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NOVELLO’S ORIGINAL OCTAVO EDITION. THE MESSIAH A SACRED ORATORIO COMPOSED IN THE YEAR 1741 BY G. F.. HANDEL EDITED, AND THE PIANOFORTE ACCOMPANIMENT LARGELY RE-WRITTEN, BY EBENEZER PROUT. Ent, Sta, tall Price 75 centr Paper boaris, $1.00 Cloth, gilt, $1.50, Tux H. W. Gray Co, Sole Agents for NOVELLO & CO., Lt, 21 Easr 17th Srrert, New York. Copyright, 1902, by Novello and Company, Limited. Lhe right of Public Representation and Performance is reserved. The purchase of Scores and Parts carries with it the right of Public Performance. If itis desired to use hired or borrowed copies of Scores or Parts, the permission of the Publishers must be first oblained. A CONTENTS. PART I. No. pack | No. 1 Overture a ae 1 | 12 For unto us a Child is born Chorus 2 Comfort ye My people .. Recit. 4 | 18 Pastoral Symphony ce ae 8 Evry valley Air 6 | 14 There were shepherds ... . Revit. 4 And the glory of the Lord Chorus. 10} And lo! the angel of the Lord Reeit. 5 Thus saith the Lord... . Recit. 18 | 15 And the angel said unto them — Recit. 6 But who may abide? Air 20] 16 And suddenly . Recit. 7 And he shall purify... Chorus 27 | 17 Glory to God Chorus 8 Behold, a virgin shall conceive Reeit. 88 | 18 Rejoice greatly Air 9 O thon that tellest good tidings 19 Then shall the eyes of the blind Recit. Air and Chorus 88 | 99 He shall feed His flock Air 10 For behold, darkness ... «» Recit. 42] 91 His yoke is easy Chorus 11 The people that walked in darkness Air 48 PART II. 22 Behold the Lamb of God .Chorus 80 | 82 But Thou did’st not leave... Air 23 He was despised a Air 83 | 38 Lift up your heads Chorus 24 Surely He hath borne our _ Chorus 87 | 87 The Lord gave the word Chorus 25 And with His stripes... ...Chorus_ 91 | 38 How beautiful are the feet Air 26 All we like akeep . Chorus 95 | 39 Their sound is gone out Chorus 27 All they that see Him . . Recit. 103 | 40 Why do the nations? .... ... Air 28 He trusted in God Chorus 104 | 41 Let us break their bonds asunder 29 Thy rebuke hath broken His heart Chorus Recit. 111 | 49 He that dwelleth in Heaven —_Recit. 80 Behold, and see vs Ait) 112 | 48 ‘Thou shalt break them ve Air 81 He was cut off ... oe +» Reeit. 118 | 44 Hallelujah! Chorus PART II. 45 I know that my Redeemer liveth Air 158 | 48 The trumpet shall sound a Air 46 Since by man came death Chorus 168 | 53 Worthy is the Lamb «Chorus 47 Behold, I tell yous mystery —-Recit. 166 APPENDIX. 84 Unto which of the angels «+» Recit. 187 | 50 O death, where is thy sting Duet 85 Let all the angels of God Chorus 187 | 51 But thanks be to God .. Chorus 86 Thou art gone uponhigh ... Air 191 | 52 If God be for us Air 49 Then shall be brought to pass Recit. 196 aR 47 57 59 59 60 60 61 65 7 a 75 118 116 124 127 129 188 139 145 145 149 166 178 196 198 204 PART L No. 1. OVERTURE. Copyright, 1902, by Novello and Company, Limited, Handel's Messiah—Novello's Baition. 0 2 eopoo sooty, a (Se { Handel's Messish.—Novello’s Edition, Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition. 4 No. 2. Reoranve.