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Classroom Observation Report

Faculty Name: Deb Vilmont Faculty Status: Faculty

Course: CD 215: Adult/Child Interaction Observer: Christina McElwee

Date, Time, Location of Observation: Monday, February 12, 2017 - 9:30 - 10:30 - ECLL 122
Instructions: This form provides a suggested list of desired characteristics or behaviors for the observer to consider while in the classroom. It should not be
considered an exhaustive checklist. Observers are encouraged to make comments on the elements they observe, indicating both strengths and areas for
improvement. Comments should be collegial, constructive, practical, meaningful and explicit in nature.

After a post observation meeting, this report should be submitted to the appropriate department head or program director and Associate Dean.

If desired, the syllabus for this course may be reviewed using GRCC’s syllabus template at

Review section: Behaviors to be considered include

but are not limited to: Description / Comments
ORGANIZATION It is evident that the objectives for the class period are well organized. The
instructor flows from one topic to the next seamlessly. The main points of
● Organizes subject matter
each objective are summarized before going to the next activity.
● Evidences preparation
● Emphasizes and summarizes main points
● Stays focused on and meets stated objectives

PARTICIPATION and ENGAGEMENT When I arrived, the students were working on composing a tweet. It
appeared that this tweet was a reflection of a prior lesson or assignment.
● Demonstrates respectful, fair, and impartial behaviors Students were then asked to discuss their thoughts before picking two
● Provides prompting, affirming and/or constructive feedback tweets to share with the class. The instructor used students’ names to ask
● Encourages student participation for reflections about the tweets. The instructor then transitioned into a brief
● Engages students period of lecture. While lecturing, the instructor stops to ask open-ended
● Uses student names questions. The lecture is very engaging and enhanced by personal
● Asks open ended questions experiences that students can relate to.
● Uses appropriate wait time
● Uses paraphrasing or echoes student responses
● Moves around the room
TEACHING METHODS The instructor does a great job of giving students time to think about
responses to questions. She also summarizes student responses and adds
● Uses relevant teaching methods
relevant information.
● Uses a variety of teaching strategies
● Orients students The instructor is very attentive to timing. She uses a variety of teaching
● Assesses student understanding strategies to make sure that students are engaged. She varies instruction
methods so that students aren’t focusing on one task for a long period of
● Addresses student learning styles
● Summarizes learning
Within the time I was observing, the instructor used group work, lecture,
reading, and presentation to provide instruction and assess student
understanding. This method of teaching also addresses student learning
The instructor does a great job of explaining the rationale behind each
activity and helping students understand the purpose.
PRESENTATION Positive body language and eye contact was observed. The instructor is seen
moving around the room and panning the room to determine if students
● Uses approachable, positive body language
need assistance.
● Establishes and maintains eye contact with students
● Pans the room
● Uses a clear voice that can be easily heard
● Demonstrates professional demeanor

MANAGEMENT Students are seated in three larger groups. It is mentioned during the class
that this is not the norm. This shows that the instructor arranges the class
● Uses time appropriately
based on the course objectives for that day. All students can see the front of
● Facilitates class interactions the classroom when lecture materials are presented.
● Promotes civility in the classroom
● Makes good use of space Group work is used quite frequently throughout the class period. The
instructor facilitates class interactions and encourages student participation.
It is clear that the instructor has spent time building rapport and community
within the classroom.

Overall Comments
I really enjoyed visiting your class. I was extremely engaged from the moment that I walked in until the moment I left. I really liked the idea of using a
“tweet” for a quick review. It allows students to synthesize information in a very succinct way. The way that you switched from lecture to group work to
individual work shows not only attentiveness to students to needs, but also an understanding of learning styles.
After reviewing the syllabus, I did not notice anything that needed to be changed. All required components were included.

The one question that I had about the class period was regarding students taking notes during lectures. After speaking with Deb, she explained that
students are encouraged to take notes during lectures, specifically on lecture material that will be tested at a later date. If not already utilized, possibly
creating “fun” note-taking forms would make lectures more engaging and could be used a study tool.

Final – May 2015

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