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Jalan Ganesha 10, Gedung Labtek. VIII Lantai 2, Bandung 40132
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DISPOSISI No. Agenda : 7229

WAKIL DEKAN Tgl. Diterima : 5 Oktober 2022
BIDANG Asal Surat : Direktorat Kepegawaian ITB
SUMBERDAYA Nomor Surat : 2892/IT1.B05.1/DL/2022
Perihal/Isi Ringkas : Beasiswa Program Doktor Tokyo City University

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WDS, 5 Oktober 2022

10/3/22, 2:22 PM Roundcube Webmail :: Letter from the President of Tokyo City University to Institut Teknologi Bandung (Announcement of Tokyu Group Scholarship)

Letter from the President of Tokyo City University to Institut Teknologi Bandung (Announcement of Tokyu
Group Scholarship)
From TCU International Office <>
To <>
Cc <>, Rizal Tamin <>, 五艘隆志 Takashi GOSO <>, 東京都市大学 国際支援センター
Date 2022-09-28 07:15

 (Announcement of Tokyu Group Scholarship) Letter from President Miki (Tokyo City University) to Institut Teknologi Bandung.pdf (~2.3 MB)
 Tokyo City University Scholarship Information.pdf(~566 KB)  【Form A】 Application_Form 2023 Fall .docx (~627 KB)
 【Form B】 Letter_of_Recommendation_Form .docx(~44 KB)  【Form C】 Pledge .docx(~625 KB)
 【Form D】 Prior_Consultation_Form .docx(~627 KB)


Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D.
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Jl. Taman Sari No. 64, Bandung 40132 Indonesia

Cc. Rector’s office

     Prof. Dr. Ir. Rizal Z. Tamin, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dear Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D.,

I am pleased to announce that Tokyo City University calls for 

applications for “Gotoh Education Cooperation Tokyu Group Scholarship”

for the future graduate students who will enter from the Master program

and continue to the Doctoral program at Tokyo City University.

We have started the call for applications for the fall semester 2023

scholarship (September 2023 enrollment). The call is limited to those

who have achieved academic results within the top ten percent at a

university within the top ten percent of universities in their country. 

I believe that your university deserves this condition.

The scope of this scholarship is 1,000,000 yen per year for the whole

period until the completion of the Doctoral program (Max. 5 years). In

addition, the scholarship students are exempted from both the entrance

fee and the tuition fee, and receive full financial support for the

initial and monthly rent payment of our international dormitory.

The deadline of the application is October 28, 2022, 23:59 Japan Standard Time.

We would appreciate it if you could announce the attached scholarship

information and call for applications from your institution.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Chitoshi Miki


Tokyo City University

Per pro: International Office – Tokyo City University


Tokyo City University

International Office

1-28-1 Tamazutsumi Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 158-8557



―――――――――――――――――――――――― 1/1
1-28-1 Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo 158-8557 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5707-0104

September 28, 2022

Announcement of
Gotoh Educational Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship
for the Graduate Schools of Tokyo City University

This scholarship is open to privately-financed international students entering a Master’s course at Tokyo
City University (TCU) and who wish to continue to a doctoral course. It is intended to partially cover the
expenses of establishing a suitable study environment. The goal of this scholarship is to educate leaders
who, building on their research and achievements at TCU, will take an innovative role in an international

1. Number of places:
The number of scholarship students at each year level is three (3).

2. Length of Scholarship Period:

The length of the scholarship payments will be limited to the standard enrolment period for the
masters and doctoral course as determined in the graduate school regulations. (Max. 5 years)

3. Graduate Schools:
●Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering
●Graduate School of Environmental and Information Studies

For more details on the graduate schools please refer to the following TCU website:

4. Conditions:
1) Scholarship: The value of the scholarship is 1,000,000 yen per year.
2) Tuition fee: Exemption from the entrance and tuition fee.
(Application fee required)
3) Accommodation fee: Full financial support of the initial and monthly rent payment of TCU
designated dormitory.
5. Eligibility:
To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must be a privately-financed international student, and
must satisfy all the following requirements,
1) To excel both academically and personally, and who can be expected to make significant
contributions in research and to the internationalization of the university.
2) As a rule, to have achieved academic results within the top ten percent at a university within the top
ten percent of universities in their country.
3) Is able to submit a letter of recommendation from the president of the university where the above
results were achieved.
4) To be enrolled in a master’s degree course, and to continue to a doctoral degree course at TCU
graduate school.
5) Is not receiving any other scholarships or bursaries.

6. Application for the Scholarship:

Students who wish to apply for the scholarship must submit all the necessary application documents,
transcript as well as a letter of recommendation from their university president.
Before the application, students are recommended to submit “Prior Consultation Form” to describe their
interest in the field of study in the graduate school at Tokyo City University. Students must receive an
approval from the future supervisor of their graduate study at Tokyo City University.
* The university reserves the right to refuse acceptance under a supervisor whose laboratory has met the
maximum number of students.

