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Read the story carefully and answer all questions

1. Tick the box with the correct answer

a) According to the story the children are stranded on :

an isolated island
a desert
a wrecked ship

b) Where has the plane crashed ?

In America
In Europe
In Australia
(2 marks)

2. Which word in the story tells us that Mary and Peter are yet alive?

(1 mark)

3. The two characters mentioned in the story are siblings. Which one do you
think is older?

(1 mark)
4. Where has Peter been hurt?

(1 mark)

5. What time of the day was it ?

Pick the phrase in the text that tells us so.


Third Term Test – Grade 5

Page 1

(2 marks)

6. Pick a word from the text which is a synonym for :

Shivering - ………………………………….

Quiet - ………………………………….
(2 marks)

7. Write similes found in the story referring to the :

Slow movement of time : …………………………………………

Silence found around them : …………………………………………

(2 marks)

8. Whom do you think they were visiting when they met with this disaster?

(1 mark)

9. Pick two sentences from the story the author has used to show that the little
boy kept close to Mary.


(2 marks)

10. Why do you think Mary told Peter to “suck” the barley sugar instead of
biting it ?


Third Term Test – Grade 5

Page 2
(1 mark)

11.What do you think the author means by saying ‘ It was a far cry from here
to their comfortable home in Charleston ?


(2 marks)
12.The writer says that ‘Later there’d be other sounds.’ What sounds
is he referring to ?


(2 marks)

13.Find words or phrases that tell us the place was lonely and deserted. Give
two examples.



(2 marks)

14. Why do you think Mary didn’t sleep ? Give one reason.


(1 mark)

15. Write two past tense verbs found in the passage.

i. ……………………………… ii. …………………………………

Third Term Test – Grade 5

Page 3
(1 mark)

16 As a reader of this story, what impression do you get of Mary ?



(2 marks)

Total Marks=25

Third Term Test – Grade 5

Page 4

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