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Good morning!

Today, I’m going to show you, the American football. I will talk about the history of football,
about the gears and the positions. (Első dia)
The history of the American football. As we can see, the American football comes from
rugby. In the nineteenth century, some English settlers brought the game to America. They
started playing in the states. Walter Camp was a player too. He started to change the rules
because he thought that was good for the players.
The first football league was the American Intercollegiate Football Association. It was an
alliance between universities. Modern football evolved from this. The National Football
League formed in the nineteen twenty.
Protective gear.
One of the most important gears is the helmet. This protects the human head. The tooth
guard is tightly attached to the helmet. This helps to protect the head. Also an important
piece of equipment: the shoulder pads. This protects the shoulders and the spine. The
protective cup protects the genitals. The knee pads are also important because the knee can
be easily injured. The shoes are specially designed for the best efficiency. They fit snugly on
the foot and they have stoppers on the soles of the shoes.
Every team has three units. The first unit is the offensive team. Their job is to attack and
score points. One of the most important players on the team is the quarterback. He manages
the tactics and usually, he is the leader. The o line is in front of the QB. The wide receivers
are important targets of the QB. The opponents of the offensive unit are the defensive unit.
Their job is to stop the offensive and the scoring. The defensive line is made up of strong,
massive people. It is up to the special team to score points in the event of a hopeless
situation or to secure their target area. This is accomplished by the ball being kicked by the
kicker into the goal or by the punter near the opponent's target area.
Here are the references and thanks for watching!

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