Prior Consultation Form (Form D) Due by October 21, 2022, 23:59 PM Japan Standard Time (JST)
Application Documents Due by October 28, 2022, 23:59 PM Japan Standard Time (JST)
(Form A, B, C, Transcript of Records)
for the semester starting from September 2023.
Download Application Documents (Form A-D) Password: Tokyu_2023

All application documents for the scholarship should be submitted to:

International Centre
Tokyo City University
1-28-1 Tamazutsumi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 158-8557

7. Application for the Graduate School

Students who apply for this scholarship must apply for the Graduate School at Tokyo City University
separately from the application for the scholarship. The application procedure for the semester starting
from September 2023 will be announced later on.
The application documents will be uploaded to:

Tokyo City University Scholarship Information(募集要項)

[Form A]
Application Form 2023 Fall

Application Form
for Gotoh Educational Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship

How to submit:
Before submitting your application, you must have permission from your desired supervisor at Tokyo City University (TCU). Please
organize this by yourself, and then contact TCU International Centre ( with your application form and all other
required documents once you have permission. Please leave the last table on the 2nd page blank since it is for administration use only.
The graduate school admission is necessary for the applicants separately from the application for the scholarship. Please refer to the
information on the graduate schools:


Name (First/Middle/Last)(名前)
Date of Birth(誕生日) / / (DD/MM/YYYY)
E-mail Address @

Zip code(郵便番号): Country(国):

2. DESIRED COURSE(志望するコース)
□Integrative Science and Engineering
Graduate School of
□Environmental and Information Studies


Academic supervisor

Please fill out your outline of the research plan and reason for applying for Gotoh
Educational Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship.

【Form A】 Application_Form 2023 Fall(申請書)

[Form A]
Application Form 2023 Fall

(Please fill out your outline of the research plan and reason for applying for Gotoh Educational Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship.






Date of graduation / / (DD/MM/YYYY)

(expected to graduate)

I certify that all my answers are true, complete and correct.

Date(日付) / / (DD/MM/YYYY)



Department/School Approval (Admin use only)

Academic supervisor: Department Head:

【Form A】 Application_Form 2023 Fall(申請書)

[Form B]
Letter of Recommendation
for Gotoh Educational Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship


Sections to be filled out by applicant

Full Name

□Integrative Science and Engineering Department

School Applied For Applied For
□Environmental and Information Studies

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)______/_______/_______

To the Chairman of Gotoh Educational Corporation

Recommended by
(in block letters)

Signature/Official seal

(President or equivalent)

I would like to recommend the person above as an applicant for the Gotoh Educational
Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship. I guarantee the applicant has the intention to study at
the Graduate School (from Master’s degree course through doctoral degree course) at Tokyo City

Please outline the reason for recommending the applicant. 推薦理由を簡潔に記載してください。

Applicant’s overall academic ranking at the college 申請者の学内順位

Overall GPA

Note: Applicant must be ranked in the top 10% in the college (or department)
申請者は学内(学科内)の上位 10%以内である必要があります

【Form B】 Letter_of_Recommendation_Form(推薦書)
[Form C]

for Gotoh Educational Corporation Tokyu Group Scholarship


Date (DD/MM/YYYY)______/ ______/________

To the Chairman of Gotoh Educational Corporation

Home University


Upon application, I understand the conditions and regulations of the TCU

graduate school given below, and pledge that:

1) If admitted, I will enroll in a Master’s degree course, and continue to a Doctoral

degree course at TCU’s graduate school.
合格した場合、都市大の博士前期課程に入学し、博士後期課程まで進学します。(第 2 条、第 4 条(4))

2) I am not applying or receiving any other scholarships or bursaries.

他の奨学金を受給致しません。また申請も致しません。(第 4 条(5), 第 8 条)

3) I am not applying for a Postgraduate Research Assistant ”研究助手” position

(Postgraduate Research Assistant “研究助手” positions are only open to self-
funded students)
研究助手には申請しません。(第 9 条)

4) I understand the length of the scholarship payments will be limited to the

standard enrolment period for either the Masters or doctoral course as
determined in the graduate school regulations.
奨学金の給費期間は、修業年限を上限であることを理解しています。(第 15 条)

5) If I become unable to meet the criteria to maintain the scholarship, I will return
the full or partial amount of the scholarship as determined by TCU.
資格喪失の際は、本国へ帰国する前に、それまで受給した全額または大学から求められた額を返還します。(第 17

6) I understand that I am responsible for my own living arrangements and that

everyday life is carried out in Japanese.


【Form C】Pledge(誓約書)
[Form D]
Prior Consultation Form
for Gotoh Educational Corporation Tokyu group Scholarship

1.Identification and Contact Details

Full Name (First/ Middle/ Last)


Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD)

Email Address

2.Academic Background

Name of University
Field of Study
(Name of Program/ Department/ Faculty)
Date of Graduation (YYYY/MM/DD)
Graduated ( ) or Expected to
graduate ( ) Please tick one ✓ Graduated ( ) Expected to graduate ( )

GPA out of
Research project, if any (ex.
Name of final year project)

3.Graduate schools: Please refer to the TCU website

1 Integrative Science and Engineering
2 Environmental and Information Studies
Field of Study (Domain Name): Please tick one or two ✓

Mechanical Engineering Architecture

Mechanical Systems Engineering Civil Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Information Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Systems Information Engineering
Applied Chemistry Environmental and Information Studies
Cooperative Major in Nuclear Energy
* The university reserves the right to refuse acceptance under a supervisor whose laboratory has met
the maximum number of students.
4.Keywords for Research of interest (Describe your research of interest using up to 10 keywords):

【Form D】 Prior_Consultation_Form (事前相談書)

【Form D】 Prior_Consultation_Form (事前相談書)

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