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Abortion is not only a crime, but also torture for women.

There is no real reason, no

consultation, no support: that is why the vast majority of women end up in front of doctors
who have abortions. They are rarely asked why they want to do this. They are victims of a
social culture that encourages them to be independent and to live as they wish, but
according to the standards imposed . They often act out of fear and panic, making decisions
that they think are natural, unaware that they have condemned not only one soul , but two.
If some women get rid of the physical effects of abortion, from infection to infertility, to
complications that lead to death, the consequences of abortion are innumerable, but no one
can escape the psychological and emotional consequences
It may be one of the most violent violations of human rights and has not yet been officially
recognized, but this does not deny that a person's life is taken in such a trial. There really is
no need for religious controversy. We know that when a mother goes to a gynecological
consultation, when she is pregnant, during the ultrasound examination, she will fully
understand everything that happened to her and the baby so that the woman enjoys every
moment is enough
Love is taken from the sacred and presented as a trivial thing, and abortion is increasingly
recognized as a right of women and they have to do what they want with their bodies. But
she knew that somewhere deep in her soul, she became a mother and took the life of her
child through an abortion. All she did was hurt herself. The pain of an abortion decision does
not always arise immediately after the deed has taken place.

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