—COMPORT YE MY PEOPLE, Larghetto ¢ pia com-fort-a-blyto Je- ru-salem, speak ye comfortably to. Je - ru-salem, and — aereteriis Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition ary = ¥ un-to her, that her = ee = complisha, that her in make straight in the des-ert a high-way ' ce thee og ae ee ete = = = - aE fé' SS - tty epee Thevoice of him thateriethin the wil-demess, “Pre-pare ye the way of the 1 1 +- = — = EF i Si Sg ; ? ft — ba — E 3 ; == F — cm 2 ESS re Sr ZS fetes SS =e a | for our God.” * Handel's MS, has F she Dublin score D. Handel's Mossiah.—Novello's Edition. 6 No. 3. Am.—EV'RY VALLEY SHALL BE EXALTED, Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition, == += oe ondats MeianKoveis Raion nT 77 aa Seep Ht Bandel’s Messiah —Novello's Edition, SS hill made low, the “crooked stat, the SSE ee i = ~ and therongh placts plain, and thorough places plan, — ots gs i . — | fas: Qi SS Sa e TS : d. y Fetemp oy eat ont facetef. | 7 SSeS i Ls I ky Handox’s Messiah —Novallo's dition, 10 No, 4. Cuorvs.—AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD. Allegro. #100. Ant ihe \ glo-ry of the Lord —— glo-ry of the Lord ‘Mandel’s Messiah.—Novello's Edition. * See Preface, 28. eS slo-ry of the | erri a —— See ‘and the gio - ry,the glo-ryof the ei : a shalt "ho" yo” Weal -ed ty Lord shall be Lord shall be Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition. eat= —= = pa i 7 and all Bie and all flesh. shall 2 Hanael's Messiah —Novello's Edition, mouth and all —— —* and all ite see it to = ge - ther, fies 7) shall Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Baition. 4 ‘ther, and the and the eS 3S “and the 3 glo - ry, the glo- ryof the 6S Se glo - ry, the glo -ryof the == == = glo - ry, the glo- ryof the eee aaa 7 glo - ty, the glo -1yof the ee = T Ey Bo ——,_____» > ie SSS Sit to - ge - ther, the mouth of the Lord ‘hath, SES AS Z = , it to - ge - ther, and ime glo - ry, the glo- ryof the ie SS —_— [== it to - ge - ther, 5 ‘Handel's Messinh.—Novello’s Battion. 302 flesh shall as rE # 1 = ther, tite’ glo - ty, the =e > ther, ae = ‘glo-ry of the Lord. shall be 16 = and the — glo - 4 XN see it to - ge - ther, op SS to - ge - ther, ae — aes es Lord shall be re Handel's Messiah —Novello's Haition, - aoe — = ther, to - £6 ge - ther, to - eee . é hath spo - a es hath spo - = it, ath ao = ken i, fe hath spo - Ken it, Handel's Messiah. —Novello's Eaition. 18 No. 5. Reorrarive.—THUS SAITH THE LORD. po Andante Bass, e SSS Se "Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts ary and I will =—s-l 3S all na-tions; I'l shake the heav'ns, figesessté rr Handel's Messin —Novello's Baition. 7 esa 19 2 —,-$-4 the sea, pe the ap ‘The Lord, whom ye seek, shall sudden-ly come to His be - hold, He shall eS] Lord of Hosts, Handel's Messiah. —Novollo’s Edition. 20 No. 6. Am.—BUT WHO MAY ABIDE THE DAY OF HIS COMING? N — — Larghetta_2= 88 —— _ who may a - bide, but whomay a - bide the be Handel's Messiah —Novello's Baition, Handel's ee Novato’ ation, soa 7 Handel's Measiah.—Novello's Raition 23, = 7 stand when Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition, pear-eth ? = a a a oat who shall stand when He, when He ap Handel's Messiah,—Novello's Pdition, esa Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Baition e332 ‘Handel's Messiah,—Novello’s Edition, 27 No. 7 Cuorvs.—AND HE SHALL PURIFY. Allegro. Bopnano. a And He shall AndHe shall = pu = ori N mfx. —— o And He shall Handel's Mossiah.—Novolio's Edition. esa f—0_# #98 ogo. Handel's Messiah.—Novelto's Faition that they may of pee ae poe that they may of —— right - eous 2 eous aoe Ze Offer = ing in right eeten | } £22'2s%es.