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EMTECH QUARTER 1 - In here, browsers can now be used for their

user interface, application software (or web

applications), and even for file storage.
• Online platforms, sites, and content - Fun fact: Most websites we visit today are
• Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 classified as Web 2.0.
• The World Wide Web Features of Web 2.0:
• Trends in ICT
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES - allows users to categorize and classify or arrange
information using freely chosen keywords.
The state of ICT technologies
Example: Tagging. Popular social networking sites such
Online systems, functions, and platforms as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. use tags that start
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with the pound sign (#) or hashtag sign.

- Deals with the use of different communication 2. RICH USER EXPERIENCE

technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, - Content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input.
internet, etc. to:
• Locate, (Dynamic - denoting or relating to web pages that
• Save, and; update frequently or are generated according to an
• Edit information individual's search terms.)

WEB 1.0 Example: A website showing a local content. (In case of

social networking sites, when logged on, your account is
• When the World Wide Web was invented, most used to modify what you see in their website)
web pages were static and content cannot be
manipulated by the user. The content is also 3. LONG TAIL
the same for all users. - Services are offered on demand rather than on a one-
(Static – also known as flat page or stationary page. In time purchase.
Web 1.0 it is static in a sense that it cannot be - Time based pricing >>>> File sized pricing (vice versa)
manipulated by the user.)
Example: Subscribing on a data plan (Netflix and other
• Experts refer to it as the “read-only” may plan na web) sa time spent of the internet or data
• A web that was not interactive in any plan na nagcha-charge for the amount ng bandwidth
significant sense. you used.
• The web user was passive (for the most part)
• User input took place OFFLINE. (Bandwidth - the data transfer capacity of a computer
network in bits per second (Bps))

Web 2.0 (Dynamic Web Pages)
- The owner of the website is not the only one who is
- Is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic able to put content. Others are able to place a content
web pages. (Dynamic web pages – the user is of their own by means of comment, reviews, and
able to see a website differently than others) evaluation.
- The “Wildly read-write Web”
- Allows users to interact with the page (the user 5. SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE
may be able to comment or create a user - Users will subscribe to a software only when needed
account (parang Facebook, etc.) rather than purchasing them. This is a cheaper option if
- Allows users to use web browsers instead of you do not always need to use a software.
just using their operating system.

- It is a diverse information sharing through universal 1. CONVERGENCE

web access.
- Technological convergence is the synergy of
- Since most users can use the internet, Web 2.0’s technological advancements to work on a similar goal or
content is based on people from various cultures. task.

Examples of Web 2.0: 2. SOCIAL MEDIA

• Social networking sites - social media is a website, application, or online

• Blogs channels that enable web users to create, co- create,
• Wikis discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.)
• Video sharing sites a) Social Networks. These are sites that allow you
• Hosted services to connect with other people with the same
• Web applications interests or background.
b) Bookmarking Sites. These are sites that allow
you to store and manage links to various
WEB 3.0 and THE SEMANTIC WEB websites and resources.
Semantic Web – is a movement led by the World-Wide c) Social News. These are sites that allow users to
Consortium (W3C). post their own news items or links to other
news sources.
World-Wide Consortium (W3C) standard encourages d) Media Sharing. These are sites that allow you to
web developers to include semantic content in their upload and share media content like images,
web pages. (According to them, the Semantic Web music, and video.
provides a common framework that allows data to be e) Microblogging. These are sites that focus on
shared and reused across application enterprise, and short updates from the user.
community boundaries.) f) Blogs and Forums. These websites allow users
to post their content.
- The aim of Web 3.0 is to have machines (or
servers) understand the user’s preferences to 3. MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES
be able to deliver web content specifically
targeting the user. - The popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a
major rise over the years. This is largely because of the
devices’ capability to do tasks that were originally found
in personal computers.
Several Problems of Web 3.0:
Kinds of operating systems:
1. Compatibility (HTML files and current web browsers
could not support Web 3.0) • iOS
2. Security (The user’s security is also in question since • Android
the machine is saving his or her preferences) • Blackberry OS
• Windows Phone OS
3. Vastness (The World Wide Web already contains • Symbian
billions of web pages) • WebOS
4. Vagueness (Certain words are imprecise.) • Windows Mobile

5. Logic (There are certain limitations for a computer to 4. ASSISTIVE MEDIA

be able to predict what the user us referring to at a - is a nonprofit service designed to help people who
given time) have visual and reading impairments. A database of
audio recordings is used to read to the user.
everyone should be aware of. You could be at risk of
scams, bullying, and illegal activities if you will not take
precautions in using the internet. We need to keep
• Online security, safety, and ethics ourselves safe and secure whenever we use the
• Internet threats internet. That is why it is very important to know and
• Protecting reputations online learn the ways on how to be safe and secured online.
• Copyright
• Contextualized online search and research skills
How to be safe online?

