If Someday You Will Be A Filmmaker, What Kind of Movie Are You Going To Produce? Why?

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Macy Ravancho HUM102: Performance Based Task 2

Grade 12- S1214 Reflection Paper

1. If someday you will be a filmmaker, what kind of movie are you going to produce? Why?

If I would be a filmmaker, I want to produce an eye-opening movie. A movie that can

entertain the mass but at the same time open their eyes to the current issues in our society. As
someone who grew up in a family that is not very open to social issues, I had to make an extra
effort to be aware. If it weren't for my friends, school, and movies that I have watched I wouldn't
be informed. I have watched some international and local films that caught my attention and
made me try to research more about them. The movies I want to produce may raise awareness,
show reality, or something about history that we can learn from. Some of the eye-opening films
that I have watched is the Barber's tale by Jun Cruz Lana. It's about a woman in a small barrio
under the military back in the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

I want to help the youth to open their eyes and be socially aware not for the trend. But as
a Filipino, and a citizen of the world, to be educated and knowledgeable about what is going on
around us. Being aware can help us recognize our rights, our capabilities, and what we deserve.
To produce films that can push someone to be more interested in the present issues feels like a
big help to our society.

I want to show an insight into what is going on in the Philippines and other parts of the
world. I want to be part of the people who try to share their art not just for the beauty but also for
the knowledge it can give. For me, I think it is great to produce moves with substance but also
entertaining. Catch their attention, and let them learn from the art I produced.

Total word count: 316

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