— Te E; dgoo ret paces eae ‘and He shall = ness, and He shall, «= pul- ni - fy, “and He shall ald He shall ft pee He shall pu - ri - fy the sons of aoe Heshall pu- ri- fy the sons of Le , es 4 ‘Handel's Mossiah.—Novello’s Edition. 92 ‘Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Baition. So ee = ear. ~Heshall pu-ri-fy . => Le - vi, ss Te - vi, that they may srg in right > cous offering in right - cous 88 No. 8. Recrtattve.—BEHOLD, A VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE. = SSS Be - hold, a vir - gin shall con-cei and bear a son, ~ ———— — 1 SS SSS =e and shall call His name Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition. 392 moun Handel's Messial.—Novello’s Haition, © thou that tell-est good ti-dings to Je-ru - sa-lem, lift Seas say un-to the Be- hold. your = NI o Handel's Messials—Novello's Edition. a8 (ete: aw) un-to the cities of Ja hold your God! . . behold your Godt! . ee SS ooo © thou that tellest good tidings to Zi-on, oe pe OO a ge Be Cee Pee = Sag ba 7 EF a+ rie, a + tise, a tise, shine, for —_ o ‘Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Baition, ea eo go-ry of the “ta eee en up-on. . thee is tis - en, is Ped. - 7 Huudel's Messiah —Novelle’s Edition ws 38 CHORUS. thou that tell-est good —— Thoa that tell - &t good ti-dings to Zi on, good 0 thou ti-dings to Zi eo a ti-dings to Zi - on, = 7 -— ti-dings to Zi- on, Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition, Two the ‘eit ~ ies Hanlel’s Messials.—Novello's Edition. Eee 11 un - to the a pa ti-dings to Zi- on, # ti-dings tg Zi- on, sty bpp of the Lord, SS Handel's Messiah —Novetlo's Baition. ry of the Handel's Messiah —Novello's Raition. ae 42, No. 10. Recttarrver.—FOR BEHOLD, DARKNESS SHALL COVER THE EARTH. Hp Andante Larghetto, ~_— Aya but the Lord shall a - Hes poco eres. FE E ‘Wandel’s Messiah —Novello's Edition. ryshallbeseen up - on thee, and His glo =~ ryshallbe seen up-on thee, eo a peo - plethat walk - ed,that walked in darkness have S 7 +H a _* Handel s Messiah-—Novello's Edition, a2 oe =~ of et = PoP a re = eae pS ee seen agreatlight, have seen agreat light, . the peo- ple that walk- ed, that -~ B be a Ble = =f ee : peo- ple that walk-ed, that walk-ed in darkness, thatwalk-ed in dark - - ness, the a SSS ae tm fener ree err peo- ple that walk-ed in st eee) 45 ~ bend ~ E ty oe? oF ale, Handel's Messiah —Novollo's Raition. (== Pe eae taeainemeteass in the land, that dwell in the land of the xe SS Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. 5332 ie ~~ Ee up - on them hath the light — shi_- —_ Handel's Messiah —Novollo’s Battion. as AT No, 12. Cuorvs.—FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN, Andante Allegro. @ Fn aettt A Soprano. te aapreie For un-to us aChildis $f a oP dgctiy e agit ste ae Grersenst us aChildis bom: . . Handel's Messiah —Novollo's Raition. esa o Handel's Meesiah—Novollo's Edition. sa etre | ss ae The Mighty God, ity God, e ee 1 The Mighty God, Won -der-ful, ge eaee aaetataeten: _ fea$i born, = = —~ AE eae ae SSE iv = er lasting” Ea-ther, The Prince of Peace, un -to eo rE = £ = £ By - or = lasting Father, itestate fete teeth F The Prince of Peace. Hondel's Messiah. —Novello’s Eaition. ores. SpE “and His Name. a ge ee ee —=t i = ‘ahd_the government shall_be up-on His shoul Pec es ‘Name shail be call -ed Handel's Messiah,—Novollo's Edition, SQ as 2 ing Fa-ther, ‘The Prince ~The Mighty God, = — =" = ‘The Mighty God, The Ev-er-last-ing Father, Spope I2hce cee otes, © raise Sl tebnzastte testes a — usa Child is born, us a Child is bom, {altel J = oS Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition. essa [se Poy ea ws fluid is born, ase Serger usa Child is born, e255. “us a Child is bom, —_un- to Gf Peace. Un-to_ us a Child is boro, un-to Handel's Messiah—Novello's Edition. 3s ty uun-to us eto us es eee given, unto us 2 ee a Son is giv-en I" the gov - ernment shall ea 7 eI ime shall be ax ee eS shall be eall-ed ‘Won - der-ful, a2 4242 {aqTaGay 7 Handel's Messiah Novell's Baitios. == rT EO *% ace SZ “of Peace, ‘The Prince 2 of Peace, The Ev-er- lasting Fa-ther, ‘The Prince of Peace, =é i Ey- er last-ing Farther, ‘The Prince of Peace. eS aS Ey-er-last-ing Father, The Princo of Peace, Handel's Messiah.—Novollo'® Edition. PASTORAL SYMPHONY. a rts 5 | jd J. ¥ Z Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Edition. esa | — Fe ey — moe (Ses — pital as — [Sasa 7 a == = ae Oe = Fore Hl ‘Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition. 59 Recrtanive.—THERE WERE SHEPHERDS ABIDING IN THE FIELD. No. 14, rm Soprano. ges SS el ee ‘There wereshepherdsa - biding in the field, keeping watch o- ver their flocksby night, Reorrattve.—AND LO, THE ANGEL OF THE LORD CAME UPON THEM. Andante, Sornano, Ss 7 f- = 2. ——— = SS SS —- Fa ord came up - on them, and the glo - ry of the 3 eS Lord mee 60 No. 15. Recrtative.—AND THE ANGEL SAID UNTO THEM. tidings of gieat joy, witch shal be ig = therewaswith the an-gel _ a_mul- ti-tude aR OD Re ee Paatfaa Handel's Messtah—Novello's Edition ea 61 No. 17. Cuonvs—GLORY TO GOD. Sopmaxo. = =e glo - ty toGod inthe high - - Auto, tS ———— high o ‘Tuyon. Handel's Messiah —Novello's Baition . sas Se ry toUed in the high - est, a — a a= == glo = ry toGod inthe high - est, and peace on fre: SS S51 good - will to > wards ter = Fie te =F good = will . . to - wardsmen, Fe ‘good-will 0 - whrdsmen, B fetes: ESS S= E good-will to - wards men,towardsmen, ESS men,towards men, SE = to - wards men, ‘Handel's Mossish—Novello's Edition. toGod in the Se toGod in the 2 ae - Ty to Ge el earth, to wardsmen, to > > wards ys Piste ort « to - wards men, to-wards Handel's Mossiah.—Novelio's Wdition. good-will, good-will, good-will, ood-will to + wardsmen, g ts men, good-will, good-will, good-will, good - will towards men, good « men, good-will, = good-will, + + to = wardsmen, Janet tt good-will. . to + wards men, eS SSS 2 Se to + wards men, ‘Handel's Messiah—Novello’s Edition. 8388 65 Handel's Mesalah.—Novello's Edition. Fr] Lire rPat so? PEE oO N danghter of Je-ru - sa-lem! errs ae —= thy King cot + ¥. = |, thy King cometh un to « thee, ppiestae el = to thee, cometh Handel's Messish.—Novella's Edition SSS ae Seer eee He is the right - = cous peasy realea eae tf s _ ——— or. ___ SG =a —— get and He shall speak peace un-tothe hea CS Ho shall speak = then, He shall speak ‘andel’s Messiah.—Novello’s Edition. 68 wot ‘Handel's Mossiah —Novello's Sdition esis © daugh - terof Zi- —_— SS SSSS= 2 _——————— Sy = mu salem! Be-hold, thy King com-ethun - to =e and shout, shout, shout, ~ Handot's Messiah.