• Do not share your password with anyone.

Online Safety and Security • Add friends you know in real life.
The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be • Do not visit untrusted websites.
used to promote your business, gain new friends, and • Add a password to your WIFI at home to make
stay in touch with the old ones. It is also a source of it private.
entertainment. But like most things in this world, there • Install and update the antivirus on your
is always “another side of the coin.” The Internet is one computer.
of the most dangerous places, especially if you do not • Do not give your personal information to
know what you are doing. anyone.
• Think before you click.
• Never post about your future vacation.



It happens when someone intentionally is

abused, harassed, and mistreated by another person
using electronic communication.

Identity Theft

It is a crime of stealing personal information to

assume that person’s name or identity to make any
form of transaction.

Cyber Stalking

A criminal practice where electronic

communication is used to stalk or harass an individual
or group.


The act of sending sexually explicit text

messages, images, and videos.
The importance of the internet plays a crucial
part in human development. Life becomes easy and
comfortable because of this technology. Most of us are
connected to the internet via laptop, mobile phone,
tablet, personal computer, and other electronic
gadgets. Behind this technology, there is a risk that 1. Malware – also known as Malicious Software.
Types of Malware: NETIQUETTE

• Virus – a malicious program that replicates - it is a word that came from two words “net” and
itself by copying itself to another program. “etiquette”. It is an etiquette applied online that shows
• Trojan Horse – a malicious program that proper manners and behavior. If you are a member of
disguises as a legitimate program that user will an online society through social media, you are called a
accept and use but takes control of your netizen. And in interacting with another netizen online,
computer. we need to maintain good behavior which is acceptable
• Worm – a malicious program that copies itself to others in an online community.
and spreads to other computers.
• Spyware – A malicious program that gathers
information from a victim’s computer and sends THE TEN COMMANDMENTS
it back to the hacker.
The Ten Commandments of computer ethics have
• Adware – An unwanted advertisement that will
been defined by the Compute Ethics Institute.
pop up several times on the victim’s computer
then behaves abnormally and tedious to close 1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other
them. people.
• Keylogger – A program that runs in the 2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's
background and steals user credentials and computer work.
confidential information and sends it back to 3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's
hack by recording every keystroke that a user files.
makes on their computer or device. 4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
• Botnet – A collection of infected internets– 5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false
connected devices such as PC and mobile witness.
phones that are controlled by a common type 6. Thou shalt not use or copy software for which
of malware. you have not paid.
• Rootkit – A software tool used by hackers to 7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer
gain control over a computer on a network resources without authorization
without being exposed. 8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's
• Ransomware – A ransom virus that blocks the intellectual output.
user from accessing the programs or files and 9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences
demands to pay the ransom through an online of the program you write.
method for the removal of the virus. 10. Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show
• Spam - also known as junk email or unwanted consideration and respect.
email send by advertiser or bot. It can be used
to send malware.
Think Before You Click
• Phishing - a cyber-attack method using
deceptive emails and websites to acquire 1. Before you post something on the web, ask these
sensitive personal information. questions to yourself: Would you want your parents or
• Cybercrime - a crime in which a computer is grandparents to see it? Would you want your future
used as an object and tool in committing a boss to see it? Once you post something on the web,
crime such as hacking, phishing, spamming, you have no control of who sees your posts.
child pornography, libel, hate crimes, identity
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their
thief and others.
reputation online. Talk to your friends about this
• Cybercrime Law - a law that deals with all forms
serious responsibility.
of cybercrime.
3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search
engines will not be able to scan that post.
4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search 3. Do not make a profit from copyrighted work.
engines to scan.

