose filling distributional 2. Material and methods
gaps in arthropods using citizen science and biodiversity repositories.
However, only some conspicuous species can be recognized with this 2.1. Study site
method (Hart, Nesbit, & Goodenough, 2018; Jiménez-Valverde,
Peña-Aguilera, Barve, & Burguillo-Madrid, 2019; Wang, Casajus, Plesiolena bonneti is endemic to the Coquimbo region (29◦ 54′ S,
Buddle, Berteaux, & Larrivée, 2018) including mygalomorphs (Camp­ 71◦ 15′ W; Fig. 2A) and is found mainly in coastal scrubland habitats
bell & Engelbrecht, 2018). Maes et al. (2015) reviewed the use of (Goloboff, 1994; Fig. 2B). We concentrated our search effort in this re­
opportunistic data taken from citizen science for the IUCN Red List gion and neighboring areas. The coastal scrubland ecosystem of
assessment and found that the distribution criterion (i.e., B1 or B2) was Coquimbo is a Chilean Mediterranean hotspot characterized by low
most used for different taxonomic groups. daily and annual temperatures due to maritime fog (Squeo, Arancio, &
Coquimbo coastal ecosystems are placed in the northern limit of the Novoa, 2005). In ancient times (from Pleistocene to last glaciation),
Mediterranean biome of Central Chile, with predominant semiarid vegetation was from sclerophyllous forest, mixed with scrubland
conditions. This region has experienced an increase in urbanization for (Gajardo, 1993). The Coquimbo region suffered M8.3 earthquake in
tourism, as well as other human activities, resulting in many socio- 2015, generating a tsunami that affected specific areas of biological
environmental conflicts (Aguilera, Tapia, Gallardo, Núñez, & interest and local cities (Chávez-Villavicencio, Tabilo-Valdivieso, &

Fig. 1. Male of Plesiolena bonneti Zapfe, 1961: (A) frontal view and (B) dorsal view. Photos: Diego Demangel and Victor Pastén.

R.M. Barahona-Segovia et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

Fig. 2. Distribution (alpha-hull model) based on observations of Plesiolena bonneti Zapfe, 1961 in (A) Atacama and Coquimbo regions, and (B) coastal Mediterranean
scrubland. Photo: Rubén Montenegro.

