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STEP 4: PRESENT YOUR SECOND ARGUMENT "FOR" & loving on to the idea that if all children have smartphones kid will be excluded, this argument has some merit. In the past, kids in school were bullied for being the only one without a TV - this is the same problem, just updated. ” Atip) We now move on to present another argument in Favour. STEP 5: PRESENT YOUR FINAL ARGUMENT "AGAINST" -P evertheless, critics might argue that all this mobile phone d technology use is having a terrible impact on kids. Every day | see young children given phones or tablets by their parents to entertain them. This could surely become addictive in the future.” Notice that we introduce our own experiences, but we don't bother saying ‘I think this’ or ‘I think that’ - there’s no time! “setter to follow the sequence FOR-AGAINST-FOR-AGAINST as it allows you to use high- el contrasting expressions. (e) Future House Languages 2.2021 es

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