5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s

reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down
or report it as inappropriate. Productivity tools (office productivity software) are
application software used for producing information
(such as documents, presentations, worksheets,
Copyright Issues databases, charts, graphs, digital paintings, electronic
music, and digital video).
- There are millions of information that we can
get from the internet. Some of this information 1. WORD PROCESSORS
is free but others are not. They are protected by
Word processors are specialized programs that
copyright law.
allow you to change the look and feel of a text
What is Copyright? document. These programs include tools that help you
to create documents by inserting graphics, charts,
- Copyright is a protection given to the owner of
tables, and other media elements. These programs also
the rights in an original work such as books,
help you to create a variety of business and personal
musical works, films, paintings, and other
documents such as reports, resumes, and letters.
works, as well as computer programs. This
original work is called intellectual property MICROSOFT WORDPAD
which is protected under Republic Act 8293
• Is a limited function word processor and a free
known as the “Intellectual Property Code of
rich-text editor included with Microsoft
the Philippines”.
Windows for viewing and editing rich-text files
(.RTF, .DOCX, and .ODT) files.
COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT • WordPad can perform basic text formatting like
changing the font, alignment, and even
If you create something—an idea, an invention,
inserting multimedia. However, keep in mind
a form of literary work, or research, you have the right
that it does not support all formatting options
of how it should be used by others. This is called
in .DOCX and .ODT files, so some formatting
intellectual property.
may be incorrect. Also included with all editions
of Windows.


- is the use of copyrighted material for comment, • Is a full function word processor, so you can
teaching, criticism, news reporting, research, create professional documents and add
scholarship, and another similar purpose that is indexes, captions and table of figures. You can
not an infringement of copyright. specify languages and dictionaries, insert
- In fair use, 5% of the content of the reference standard text and create bibliographies.
can only be copied. If 20% or less of Sometimes called Winword, MS Word, or Word,
- the reference is copied, there must be a Microsoft Word is a word processor published
secondary use agreement and fee. And if 20% by Microsoft.
or more of the reference is copied, it requires • It is one of the office productivity applications
purchasing creative work. included in the Microsoft Office suite. Originally
developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard
Guidelines for Fair Use
Brodie, it was first released in 1983. And have
1. Majority of the contents created must be yours. the file extenxion .doc/ .docm/.docx and etc.

2. Give credits to the owner.


• Is a web-based productivity office suite offered A DBMS is a software tool for creating, editing,
by Google within its Google Drive service. and managing collection of information called
• Google Docs allows users to create and edit databases.
documents online while collaborating with
other users in real- time. Edits are tracked by
user with a revision history presenting changes. • Is an information management tool, or
relational database, that helps you store
information for reference, reporting and
A spreadsheet is an application tool that store, • Access can also overcome the limitations found
organize, and calculate data in tables. They are used when trying to manage large amounts of
primarily in recordkeeping tasks and accounting. information in Excel or other spreadsheet
• Excel is a spreadsheet application developed
and published by Microsoft. It is part of the • Is a RDBMS (relational database management
Microsoft Office suite of productivity software. system) created by Microsoft.
• Excel organizes data in columns and rows. Rows • It is used as a central location to save and
and columns intersect at a space called a cell. obtain data needed for applications. It uses SQL
Each cell can contain a single of data, such as (structured query language) for queries that
text, a numerical value, or a formula. store or retrieve data.
• Excel was originally code-named Odyssey during • SQL Server began in 1989 from the cooperation
development. It was first released on of Sysbase, Ashton Tate, and Microsoft, and at
September 30, 1985. the time was very close to Sysbase SQL Server
• It is used primarily to enter, edit, format, sort, 3.0 for Unix.
perform mathematical computations, save,
retrieve and print numeric data. Files created in
Microsoft Excel are often referred to as • Is a cloud-based file storage service from
spreadsheets or workbooks and have the file Google. It also offers a free software suite that
extension .xls or .xlsx and etc. includes a word processor, and many others for
spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and
several others.
• Is a spreadsheet program included as part of • Since Google Drive is an online service, it allows
the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite users to share files with one another, mutually
offered by Google. edit documents, and synch their saved files
• The app allows users to create and edit files across multiple devices.
online while collaborating with other users in
• Edits are tracked by user with a revision history
presenting changes. An editor's position is A graphics suite is a group of programs that are used to
highlighted with an editor-specific color and view, manipulate, and print computer graphics. Popular
cursor and a permissions system regulates what examples are Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW.
users can do.

