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How To Rice Cooker

1. Rinse your rice

Start by rinsing a cup of rice under cool, clean water in your rice washing bowl or

2. Add the rice to your cooker

Turn your rice cooker on and then add your rice to the interior. Your rice should
be slightly damp from rinsing.

3. Add water

Some chefs prefer to use broth for added flavor, but if you’re just figuring out
how to use a rice cooker for the first time sticking to water is best. Water also
offers the cleanest, simplest end result and can store nicely for several hours (or
even days) in your cooker with the warming function turned on. Use 1-1/2 to 2
cups of water for every 1 cup of dry rice. Using 1-1/2 cups will result in a slightly
grainier yield, while a full 2 cups will give you a stickier result.

4. Add salt

Half a teaspoon of salt (or slightly less) per cup of dry rice is an easy measurement
to start with.

5. Stir everything with your paddle

Use your rice paddle to combine ingredients.

6. Close the rice cooker

If you’re using white or basmati varieties, use the rice cooker’s “white rice”
setting. Most modern rice cookers also come with settings for brown rice and
other types, which you can choose before running your device.

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