Jofré-Pérez, 2019; Contreras-López et al., 2017). Currently, endemic

Table 1
vegetation is composed of endangered trees, such as Myrcianthes
Social media groups surveyed for Plesiolena bonneti occurrences.
coquimbensis (Barneoud) Landrum & Grifo and Myrceugenia correifolia
(Hook. & Arn) O. Berg (García-Guzmán, Loayza, Carvajal, Letelier, & Group name Target N◦ Link
biodiversity volunteers
Squeo, 2012; Hechenleitner et al., 2005). Common endemic species are
Senna cummingii (Hook et Arn.) Irw. et Barneby and Echinopsis coquim­ Flora, Fauna & Many organisms +37,000 https://www.facebook.
Fungi de Chile com/groups/FloraFauna
bana (Molina) Friedich & Rowley as well as many herbaceous plant
species, such as Solanum spp. and Alstroemeria spp. (Fig. 2B). The Insectos de Chile Insects and +31,000 https://www.facebook.
Coquimbo Region, to date, has experienced a great expansion of ur­ arachnids com/groups/7779145
banization due to tourism (Carranza et al., 2020). This has led to the 22238618/
appearance of luxury resorts, vacation’s houses, industries related to Comunidad Insects and +25,000 https://www.facebook.
Entomológica arachnids com/groups/15669076
recreational activities and deregulated regional planning (Aguilera
Chilena 06922926/
et al., 2020; Barahona-Segovia, Núñez-Hidalgo, González-Césped, & Arañas de Chile Only arachnids +25,000 https://www.facebook.
Rojas-Osorio, 2019; García-Guzmán et al., 2012; González & com/groups/aranasdech
Holtmann-Ahumada, 2017; González et al., 2014). These have been the ile/
Insectos y Insects and https://www.facebook.
main drivers of Chilean coastal transformation. +11,000
Arácnidos arachnids com/groups/1926137
chilenos 24217649/
Tarántulas de Chile Only https://www.facebook.
2.2. Data collection
mygalomorphs com/groups/2762069
Plesiolena bonneti occurrences were obtained using citizen science
records from different social media and biodiversity repositories gath­
ered between 2014–2020. We used Facebook groups dedicated to collect proximity to urban centers were also corrected for their rarity, reported
opportunistic records of insect biodiversity or arachnids (Table 1). In by Zapfe (1961) and Goloboff (1994) and due to different field works on
addition, other records were added from biodiversity repositories, such its potential known distribution (see below). Thus, for each resulting
as iNaturalist or Ispot (supplementary material S1). Social media is used citizen science record we obtained for each observation: (1) the more
as a method to obtain species identification of different specimens accurately geographic location (or coordinates) as possible provided by
photographed in Chilean ecosystems and is supported by several tax­ volunteers. When the location provided is only the city (e.g., La Serena
onomists and parataxonomists (Barahona-Segovia, 2019; Jarić et al., or Coquimbo), we used the centroid of a triangle, using the points that
2020). We used the search engine of each Facebook group by using the surround the imprecise location as reference; (2) precise date of record
keywords “Plesiolena bonneti” AND “Plesionela bonneti” (misspelled (day/month/year) was consulted to each volunteer; (3) the original
name) OR “Plesiolena bonetti” (misspelled name) OR “Actinopodidae” photo, and (4) the number of spider individuals observed as a proxy for
OR “Migidae” OR “tarántula de lluvia” OR “araña de Lluvia.” The search abundance. We conducted follow-up contacts with citizen scientists to
by each Facebook group was conducted separately and by keywords obtain missing or reliable information, as well as natural history data,
using similar time (1 h per day, two days in the week, two times each when necessary, according to Devictor, Whittaker, and Beltrame (2010).
month). This standardized our data because it increased the probability We eliminated those records that were not responded. To ensure taxo­
of spatially and temporally randomizing the records. This avoids biases nomic identification, Rubén Montenegro (a Chilean Mygalomorph
related to the same volunteer taken photos, particular tourist destina­ taxonomist) validated the photos and assigned to the target species.
tions within the study area or to the summer periods. Potential biases in Records for the same specimen, but from different people, were
the frequency of this species in social media groups generated by excluded from the analysis (data records available in https://figshare.

