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Unit 8: The Concept Paper

Lesson 3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

Engage 1
Introduction 1
Objectives 2

Explore 2

Explain and Elaborate 3

Analyzing the Concept Paper 3
Breaking Down the Concept 4
Examples of Analyzing a Concept Paper 5

Extend 12
Activity 1 12
Activity 2 14

Evaluate 15

Wrap Up 17

Photo Credit 18

Bibliography 18
Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper



Johannes Gutenberg was a German

inventor who introduced the printing
press to Europe in the 1800s. The
printing press was one of those
inventions that became a solution to
a problem. People could now print
text for the masses, and information
could reach them at a faster rate.
Gutenberg’s invention of the printing
press solved the problem of slow
information dissemination during
that time.

● What do you think inspired

Gutenberg to conceptualize his
printing press invention?
● How does a concept paper
become an essential part of
creating solutions for various

Fig. 1. Pictured above is the printing press invented

by Johannes Gutenberg, which paved the way to mass

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Enumerate the ways the concept paper is useful for everyday situations.
● Explain various concepts found in a sample concept paper.

DepEd Competencies
● Identify situations in which a concept paper may be effectively used to improve our
society. (CS_EN11/12A-EAP-Ig-j-21)
● Explain and clarify concepts in fields such as: Science. (CS_EN11/12A-EAP-Ig-j-23.7)


10 minutes

With a partner, brainstorm a feasible way for a cashless system to be used for public
transportation. Integrate the following beneficiaries: commuters, franchise owners, and

Guide Questions

1. What were the initial ideas you had for the problem presented?

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

2. What is your solution for the cashless system?

3. Justify why you feel this is the best solution of all of your ideas.

Explain and Elaborate

Analyzing the Concept Paper

The alignment of the concepts, rationale, purpose, objectives, action plan, and budget is
essential in analyzing the concept paper. Readers must be critical thinkers to not only
understand the text but also determine if the proposed project is feasible for execution.

Before anything else, you must be familiar with the concepts presented in the paper before
you can analyze it. You can utilize the related literature section in order to familiarize
yourself with the concepts discussed. Doing so also allows you to have a general idea about
the topic and the concepts crucial in the research being presented in the concept paper.

Why is the alignment imperative in a concept


Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

Once you are familiar with the topic and concepts involved in the study, you now have a
baseline for assessing the study being proposed in the concept paper. The purpose and
rationale of the study is essential to identify whether the examples used to depict the
concepts are appropriate for the defined context or not. There must be an alignment
between the concepts and rationale using the goals and objectives of the concept paper.
With the goals and objectives presented in the concept paper, you can now determine if the
goals are achievable with the objective(s) to be fulfilled.

After determining if the project rationale is fit for the study, you should be familiar with the
methods of data collection and analysis. There are instances wherein the research topic or
project is appropriate for the research area, however, the writers fail to create a feasible
way to implement and execute the project within the stated time period. This will affect the
budget of expenses for the execution of the project, so the methodology should be aligned
with the project’s rationale and objectives. Once the plan of action is determined to be fit for
the study, the budget can be reviewed and discussed. With the review of the budget, you
should be familiar with the prices of materials, equipment, transportation, etc. This will be
useful in determining if the budget is overinflated or not.

Breaking Down the Concept

A reader can ask the following questions when breaking down the concept:
● Who is the audience of the study? Who will benefit from the study? Who are the
authors of the said concepts?
● Are the terms used well-defined? Are the terms used consistent throughout the
paper? Are the concepts discussed well?
● Are similar concepts combined? Can a layman easily understand the topic discussed,
or should the reader have prior knowledge of the topic? Is the information organized
and clustered well?
● Did the author(s) compare or contrast the concepts in the paper to show distinction?
Are examples used to illustrate the concepts? Are the examples appropriate for the
● Did the author show and describe cause and effect relationships among the
concepts? Did the author(s) compare new concepts with old ones?

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

Why is analyzing a concept paper considered a

critical thinking skill?

Examples of Analyzing a Concept Paper

Example 1
One of the pillars of any society is mental health. According to Legg (2013), cognitive,
behavioral, and emotional wellbeing are the underlying factors of what defines “mental
health.” With mental health problems being prevalent among students today, the goal is to
increase awareness and find efficient and proficient ways to help students who suffer from
mental health concerns. According to Powers (2013), the alarming number of youth whose
mental health problems remain neglected has become a significant social problem.
Moreover, children’s mental health problems manifest in troubles in school. This leads to
academic underachievement, which could result in the child feeling unsatisfied and

One significant solution that could contribute immediately is to disseminate the idea that
mental health should not be taken lightly. Urgent steps and actions need to be taken to
solve this issue, as it affects many students on a regular basis. According to Eisenberg and
Gollust (2007), students’ mental health problems develop and are shaped through how they
experience society. The researchers also state that tackling the problem of mental health
issues among students could start with several aspects, such providing guidance to students
with low grades, family problems, and other school-related problems. Another significant
solution is the establishment of institutions dedicated to students’ mental health within the
DLSU-D campus. Though it could prove to be an essential addition to the Lasallian system,
there is still a gap in whether or not it will be accommodated by the administrators as well
as the head officials of the campus.

