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What are some advantages of living in a city?
• City provides better education and career prospects.

• There are plenty forms of entertainment.

• There are a lot of possibilities of shopping.

• There are a lot of working places in a city.

• City provides better medical services.


A. After reading, write (T) for the true information or (F) for the false information.

a. A few people worldwide go visit Brazil during its Carnival. F

b. Only men and women with children walk along the streets in the parade. F
c. You need to arrive early to find a good place to see the spectacle. T
d. The parade is the only attraction in Brazil during Carnival celebration. F

B. Write about the public places in your city. Use vocabulary learned in this unit. (50-60 words)
In my city there I a beautiful place where the tourists can spend time with their family. It is located in the
province of El Oro, Puyango is one of the few petrified forests in the world and stands out because it still
preserves a great biodiversity, thanks to the fact that it has been protected by the slopes and ravines of the area.

When writing a postcard:
a. Start with Dear + your friend’s name.
b. Use descriptive adjectives to talk about the place you write about i.e. Esmeraldas province has incredible
and beautiful beaches like…
c. Finish with see you (soon / next week / month / year) and your signature (it can be your nick name)

Dear Lilian

How are you? I hope you are

well. I am on vacation in the
Galapagos Islands. Galapagos
is an incredible place, with
dreamlike landscapes and
exotic and beautiful animals.
We should come together next
year. See you next week.

With love Nene

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