R.M. Barahona-Segovia et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

com/s/5888733c2d33a69b87e9; DOI: occurrences and no seasonality pattern appeared. As the Rayleigh test
figshare.13697242). Environmental data for each opportunistic regis­ assumes a von Mises distribution, we probed temporary segregation of
ter were recorded. We used as a possible environmental predictor P. bonneti (i.e., higher frequency of individuals in some months than
maximum, mean and minimum temperatures, as well as the relative others) with a Watson U2, which was used to test the goodness-of-fit
humidity associated with each citizen science record, given that between von Mises and the observed distribution. We performed all
P. bonnetti males appear after the first rains in transitional coastal desert circular analysis with Oriana 4.0 (Kovach Computing Services, htt
areas. We obtained environmental variable values from meteorological p://, Anglesey, U.K.).
stations near occurrence records. Temperatures and relative humidity To compare the contribution of different data sources to AOO in the
were stored by day and month through years in distribution of P. bonneti, we used a chi-squared for given probabilities.
To assess whether the abundance observed is associated with environ­
2.3. Distribution and conservation assessment mental predictors, we performed a General Lineal Model (GLM) anal­
ysis. First, we applied an autocorrelation analysis between temperature
We assessed the distribution with Extent of Occurrence (EOO) and variables (i.e., maximum, minimum and mean). We assessed multi­
Area of Occupancy (AOO) using opportunistic records and then, we collinearity via pairwise Pearson r correlation analysis with ggplot and
complemented this information by conducting field samplings to detect corrplot packages in R software (R Development Core Team, 2019). We
the spider species. First, we evaluated EOO using minimum convex selected maximum temperature because this should affect mygalo­
polygons, which is characterized for containing all occurrences inside a morphs according to Canals et al. (2011). Later, we fitted the full model
polygon with internal angles not higher than 180◦ (IUCN, 2012). AOO is using Poisson error distribution because our data are counts and we
the sum of all grid cells of 2 × 2 km and is similar to those used by the applied the overdispersion test using AER package to the suitability of
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2012). We this model. However, overdispersion was alpha = 4.23 and therefore, we
selected three localities to sample: Chungungo (29◦ 26′ S, 71◦ 18′ W), used a negative binomial distribution error as final model. To construct
Huachalalume (29◦ 58′ S, 71◦ 13′ O) and Las Barrancas (29◦ 49′ S, candidate models, we used relative humidity (%) and maximum tem­
71◦ 18′ W). A local researcher manually searched burrows of P. bonneti, peratures (◦ C) for each occurrence recorded as main environmental
between stones and plants through linear transects of at least predictors, according to Canals et al. (2011) and Mason et al. (2013)
100 × 10 m until completing an area of 2000 to 5000 m2 of total because these traits trigger high activity in other mygalomorphs. We
coverage per locality. Each sampling lasted between four and six hours. used the subsets of each occurrence as a covariate. We selected the most
To ensure taxonomical classification (realized by R. Montenegro), bur­ adequate candidate models ranking through Akaike’s Information Cri­
rows and spider individuals were collected and counted. Due to move­ terion with small-sample correction (AICc), where the ΔAICc (i.e., rep­
ment restrictions between localities imposed by the Chilean government resents the difference between the better models with other candidates;
due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chungungo was replicated three times, Martensen, Pimentel, & Metzger, 2008), and AICc weight (i.e., repre­
while the other locations were repeated once each. All records (both sents the weight of evidence in favor of the best model; Burnham &
opportunistic and fieldwork) were referenced and mapped using ArcGIS Anderson, 2002). Subsequently, we assessed the goodness-of-fit of the
10.4.1. To assess the preliminary conservation status under the IUCN selected model by running a likelihood ratio test comparing it to the null
Red List criteria, we used the ConR package focused on B criterion model. We performed the analysis in R software using MASS, Matrix,
(Dauby et al., 2017). To assign conservation status, distribution can be nlme, MuMIn and averaging mode (R Development Core Team, 2019).
used for two pathways and thresholds: B1 using EOO values (Critically
endangered [CR] < 100 km2; Endangered [EN] < 5000 km2 and 3. Results
Vulnerable [VU] < 20,000 km2), and/or B2 using AOO values (CR < 10
km2; EN < 500 km2 and VU < 2000 km2). In addition, to meet conser­ 3.1. Activity period
vation status for B1 and B2, two of the three conditions are needed: (a)
severely fragmented or few localities (CR = 1; EN ≤ 5 and VU ≤ 10); b) Overall, we obtained 37 opportunistic records: 25 from Facebook
continuous decreasing, or (c) extreme fluctuations. We calculated the groups, 10 from biodiversity repositories, and two from the literature;
percentage of urbanization that currently covers the main population of however, only 30 presented all data required for validation. Plesiolena
P. bonneti, located between Coquimbo and La Serena cities, to obtain an bonneti occurrence record showed that 93.3 % (n = 28) were single
estimation of habitat loss and fragmentation. We limited this area to the spiders. Two volunteers reported several spiders (i.e., 15–20). The main
North and South between localities of Punta Teatinos and El Panul, activity period for Plesiolena bonneti was late May-June and therefore,
respectively, while to the East it was limited by the Pan de Azúcar lo­ occurrences are not distributed uniformly throughout time (z = 21.002;
cality and by the Pacific Ocean to the West, resulting in a core area of p < 0.0001). Moreover, the length mean vector = 0.88 and the proba­
418.86 km2 for P. bonneti. To calculate its, we used a satellite Landsat bility of observing individuals of P. bonneti in their habitat was higher in
image 2020 and Chilean land use cadaster and vegetation information June (Watson U2 = 1.328; p = 0.005; Fig. 3).
from CONAF (2014) to identify natural and urban areas in this period.
3.2. Occurrences and environmental predictors
2.4. Statistical analysis
The negative binomial error distribution was the best fit for our
We performed circular statistical analyses to know whether there are dataset with a log link function (AICc = 128.26, Akaike weight = >
temporal differences in occurrences among record sets. To calculate 0.997 compared to Poisson AICc = 183.49). GLM analysis revealed that
statistical parameters, we converted observation dates of trapdoor spi­ the most parsimonious models for observed abundance of P. bonneti
ders with citizen science into angles (commonly 30◦ each). However, were influenced mainly by the interaction between maximum temper­
since the records of the P. bonneti dates are not standardized, to avoid ature and relative humidity (Table 2; Table 3). The best-fitted model
this bias, we grouped the observations into three subsets of days per accounts for 65 % of the observed data (Table 2). Furthermore, the
month (at the beginning (1–10), the middle (11–20) and the end of second fitted model accounts for 23 % of the observed data (Table 2) and
month (21–30/31)), which allowed us to standardize this effect, trans­ was represented by an additive model between maximum temperature
forming the records into angles of six degrees for each subset (in total 12 and relative humidity. For the best model, the mean maximum tem­
bars; see figure in results). To probe whether spider occurrence is uni­ perature was 17.4 ± 0.62 ◦ C, whereas mean relative humidity was
formly distributed over the months, we used a Rayleigh test (z), where 91.02 ± 1.63 %. The abundance of burrows and adults of P. bonneti
the null hypothesis represented that the entire month had the same detected in the fieldwork was 0.003 burrows/m2 and 0.001 individuals/