The researchers are tasked to disseminate the different types of problems regarding mental
health in order to find a way to create a much healthier and more welcoming environment.

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

As DLSU-D still lacks appropriate facilities and programs, this research could be useful in
catching the teachers’ and administrators’ attention.

The researchers’ goal is to determine the capacity of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas to

handle students with mental health needs. For the study to be effective, the DLSU-D and La
Salle schools will also be interviewed to establish the basis for benchmarking the
supervision of students with mental health needs. If the result of the data shows that the
systems within DLSU-D and the two Lasallian schools for handling and managing students
with mental health issues are not co-equal or at least corresponding, which is the
researchers’ primary concern, then DLSU-D's management is ineffective. However, pointing
out this oversight will be beneficial to DLSU-D so they can improve the management of and
systems for dealing with mental health issues through facilities and programs.

The study will benefit the schools and also the students of the school, as it aims to
investigate how proficient the school is in meeting their needs. All the results will become
figures and details that will serve to bring awareness to the school. Additionally, the study
will become documentation: a form of evidence that can be used for the enhancement of
the school’s system.

According to Eisenberg (2007), mental health problems are present in many college
students. The study seeks information to gain a deeper understanding and to better grasp
ways to manage students with mental illnesses. The study also intends to serve as a
stepping stone for different schools and universities to improve and provide compatible
facilities and programs that can cater to the mental health needs of students.

The research will be utilizing a qualitative type with descriptive research as its basis. Certain
design was used to gain a deeper understanding of a phenomenon that deals with vast
numbers of data that can be combined to form more persuasive and more reasonable
arguments (Taguchi, 2018). The researchers intend to conduct direct interviews with
open-ended questions to several college administrators and guidance counselors inside De
La Salle University-Dasmariñas.

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

As a basis, the researchers also included and chose two additional LaSalle schools: the De La
Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI) and De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
– Vermosa (DLSZ-V). It will be observed if these schools can provide programs, facilities, and
insights about handling students with special mental needs from the head administrators
and counselors as well; these will be used to give prior or additional information regarding
how La Salle schools handle students with mental needs.

Table 1. List of necessary expenditures in conducting the study

Purpose Cost

Food expenses P1,200

Transportation expenses P1,000

Paper and printing P350

Defense panels P150

Research adviser P200

Total P2,900

The example presents a concept paper on a study about Lasallian schools and how their
programs and facilities do not address the mental health needs of students. The concepts
were first defined in the introduction of the concept paper, wherein the writer was able to
cite several proponents in order to explain the concepts. The writers then discussed the
rationale behind the research, which is that it aims to close the research gap to determine
why there is still a lack of support and facilities for students with mental health needs. This
allows the writers to align with the paper’s goal, as discussed and presented with their
research questions. Even though the researchers presented a plan of action for data
collection, it could have been better if they were more specific with how the data will be
analyzed, especially since the paper is qualitative. Lastly, the budget seems to be misaligned;
this could be brought to the researchers’ attention in order to have a more appropriate
breakdown of expenses.

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

Why should the reader consider the audience and

purpose of the concept paper to check for its

Example 2
This study emphasizes the coping mechanisms that the grade 12 students of De La Salle
University-Dasmarinas use upon facing academic stress. Despite stress being experienced
by everyone, excessive stress could make people’s mental development more difficult,
especially that of young adults, because at their age, they are hugely affected by their
hormones. When the stress hormone becomes imbalanced, it can be dangerous for one’s
mental health.

Academic stress has always been a common experience among students, especially with the
implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K-12). Students experience
academic-related stress more, as the act gave them two additional years of student life.
Students may sometimes experience inconsistency of their mental development in the
social environment and thus suffer from conflicts occurring due to insufficient ability to
adapt to physical changes and cognitive growth. These conflicts may further lead to
psychological difficulties and induce aberrant behavior. Hence, students utilize different
approaches in coping with academic-related stress; they either run away or face the

Students try to find a way to deal with the stressors in their lives. However, the success of
this depends on the student’s mindset or approach to the stressor, because coping is a
highly individualized process that also depends on the gravity of the situation.

The purpose of the study entitled “Coping Mechanisms of Grade 12 Students of De La Salle
University-Dasmarinas toward Academic Stress” is to determine the most used and effective
coping mechanisms for the students.

