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Antagonist or Protagonist in the British Isles

Boris Johnson, in full Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, born in

June 19, 1964, New York City (New York, U.S.), American-born is a
British journalist and Conservative Party politician who became prime
minister of the United Kingdom in July 2019. He was elected as Prime
Minister in the British government after a successful campaign when
Theresa May resigned.

His biggest achievement so far is the Brexit, a very controversial

move that was loved and criticized by the Bretons. Johnson became
the leading spokesman for the “Leave” campaign in the run-up to
the June 23, 2016, national referendum on whether the United
Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union. Johnson
was able to find common ground with the EU on a renegotiated
agreement that greatly resembled May’s proposal but replaced the
backstop with a plan to keep Northern Ireland aligned with the EU for
at least four years from the end of the transition period.
Shortly after he had become prime minister, Johnson's government
announced increased public sector spending. In particular, it was
announced that an extra 20,000 police officers would be hired, the
roll-out of high-speed broadband would be sped up, the funding per
school pupil would be increased to a minimum of £5,000 and
£1.8 billion for upgrades and new equipment at hospitals.

Johnson is a controversial figure in British politics. Supporters have

praised him as humorous and entertaining. Conversely, his critics have
accused him of lying, elitism, cronyism, and bigotry. Regardless your
opinion on him, he is a good politician that help his country in
diffciult situation and succesfuly managed it very well.


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