R.M. Barahona-Segovia et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

[VU] B1ab (iii) + B2ab (iii).

4. Discussion

4.1. Environmental predictors and spider activity

Most observations of P. bonneti males, occurred in the austral

autumn-winter, similar to other South American Actinopodidae spiders
(Ferretti, Pérez-Miles, & González, 2010; Pérez-Miles, Costa, & Gudynas,
1993). In this period, sexually active males leave their nests to locate
mates after seasonal rains and are consistent with Ferretti et al. (2010).
Our results demonstrated that observed males are associated with daily
maximum temperatures (mean = 17.5 ◦ C) interacting with high mean
relative humidity (91.02 %). These results can correspond to an
ecophysiological response produced by seasonal rains that generate
Fig. 3. distribution of occurrences of Plesiolena bonneti Zapfe, 1961 using cir­ optimal environmental conditions to avoid high water loss rates. In
cular analysis. Circular dashed lines and number on them represent the number relation to this, Canals et al. (2011) and Mason et al. (2013) found that
of individuals recorded into each angle. (*) represents significant activity water loss by evaporation in mygalomorph spiders depends on high
(p < 0.05). Photo: Diego Demangel. temperatures in ecosystems with high environmental fluctuations. This
represents an environmental limit for the observation of these spider
m2, respectively, at the Huachalalume locality. In the remaining loca­ species through time. Recently, de Oca, Pérez-Miles, and Clavijo-Baquet
tions, no burrows or individuals of P. bonneti were found. (2020) showed that the reproductive period of mygalomorphs is con­
strained by thermal preferences and that these triggers the mate period
in males. Ecosystems with stable environmental temperatures, as the
3.3. Distribution and conservation status
Coquimbo region (influenced by the sea), can favor mygalomorphs
because they can maintain optimal temperatures and maximum per­
We found statistically significant differences in the AOOs provided
formance, as observed in other spiders (Alfaro et al., 2013). Optimal
by literature (at Herradura bay and north of La Serena) and biodiversity
environmental conditions can activate high metabolic rates and
repositories (χ2 = 14.4, df = 1, p = 0.0001) being the latter higher than
dispersal mechanisms. However, it is necessary to perform laboratory
historic dataset. We also found this difference in data provided by
experiments, as physiological performance test (e. g., speed time or
biodiversity repositories and Facebook groups (χ2 = 12.96, df = 1,
rollover speed test), at different controlled temperatures, as well as
p = 0.0003,) being social media higher than iNaturalist + ISpot. Finally,
thermal preferences in the field to prove this hypothesis.
we obtained statistically significant differences between Facebook
The central zone of Chile has decreased its rainfall between 20 and
groups and literature (χ2 = 47.36, df = 1, p < 0.0001) being social media
45 % from 2010 to the present, generating a mega drought of great
higher than historic AOO. We expanded the current distributionthank to
longevity, unprecedented and driven in part by anthropic factors (Gar­
citizen records by 105 km to the Northwest, to Caleta Sarco locality,
reaud et al., 2020). In addition, the gradual decrease in rainfall, even in
Atacama Region and by 34.35 km to the South, Las Cardas locality.
Trapdoor spiders were recorded in coastal areas or in coastal ranges with
maritime fog influence. Convex minimum polygon estimates (full data, Table 3
no time restriction) were for 2,268.5 km2 (EOO without sea) and for Effect of each parameter on observed abundance of Plesiolena bonneti. Estimates
AOO was only 72 km2. Natural and urban areas in the core of EOO (i.e., of the covariate coefficients, the unconditional standard errors and 2.5 % and
Coquimbo-La Serena) represent currently 319.19 km2 and 99.67 km2, 97.5 % confidence intervals (CI) (lower and upper limits, respectively) for all
respectively, with a habitat loss of 23.79 % (Fig. 4A) over six years covariates used in the GLM to explain P. bonneti observed abundance. Parame­
(2014–2020). Therefore, we considered habitat loss generated by ur­ ters and values in bold represent the most important parameters in the analyses.
banization as a main threat to this spider species (Fig. 4C-D). Following Covariates Estimate Standard error 2.5 % 97.5 %
the IUCN Red List criteria, this trapdoor spider meets the threshold to intecept 25.4833 14.3301 − 2.5980 53.5747
classify as vulnerable species using subcriteria B1 (2,268.5 km2 < 5000 tmax − 0.8788 0.5393 − 1.9358 0.1781
km2) and B2 (72 km2 < 100 km2). Localities displayed by ConR show 10 hum − 0.2442 0.1489 − 0.5361 0.0476
hum*tmax 0.0104 0.0046 0.0013 0.0195
localities (or six sub-populations); however, urbanization affect inten­
mon 3.0259 3.8538 − 4.5272 10.5792
sively to seven localities (Fig. 4). For both pathways, habitat quality is hum*mon ¡0.0677 0.0281 ¡0.1228 ¡0.0126
decreasing due to urbanization, considering that a big urban area is mon*tmax − 0.0833 0.0837 − 0.0756 0.2524
placed on the core of EOO, habitat fragmentation is increasing. We
hum = relative humidity; mon = month; tmax = maximum temperature.
propose a preliminary conservation status, which should be Vulnerable

