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Short-term effects of COVID-19 on HIV and AIDS

prevention initiatives among Zambian female
sex workers: A cross-sectional study.



Concerns have been expressed about the influence of the COVID-19

pandemic on many health programs. Zambia's national HIV/AIDS control
program, particularly the section that deals with female sex workers (FSWs),
appears to be particularly vulnerable. COVID-19 may exacerbate this
vulnerability by restricting access to HIV and AIDS-related health services such
as community outreach and preventative supplies. Furthermore, as a result of
population mobility restrictions and "entertainment area" closures, fewer
clients (for female sex workers) may push women to be less insistent about
condom use in order to take advantage of whatever income-generating
possibilities occur. The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on efforts to
prevent HIV infections among Zambian FSWs is examined in this synthesis.

Specific objectives:

1. To examine data on how COVID-19 is affecting emerging HIV trends in

Zambia, taking into consideration differences in infection rates in terms of
vulnerabilities and risks among FSWs in Zambia.
2. To aggregate data on HIV prevention service interruptions in health
institutions and communities, as well as to chronicle HIV prevention
solutions, including innovations, best practices, and critical gaps in


The study will be conducted in Zambia's top five priority cities and regions.
The research will rely on four secondary data sources. COVID-19 infection rate
and population figures to be extracted from district surveillance systems,
websites, and other official sources. In addition, data on the number of FSW
who undergo community-based HIV screening will be obtained from records
preserved while the ongoing community-based screening/self-testing
intervention that the researcher will be conducting for this report continues.
The main approach of analysis will be to compare the levels and trends of
indicators from the four data series.

Results: nil
Conclusion: nil
Keywords: COVID-19; HIV/AIDS; Prevention initiatives;Female Sex Workers;

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