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Biodiversity Assessment 1: Leave it to Beavers Documentary Name:


Excellent Good Basic Not Yet

O1: Demonstrates a mastery Demonstrates a well- Demonstrates a Demonstrates a beginning

Understands level of understanding developed level of concrete level of understanding of
understanding. understanding. concepts.
and makes
connections Is able to apply concepts Is able to apply Is generally able to Is able to briefly describe
between and explain ideas concepts and explain use and define some concepts
concepts thoroughly with specific ideas clearly concepts accurately
supporting details

● Use your notes from the video “Leave it to Beavers” to help answer the
following questions fully.
● Include details from the documentary and define all key terms (bolded & underlined) in your responses.
● Sentence starters are included, you are encouraged to use them however you do not need to.

1. Describe the niche of the beaver and the ecosystem they live in. Be specific and include as many details as
you can.

An ecosystem is…

A niche is …..

The ecosystem of the beaver is ……

The niche of the beaver is …….

2. How does the beaver’s niche affect the environment they live in and the community of other organisms
they interact with?

A community is …..

A beavers niche affects a forest by……

A beavers niche affects the wetlands by….

A beavers niche affects the prairies by….

The community of other organisms are affected by a beaver niche…

3. How do the beaver’s structural and behavioural adaptations help it survive in its environment?
Explain and be specific.

A type of structural adaptation done by the beaver is…

this helps it survive by…

A type of behavioural adaptation done by the beaver is…

this helps it survive by…
4. What has caused the beaver’s population to decrease in the past?

A population is ……

The beavers population has decreased in the past because of ……

5. How did the extirpation of the beaver change the landscape?

Extirpation is ……..

The landscape was changed by the beavers' extirpation by …..

6. How have conservation efforts changed the beaver populations? Explain and include the following in your
a. What types of challenges have there been with improving beaver populations?
b. How can understanding beaver behaviour help with conservation efforts?

Conservation efforts have changed the beaver population by….

The challenges involved with increasing beaver population are….

Understanding beaver behaviour can help improve conservation efforts by…

7. How does the environment improve when beavers are reintroduced and there is more of them? Be

The environment improves when beavers are reintroduced by ….

The environment changes when there are more beavers because….

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