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Answers 2 a Learners may submit any appropriate response, such as: Mrs Which travels through time so much that she has slowed down herself and speaks very slowly, Mrs Which is a kind of creature that we do not understand, and speaks differently to how we speak. : b Any logical word is acceptable, such as ‘travel’, or ‘shortcut’. c Experience is the mother of knowledge. d Mrs Who uses the fabric of her skirt and wrinkles it in order to demonstrate the concept of a ‘tesser’, or of cutting across time to reduce the distance of travel. e Charles Wallace and Calvin understood immediately. f Meg says she is a moron because she doesn’t understand the concept of a ‘tesser’. g They will travel in the fifth dimension. h Any substantiated opinion of who Mrs Which, Mrs Whatsit and Mrs Who may be in the story is acceptable here. For example: Mrs Which, Mrs Whatsit and Mrs Who are the Scanned with CamScanner space guides sent to help Meg, calvin move through time. Mrs Which, Mrs Whatsit and Mrs Wh friends of Meg’s mother, who have Sarety help Meg understand the fifth dimension and travel through time. n Charles and Scanned with CamScanner

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