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BSAB 1-1

1. What is contract growing scheme?

It is a partnership between a farmer who owns an existing poultry farm or wishes to
invest in one and a chicken production and processing company like Bounty. The
contract grower rears the chickens while the company provides the inputs, harvests,
and markets the birds.
Broiler Contract Growing | Bounty Fresh Chicken

2. Google search a contract marketing scheme for poultry and livestock and make
comments based on the following:

        1. Is the compensation or incentive scheme beneficial for the raiser or the

Incentives are an excellent way to keep your employees motivated to do their jobs to
the best of their abilities. They have something to work towards by offering something
they can achieve if they hit a certain target or achieve something.Payment is made
based on either individual or group output in incentive schemes. Incentives are used
with the assumption that people's actions are related to their skills and ability to
achieve important goals. "Wage incentives are additional financial motivation,"
according to the National Commission on Labor.

        2. What are the advantages a contract growing scheme versus and independent
commercial raiser or vice versa.
Pig farming is a capital- and labor-intensive business. A solid combination of business
management and pig husbandry knowledge and skills is required for success. Even
keeping a few pigs necessitates husbandry skills and adherence to legal
requirements. There are several important factors to consider before establishing a
piggery. The vast majority are sold at baconer weight for use in cured products or as
fresh pork. Pigs are typically sold on consignment to a processing facility, but they can
also be sold privately, at auction, or live over the scales. Buyers may enter into regular
pig supply contracts with producers. Most specialist producers keep a breeding herd
and raise their offspring to baconer weight. Because the cost of maintaining the
breeding herd is spread across the large amount of meat produced, this is usually the
most profitable weight. The pigs may be kept at various locations, for example, grower
pigs may be kept at a separate location and cared for by an employee or a contract

        3. Enumerate as many contract growing scheme for poultry and livestock in the
Philippines. Why were some contract growing schemes short lived while others are
still existing till now?

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