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Abstract: In the future, intelligent machines will replace or replace human capabilities Artificial
Intelligence is defined as the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated
with intelligent beings. AI is also defined as,

 An Intelligent Entity Created By humans

 Capable of Performing Tasks intelligently without being explicitly instructed.
 Capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanely.
A layman with a fleeting understanding of technology would link it to robots. Artificial Intelligence has grown to
be very popular in today’s world. It is the simulation of natural intelligence in machines that are programmed to
learn and mimic the actions of humans. These machines can learn with experience and perform human-like tasks.
As technologies such as AI continue to grow, they will have a great impact on our quality of life. It’s but natural
that everyone today wants to connect with AI technology somehow, may it be as an end-user or pursuing a career
in AI.

The Rational Agent Approach

A rational agent acts to achieve the best possible outcome in its present circumstances. According to the
Laws of Thought approach, an entity must behave according to the logical statements. But there are some
instances, where there is no logical right thing to do, with multiple outcomes involving different outcomes
and corresponding compromises. The rational agent approach tries to make the best possible choice in the
current circumstances. It means that it’s a much more dynamic and adaptable agent.

How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Work?

To understand How Artificial Intelligence actually works, one needs to deep dive into the various sub-domains of
Artificial Intelligence and understand how those domains could be applied to the various fields of the industry. You
can also take up an artificial intelligence courses  that will help you gain a comprehensive understanding.

What is the Purpose of Artificial Intelligence?

The purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to aid human capabilities and help us make advanced decisions with far-reaching
consequences. That’s the answer from a technical standpoint. From a philosophical perspective, Artificial Intelligence has the
potential to help humans live more meaningful lives devoid of hard labour, and help manage the complex web of
interconnected individuals, companies, states and nations to function in a manner that’s beneficial to all of humanity.
Currently, the purpose of Artificial Intelligence is shared by all the different tools and techniques that we’ve invented over the
past thousand years – to simplify human effort, and to help us make better decisions. Artificial Intelligence has also been
touted as our Final Invention, a creation that would invent ground-breaking tools and services that would exponentially
change how we lead our lives, by hopefully removing strife, inequality and human suffering.

Where is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Used?

AI is used in different domains to give insights into user behaviour and give recommendations based on the data.
For example, Google’s predictive search algorithm used past user data to predict what a user would type next in the
search bar. Netflix uses past user data to recommend what movie a user might want to see next, making the user
hooked onto the platform and increasing watch time. Facebook uses past data of the users to automatically give
suggestions to tag your friends, based on the facial features in their images. AI is used everywhere by large
organisations to make an end user’s life simpler. The uses of Artificial Intelligence would broadly fall under the
data processing category, which would include the following:

 Searching within data, and optimising the search to give the most relevant results.
 Logic-chains for if-then reasoning, that can be applied to execute a string of commands based on parameters.

 Pattern-detection to identify significant patterns in large data set for unique insights
 Applied probabilistic models for predicting future outcomes.

What are the Advantages of Artificial Intelligence?

There’s no doubt in the fact that technology has made our life better. From music recommendations, map
directions, and mobile banking to fraud prevention, AI and other technologies have taken over. There’s a fine line
between advancement and destruction. There are always two sides to a coin, and that is the case with AI as well.
Let us take a look at some advantages of Artificial Intelligence.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

 Reduction in human error

 Available 24×7
 Helps in repetitive work
 Digital assistance
 Medical applications
 Improves security
 Efficient communication

Prerequisites for Artificial Intelligence

1. A strong hold on mathematics namely calculus, probability, statistics.
2. A good amount of experience in programming languages like java and python.
3. A strong hold in understanding and writing algorithms.
4. A strong background in data analytic skills.
5. A good amount of knowledge in discrete mathematics
6. The will to learn machine languages.

One of the greatest example of Artificial intelligence in Sophia the robot.

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