Table 2
Candidate model set of P. bonneti abundance based on maximum temperature (tmax) as the main explanation and relative humidity (hum). Months (mon) were used as
covariates. Generalized linear models with a negative binomial distribution ordered according to AICc, with associated degrees of freedom (DF), number of parameters
in the model (k), AICc, ΔAICc, Akaike model weights, theta and Likelihood Ratio stats (χ2).
Candidate models K loglik AICc ΔAICc Weight χ2 DF GoF Theta

tmax + hum + (tmax*hum) 5 − 56.06 124.62 0.00 0.65 21.51 26 0.71 1.48
tmax + hum 4 − 58.55 126.69 2.08 0.23 23.49 27 0.65 1.23
hum 3 − 61.65 130.04 5.41 0.04 25.67 28 0.59 1.00
mon + hum + (mon*hum) 5 − 59.08 130.65 6.03 0.03 24.21 26 0.56 1.21
tmax 3 − 62.30 131.52 6.89 0.03 26.66 28 0.53 0.98
mon + hum 3 − 61.54 132.68 8.06 0.01 25.66 27 0.53 1.00
mon + tmax 4 − 61.59 132.79 8.17 0.01 26.20 27 0.50 1.03
mon + tmax + (mon*tmax) 5 − 60.87 134.24 9.62 0.01 25.94 26 0.46 1.09

R.M. Barahona-Segovia et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

Fig. 4. (A) Coquimbo-La Serena cities present urban (as proxy of habitat loss) and natural areas; (B) El Culebrón wetland as example of urban reserve inside the
Coquimbo city and (C-D) represent tourism impacts overlaid on the historical distribution of Plesiolena bonneti.

years where the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon is present, trapdoor spider could be high due to car or truck tires, the attack of
affects water availability in the next year (Álvarez-Garreton, Boisier, domestic animals (e.g., domestic dogs) or being crushed by people.
Garreaud, Seibert, & Vis, 2020; Cai et al., 2020). This climatic situation Therefore, this rare specialized-habitat species needs urgent measures of
can be relevant to species such as P. bonneti, which depends on the scarce protection as a red list priority and habitat management, even inside the
seasonal rains, as the length of these rains affects the dispersal period of city. Although some invertebrate priority lists for threatened ecosystems
males, reducing the rate of encounters with females, and affecting are available for Chile (Barahona-Segovia, 2019; MMA, 2020), P. bonneti
abundance in the long-term. In addition, an increase in mortality or a has not been included in any.
decrease in offspring could occur by reducing the prey that are abundant
in a flowering desert. 4.3. The citizen science importance in spider conservation