• Adobe Photoshop is available in different

versions, with the latest being Adobe
Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud).
• It is the premier graphics and photo editing Word because it is more oriented to graphics
program used professionals in every field of than to text.
digital imaging. • Publisher gives you two work possibilities: you
• Images can be imported, edited, and converted can start from a blank sheet or choose one of its
to other formats. Images may be edited in templates, which are divided into categories
layers, groups, and as Smart Layers, a (brochure, letterhead, postcards, calendars,
proprietary Adobe feature. leaflets, labels, etc.).
• The software provides a full range of image • The templates are original and graphically
adjustment and color correction, suitable for attractive. A large variety of editing tools exists,
film, television, digital video, and print and one can add or remove words, colors,
publishing. effects, and so forth.


• Corel Corporation developed and released a • Is a simplified graphic-design tool website,

software program called CorelDRAW, a vector founded in 2012.
graphics editor. • It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides
• The software is a robust graphics suite, access to over a million photographs, vectors,
providing many features for users to edit graphics, and fonts. It is used by non-designers
graphics. These features include contrast as well as professionals.
adjustment, color balancing, adding special • The tools can be used for both web and print
effects like borders to images, and it is capable media design and graphics.
of working with multiple layers and multiple
5. PUBLISHING SOFTWARE Examples of Online Platform and Application:
• Is used in the process of creating editorial a) Web Design – it is a concept of planning,
projects. creating, updating, and maintaining the
• The primary use of Desktop Publishing software website.
(or DTP software) is to lay out texts, images and b) Web Page Creation – It is a document that is
graphics on a page and easily arrange these sustainable for the world wide web & web
elements to create the preferred document. browser. (Wix and Weebly)
• DTP software enables professional creation and c) Mapping – is the creation of maps, a graphic
management over the design of a document, symbolic representation of the significant
and, if correctly used, a typographic quality. features. (Wikimapia and Google Maps)
d) File Management – it is a computer program
that provide a user interface to manage. (tamar
• Is used to create documents containing stylized and word2pdf)
text and graphics. e) Social Media – A website and application that
• The software includes various tools for enable user to create & share content. (FB, IG,
formatting text, photographs, and other graphic Twitter)
elements on a variety of page layouts, selection f) Cloud Computing – it means storing & accessing
of templates that users can use as a starting data and programs over the internet instead of
point. your computer’s hard drive. (Google drive,
evernote, dropbox)
MICROSOFT PUBLISHER g) Presentation tool – graphic program that allow
• Is considered an entry-level software (not you to crate slide shows presenting the topic or
specifically professional) and is different from lecture. (slideshare, presi, zohoshow)
Imaging & Designing for Online Environment 2. Communication - People want to get
information quickly, so it is important to
Infographics – is a collection of imagery, charts, and
communicate clearly and make your
minimal text.
information easy to read and digest. (by using
Principles of Design – are the rules a designer must headlines and sub-headlines, using bullet points
follow to create an effective composition. instead of long windy sentences, and cutting
the waffle.)
ELEMENTS OF DESIGN 3. Typography – typography in web design is
1. Line – are defined by points moving in space. It similar to print design but requires certain
can create a sense of movement. considerations to ensure legibility on all screen
2. Shape – is an enclosed space, the boundaries of types. (typeface, type size, color, line height,
which are defined by other elements of art. and letter shapes)
3. Direction – applying motion to create the visual 4. Colors – A well thought out color palette can go
musion of movement. a long way to enhance the user experience.
4. Size (Scale) – size is basically the relationship of 5. Images – A picture paints a thousand words and
the area occupied by one shape to another. choosing the right images for your website can
5. Texture – refers to surface appearance of an help with brand positioning and connecting
object given by the dimensions and/or form. with your target audience.
6. Color – is light redirected off object. 6. Navigation – is about how easy it is for people
to take action and move around your website.
Some tactics for effective navigation include a
PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN logical page hierarchy.
1. Balance – in design is the state of equal 7. Grid-Based Layouts – Placing content randomly
relationship. on your web page can end up with a haphazard
2. Symmetrical balance – occurs when identical appearance that is messy. Grid-based layouts
weights are on equal sides of composition. arrange content into sections columns and
3. Proximity – maintains a relationship between boxes that line up and feel balanced.
that go together. 8. “F” Pattern Design – Eye-tracking studies have
4. Alignment – refers to lining up the element of a identified that people scan computer screens in
design along the top, or bottom... an “F” pattern.
5. Repetition, Pattern, Rhythm – duplicates the 9. Load Time – Everybody hates a website that
characteristics of similar elements to contribute takes ages to load. Tips to make page load times
to design consistency. more effective include optimizing image sizes,
6. Contrast – refers to the use of conflicting combining code into a central CSS or JaceScript
elements or colors. file (this reduces HTTP requests), and minify
7. Space – refers to the area that an object HTML, CSS JavaScript (Compressed to speed up
occupies. their load time).
10. Mobile-Friendly – It is now commonplace to
RULES: access websites from multiple devices with
multiple screen sizes. So, it is important to
• Relevant
consider if your website is mobile-friendly.
• Informative
• Interesting


