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Nama : Miftakhul Ikhwan

NIM : 042144896

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Diskusi 3

1. Why is Economic sanction given to a certain country? What happens to the country if it
gets economic sanction?
Answer :
Why is Economic sanction given to a certain country?

Economic sanctions are used as a foreign policy tool by many governments. The purpose
of sanctions is to apply pressure on the target country to act or stop acting in a certain way,
usually to bring about pressure for social or political change. Economic sanctions are imposed
by the government of one country on another country for one of two reasons: either the latter
is perceived as a threat to the security of the former country or the country treats its citizens
unfairly. They can be used as a coercive measure to achieve certain policy objectives related
to trade or for humanitarian abuses. Economic sanctions are used as an alternative weapon
instead of fighting to achieve the desired result. Usually Sanctions are criticized on
humanitarian grounds, as they negatively impact a country's economy and can also cause
additional damage to ordinary citizens. Some policy analysts believe that imposing trade
restrictions will only harm ordinary people, not government elites, and others equate the
practice with siege warfare. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has generally
refrained from imposing comprehensive sanctions since the mid-1990s, in part because of the
controversy over the efficacy and civilian harm associated with the sanctions against Iraq.

What happens to the country if it gets economic sanction?

What is certain is that the country will lose or experience a shortage of all imported
products. International relations Sometimes there is geopolitics that makes a country want to
strengthen its influence in a region. Economic sanctions are one way in which a country puts
pressure on another country. For example, when there was a war between Ukraine and Russia,
both sides implemented economic policies to pressure their opponents. Because the economy
is interconnected with each other, and there are effects that can not be imagined before.
Economic sanctions suppress economic growth in countries in conflict. For example, when the
Russian economy is sanctioned by the United States, the price of crude oil immediately rises
significantly because they are the largest supplier of oil and gas to Europe.
2. What matters do fiscal policy consist of? Why does the government apply fiscal policy?
Answer :
What matters do fiscal policy consist of?
Fiscal policy is a policy or guide or basis that is usually carried out by the government or
the leadership of a country/kingdom to regulate the financial condition and state revenues. In
addition, fiscal policy is also useful for directing a country's economy to be better by changing
or renewing government spending and income. Through fiscal policy, the government can
exercise control over the control of government and state expenditures and revenues.
There are four main components of Fiscal Policy, namely:
1. Tax Policy
2. Production Policy
3. Investment and Divestment Policy
4. Debt / Surplus Management

Why does the government apply fiscal policy?

With the implementation of fiscal policy, the government wants to achieve the goal of
reducing the unemployment rate. Where, with a high number of unemployed will increase the
tendency to not have money to spend. This can result in stunted economic growth. To achieve
this goal, the government can reduce taxes and implement fiscal policies that encourage and
cause companies to expand. This will simultaneously encourage increased employment
opportunities to reduce the number of unemployed in Indonesia.
Another objective of implementing this policy is to stabilize economic conditions, with a
view to avoiding inflation. Where, the country's economy will follow a pattern of global
expansion (boom), which is usually followed by an economic slowdown (busts). The
government can reduce this risk by increasing spending and reducing taxes. This is done to
control excessive expansion that can have a negative impact, such as high inflation. In essence,
the government can try to smooth the boom and bust trends to achieve a more stable trend of
constant economic growth.
The following are the objectives of fiscal policy:
1. Increase buto domestic product (GDP) and GDP per capita of the country.
2. Increase employment.
3. Maintain price stability.
4. Achieve national economic stability.
5. Stimulate the country's economic growth.
6. Help increase the rate of investment.
7. Open wide job opportunities.
8. Realizing social justice.
9. Build equity in income distribution.
10. Reduce unemployment.
11. Maintaining the stability or stability of the prices of goods and services.
12. to avoid inflation.

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