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

The study consists of coping mechanisms that are employed whenever students experience
academic stress. As stated in the review of related literature, the coping mechanisms that
students utilize are distracting themselves, spending time with friends, praying, eating,
writing journals/diaries, and using substances.

The researchers provided information on perceiving which coping mechanisms are

frequently used by the grade 12 Students of De La Salle University-Dasmariñas through
simple random sampling. 30 selected Grade 12 students are divided into 15 males and 15
females for proper observation of the two genders regarding their use of coping
mechanisms. The study was conducted in the university since the respondents are students
of DLSU-D. The researchers presented a personal confrontation and provided a legal
consent form for the approval of the respondents.

The researchers gathered the results in this study through the utilization of a self-made
survey, which was validated and approved by the Student Wellness Center to examine the
situations that would trigger the respondent. The questionnaires were composed of 25
questions, which consisted of situations that were related to the coping mechanisms used
when experiencing academic stress. Subsequently, the respondents rated how often, if ever,
they utilize coping mechanisms during certain situations as always, sometimes, rarely, or
never, respectively.

The data gathered by the answered questionnaires were scrutinized by the researchers
using the statistical procedure of the Pearson-R correlation coefficient test. Therefore, the
results of the study were assessed afterward.

The budget needed for this research is ₱3,000. Since the research is school-based and
focuses more on the answers of the students regarding their coping mechanisms, the
budget would mostly cover the researchers’ food, transportation, and the fees to be paid to
the research adviser and the statistician. Fortunately, since the researchers have a printer,
there would be no need to pay fees for printing. A budget of P1,000 will be allotted for food
and transportation, while the remaining P2,000 would go to the research adviser and

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

The example presents a concept paper of a study about grade 12 students’ methods for
handling academic stress. The concepts were first defined in the introduction of the concept
paper; however, there is a lack of citations from other studies to determine how academic
stress is used in the paper. The researchers then discuss the aim of the research to
determine the most effective ways to cope with academic stress. The goals and concepts
being discussed in the paper were properly aligned. Furthermore, the paper thoroughly
discusses the researchers’ plan of action. It details the instrumentation, possible
respondents, and method for data analysis. The methodology stated is aligned with the
research questions. Lastly, although there is no budget table, the writers still stated how
much money will be spent on the study. The budget seems to be aligned with the nature of
the study.

Why is it imperative to break down the concepts

for better understanding?

Example 3
Cafeterias and canteens are generally the center of universities, as other than classrooms,
they are the most frequently visited by students, teachers, staff, and visitors. The population
of a university, along with some other factors like peak hours, unorganized location, and
poor management, would result in overcrowding canteens (Action News Jax, 2014).
Technological innovations have made things more comfortable, including the development
of food providers’ systems, such as the integration of self-service kiosks in popular fast-food
chains, in order to improve the quality of service (Eastwood, 2018).

Self-service kiosks, which are generally placed in restaurants for faster services, use
radio-frequency identification (RFID), technology that uses radio waves together with a tag
and a receiver to identify a specific data given for a specific object (Kaur et al., 2011). As of
2016, about 45 percent of McDonald’s throughout Europe have installed self-service kiosks,
and about 90 percent of the fast-food chains in France have in-store kiosks (Sozzi, 2016).

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

In 2018, local fast-food chains Jollibee and Greenwich installed self-service kiosks in
partnership with the company ANSI Information System, Inc. As the technology further
improves said establishments due to its contribution to accessibility (Manila Standard,
2019), the self-service kiosks make things more convenient for the customers and the
management, resulting in a quicker and more accurate food ordering system.

The study aims to integrate radio frequency or RFID technology through the use of an
open-source electronics platform called Arduino Uno as a tool for crowd control in the De La
Salle University-Dasmariñas food square. The integration of the RFID-based crowd control
system aims to have a positive impact on the management system of the university
cafeteria. The apparent lack of maintenance during peak hours and special events helped
generate the idea of using RFID technology to improve the management system.

The study is focused on whether the RFID system could reduce crowd congestion in the De
La Salle University-Dasmariñas food square, as well as determine whether the RFID system
is accessible to most of the university’s population and acknowledge the differences
between the traditional management system and the RFID-based management system. The
success of the study will allow the researchers to comprehend whether RFID technology can
enhance the school canteen’s performance in accommodating more customers, ensuring
food safety, protecting the assets of the business, and improving the overall management
system of the university cafeteria. If achieved, the overall study could contribute to the
modernization of cafeterias or other restaurants through the application of advanced
technology to develop their management system. It would also help create more complex
ideas revolving on technologies used in improving a customer's dining experience.

The project aims to significantly decrease crowd congestion in De La Salle University –

Dasmariñas Food Square and to provide an easier way of purchasing goods for the whole
Lasallian community.