• Limit Color Use – Color schemes and color
1. Purpose - Each page of a website needs to have choices are very important when it comes to
a clear purpose and fulfill a specific need for modern web design.
your website users in the most effective way • Plenty of white space – white space is the term
possible. used for the amount of “empty” space -i.e.
margins between your content and the edge of Team Members
your screen, and the buffers between the
An effective team structure is composed of efficient
elements on your page.
team members who have specific roles and
• Clean backend coding – This modern website
design element is one that you might not notice
visually, but one that is probably the most 1. Project Manager - An individual who has
important when it comes to the functionality of general accountability for the successful
your site. initiation, planning, design, execution,
• Search engine optimization (SEO) –There are monitoring, controlling, and closure of a
modern website design elements that can project.
greatly improve web SEO. A lot of these are 2. Data Analyst - Someone who gather, process
invisible to the naked eye, and also appear in and performs statistical analysis of data. A
the backend coding of your pages and posts. person who is accountable for collecting the
• Conversation elements: call-to-action – These data of ICT.
are the things like email subscription form, free 3. Content Writer and Editor - A person is
downloadable eBooks or whitepapers, free responsible for reviewing the data and finalize
product forms free consultation or other invites complete information.
are great calls-to-action. 4. Web Designer - A person is responsible for
creating the appearance, layout, and elements
of a website. The job involves understanding
both graphics and computer programming.
A. Group involves people who work independently to 5. Web Developer - The person technically
achieve its goal. develops the overall functionalities of a web
B. Team works interdependently where each member
has a specific role or function, thus the team interacts
dynamically and adoptively to reach its common goal. Online Platforms for hosting ICT content

✓ Presentation/Visualization (Prezi, Soho,

Slideshare & Mindmeister)
Team Structure ✓ Cloud computing (Google Apps)
- refers to the creation of an individual team or ✓ Social Media (Facebook, Tumblr)
the creation of a multi-system. It is an essential ✓ Web Page (Wix, Weebly)
component of the teamwork process. ✓ Blogs sites (Blogge, Livejournal & Issuu)

Four parts of collaboration: FIVE PHASES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT

Sharing: Documenting explicit knowledge. 1. Initiating – an overview of the objectives of this
Understanding: Adopting the process knowledge. project, needs and the problem identified.
2. Planning – this is where a successful project
Reflection: Analyzing or Interpreting shared conclusion is worked out by the project
information. manager and the project team.
Expression: The process of making known one's 3. Executing – This is where the project team goes
thoughts or feelings. about executing the project plan ones the
project plan has been constructed.
4. Monitoring and Controlling – This is where the
project manager monitors and controls the
work for time, lost, scope...
5. Closing – this happens when each phase has
ended and when the entire project is

Four steps in creating and choosing valuable

ICT content
1. Define: Specify the main objective or goal that
needs to be promoted in your content.
6. Analyze: Extract information from different
resources regarding the topic you want to write.
7. Organize: Give an overview of your topic to
help readers understand what your topic is.
8. Summarize: Create a summary of the
information you have gathered and analyzed to
make sure your article is free from graphical

Three rules in creating quality content: (self-

explanatory na this)

• Relevant
• Informative
• Interesting

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