4.2. Distribution The study of the distributional limits, activity period, and environ­
mental variables that predict the occurrence of P. bonneti males is
Mygalomorph spiders are highly sedentary with low vagility, limited shown, for the first time, thanks to citizen science. This method has been
home range, and therefore, they are endemic to small areas (Pérez-Miles used for Latrodectus, Argiope, Tegenaria, and Eratigena or mygalomorphs
& Perafán, 2017). These characteristics promote habitat specialization to show important distributional or spatiotemporal occurrence gaps
and rarity, with small distributional ranges (Bond et al., 2006; Coyle & (Campbell & Engelbrecht, 2018; Jiménez-Valverde et al., 2019; Hart
Icenogle, 1994; Decae et al., 2019; Rix et al., 2019; Vincent, 1993; Yáñez et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018). The study of P. bonneti with citizen
& Floater, 2000). Our study expands the northern and southern limits of science is possible because males have conspicuous reddish abdomen
P. bonneti; however, this species has a low total EOO and AOO associated with a wide central black line (Goloboff, 1994; Fig. 1). However,
with coastal ecosystems highly transformed by urbanization. Coquimbo because trapdoor spiders are specialized-habitat and scarce, they are
and La Serena cities, together, have a dense human population (+400, highly vulnerable to human activities (Bond et al., 2006; Bonte et al.,
000 people), which increases three-fold in summer. These cities are 2006; Engelbrecht, 2013). Urbanization for touristic purposes has
placed at the core of the known distribution of P. bonneti and currently, transformed large coastal areas of the Coquimbo region (Carranza et al.,
¼ of the original habitat of this trapdoor spider has been replaced for 2020; García-Guzmán et al., 2012; González & Holtmann-Ahumada,
human settlements. Many males have been recorded in these cities in 2017; González et al., 2014). Worldwide, this practice has modified
spaces that retain native vegetation. The probability of death of this the distribution of other mygalomorphs, such as Apomastus and

R.M. Barahona-Segovia et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 61 (2021) 125985

Macrothele in California and the Iberian Peninsula, respectively, and it is associations in a rare and endemic trapdoor spider. This information can
the major threat to these species, to the extent of modifying their genetic be used as a baseline for new hypotheses in physiology or ecology, not
structure (Arnedo & Ferrández, 2007; Bond et al., 2006). only in P. bonneti, but also for rare, habitat-specialized and endangered
Here, we propose P. bonneti, preliminary, as a vulnerable species species facing natural environment transformations, particularly in
because their small geographic distribution, both in B1 as B2. However, coastal ecosystems highly impacted by tourism and urbanization.
much of our evidence is from citizen science and may be complemented
with more fieldwork to confirm distributional limits as presented in this
Declaration of Competing Interest
paper. Fieldwork showed low abundance of P. bonneti, which justifies
the use of citizen science to complement the study of this rare species.
The authors report no declarations of interest.
However, replicability must be ensured to maintain a minimum quality
under citizen science following Jarić et al. (2020). Both B1 as B2 path­
ways are based on rapid urbanization of coastline as the main threat and
10 localities (or two sub-populations) could be distinguished. Moreover,
RMBS wants to thank Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo
urbanization can rapidly affect several localities and increase the cate­
(currently ANID) for providing a postdoctoral scholarship [ANID-FON­
gory from current vulnerable to endanger if adequate local policies are
DECYT 3200817]. We also thank Laura Pañinao-Monsálvez for your
not taken. Habitat fragmentation could generate low immigration of
help in map creation and habitat loss calculations; to Diego Demangel,
individuals and genetic structuration between localities on P. bonneti, as
Bojana Kuzmicic and Victor Pastén for the high-quality photos of
it has been reported in other mygalomorphs (Arnedo & Ferrández, 2007;
P. bonnetti and to all citizen volunteers who provided the records and
Bond et al., 2006), thus generating population depletion over time. Our
information about the trapdoor spider. Finally, we would like to thank
study represents the first baseline about the ecology of this trapdoor
our reviewers, Adrian Paterson and Stefano Mammola for providing a
spider; however, systematic conservation efforts need other measures to
throatful review of our manuscript, and Hernán Madrid, Dana Ortega
preserve this species in coastal ecosystems transformed by urbanization.
and Peter D. Lewis English editing service.
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