The researchers will perform the study at De La Salle University Dasmarinas – High School
Food Square. The target participants of the whole research are the science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics students and faculty staff that will serve as customers using
the RFID card upon paying using the Arduino system in each kiosk. It will focus specifically

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

on Nanay’s canteen, where customer congestion is of particular concern inside the DLSU-D
Food Square. The operation of the system will be done by the researchers using the Arduino
Uno, which will identify the students’ and faculty staff’s name. Their names will be recorded
in the Arduino Systems database after the program is set. The researcher will place the
system inside Nanay’s canteen. After paying, the researcher will see through the satisfaction
rate of STEM students and faculty staff upon using the RFID card and the programmed
Arduino system that the researchers make.

The study will allot a budget for purchasing the main part of the study, the Arduino Uno. It
only costs P1,600.

The study introduces the concept, and it has examples. The concept discussed in the paper
is the cashless system for paying for food in cafeterias. The writer gives more light to the
technical terms by using universal examples in fast-food restaurants. It is aligned with the
paper, as the researcher would like to see if the cashless system works in the university
canteen area. However, the study fails to show a real concrete plan of action. Considering
that the study is quantitative, it is probably best that there was a way to see how the system
would have been built and tested during the experiment. Furthermore, the budget
breakdown lacks a lot of components, as the researcher only mentions one aspect of the
entire study.


Activity 1
Identify the concept presented in this introduction and conceptualize at least two different
solutions that could be applied.

Air pollution is one of the greatest threats to the environment in today’s world (WHO, 2018). This
is evident in the Philippines, because air pollution is one of the leading causes of death in the
country and has the third-highest death rate caused by air pollution (WHO, 2018). Air pollution is

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

the combination of air pollutants and particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter can enter the
respiratory tract when its size is below 2.5 micrometers. Once it enters the respiratory and
cardiovascular system, it might pose a serious threat (EPA, 2018). The common gases that are
considered to be major air pollutants are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide
(Sherrard, 2018). Prolonged exposure to any of these air pollutants or particulate matter may
lead to respiratory diseases, leukemia, congenital disabilities and immune system defects,
cardiovascular problems, heart disease and stroke, neurobehavioral disorders, liver and other
types of cancer, and premature death (Yang et al., 2018). Jeepneys are one of the major means of
public transportation in the Philippines (Gregorio, 2018). However, having many jeepneys on the
road at a given time can cause cumulative environmental problems due to the engine’s age and
mechanical condition. Due to this, jeepneys can significantly contribute to air pollution.

Comprehend the concept and reflect how different solutions can address the

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

Activity 2
Present one concept you would like to discuss in a research paper. Cite how this particular
research can address a major problem in your school community.

First, think of any issues occurring in your school, then zero in on the root problem.
Find related literature regarding the concepts you need to discuss.

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper


A. Answer the following questions as accurately and

precisely as you can.

1. How should you analyze a concept paper?

2. What are the concepts that need to be aligned to deem a concept paper appropriate
and accurately written?

3. What happens if the objectives and goals are not aligned with how the concept is
presented in the introduction?

4. How does one determine if the budget is appropriate for the study?

5. Why is alignment an imperative part of determining the feasibility of a concept paper?

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

B. Carefully think before writing a complete answer for each


1. Why should concept papers be aligned throughout?

2. How does one align the goals with the action plan?

3. Why should action plans of qualitative research be thorough and complete in the
concept paper?

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

4. Why should action plans of true experimentation research studies be complete in the
concept paper?

5. How does the analysis of a concept paper help readers and writers?

Wrap Up

● A reader should check the alignment of the paper; it is the most essential part of
analyzing a concept paper.
● A reader should use his or her critical thinking skills in order to determine if the
content of the concept paper is appropriate for execution.
● A reader is allowed to be critical and determine if the parts of concept paper are
not aligned with the functions and respective parts.

Unit 8.3: Analyzing a Concept Paper

Photo Credit
Gutenberg Press 3 by Andrew Plumb is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flikr.


“Analysis in Research Papers.” Suny Empire State College, n.d. Accessed January 29, 2020.

Concept Analysis Paper, n.d. Accessed January 29, 2020.

Editage Insights. “What Is a Concept Paper?” Editage Insights, April 14, 2019. Accessed
January 29, 2020.

Harvey, Jim. “The Best Way to Explain Complex Concepts – Part 1.” Presentation Guru.
Accessed January 29, 2020.

Oaks, Susan. “College Writing.” Patterns of Development Overview | College Writing, n.d.
Accessed January 29, 2020.

The Grantsmanship Center. “Concept Papers and How to Use Them.” The Grantsmanship
Center, February 7, 2020. Accessed January 29, 2020.

“What Is a Concept Paper?” The Concept Paper, n.d. Accessed January 29, 2020.


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