—Novello's Kdition. se SS ea = greatly, O daughter of King com-eth un - to thee! SSS = — fog ‘2 colla voce. [Ze Hapdel's Meosiah—Novello's Eaition, a No.19, Reorrattve.—THEN SHALL THE EYES OF THE BLIND BE OPENED. Aur. SSS SEEN = = eS eS wet Ra pate ‘Dhen shallthe eyes of the blind be open’d, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. ‘Tren + | 5 = —— z — a — a —— eS z oe and the tongue of thedumb shall si No.-20. Am.—HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK LIKE A SHEPHERD. _.— Larghetto,¢ piano, @ 112. He shall feed His flock like a shep — - ad R41 oF Fe gfrn_fryr <= He.. shall ga + ther the lambs with His arm, => fm r Sr re Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition, e350 = and car - ry... them.. in His bo - som, and EES bey ee gen-tly lead those . . that are. and gen-tly lead those. and See A gen - - tly lead. those that are . . with young. Handel's MessiahNovello’s Edition s3a8 un = to.. Him, ye that are.. hea-vy la - den, and Rot hy ei ee ‘Take Hisyoke up-on you, and andet's Messiah —Novelio's Baition, ee moet ye. .shall find rest, and ye shall find rest, un - to. . yoursouls, low - ly of heart, and yeshallfind rest, and ye shallfind rest un-to . . yoursouls. a= ee pp dod oo oS eee Pt ee ol oS ‘Handel's Messiah.—Novello ¢ Edition saa 75 No, 21. Cuonvs.—HIS YOKE IS EASY, AND HIS BURTHEN IS LIGHT, is bur-then, His burthen is 7 Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Edition. 5809 ee eres Tri, Ray rhe His bur then is fi rts Dur-then is light, His _bur-then, His a =: Biandel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition. S “Sidhe, His bur-then ‘ts His bur-ther ~ titen, His bur’ SHS Tight, es = Zz His bur-then is light, tee His bur Ee Fa light, light, light, is is bir - then is 2. ps cack, His bat > then is ae ue ——s — Tight, His yoke es Besa 2 ——— iS. y - Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Baition. END OF PART I. 80 PART IL. Cuorvs.—BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD. os ve = ave. Taxon, Behold the Lambof God, be = hold t Laub of God, the Lamb of God aa sin of the world, = ta keth a-way Tho the Lamnb of God ‘tat aA aS Ss font e: hee God, the Lamb of God ‘that hold the Lamb of God, be sin of the world, be + ~ a Or eer ee ae : = 2 IY boldtheLambotGod, beholdtheLamboiGod that taketh a-way the sin of the world, =e 7 TFollthe Lib ot od, ‘Handel's Messieh.—Novello's Haition Ss = a NE sin of theworld, that ta-keth a- way. the a ao" ~ eee ag pp eet Skt EEE sin of the world, the sin of theworld, that ta keth l, the one = Coos = Se oe cheworld,thatta - ketha - SS SSE | te Seed world, the sin ofthe world, thesin ofthe world, that ta-ketha ~ vo Spo t : FSS world, thesin of the world, the sin of the world, that ta-ketha + re eater SS that ta-Keth a Qa of _the _ world, — a way. the sin _¢. “world, thesin ofthe worl, oe Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. 83 Am.—HE WAS DESPISED. Et Sa pS oe oe quaint-ed with grief, . aman of sorrows,and acquainted with — my, = SSS SSS babe liv - er Him, ~ Jet Him de = eS if He de - light 2. in Lo ee ee = ie == Ss = ee ee = let Him de - liv - er Him, (iv = erHim, aS i! Saat} Be AIandol's Messish.—Novello’s Edition, weet ete fight in Him, let Jet Him de - liv - er Him, He trast od inGod,tat fe. . would de-liv-er Him,.. D Handel's Mess'ab,—Novello's Baition ia Godthat He... SS eee God, let Him de = liv Ss Jet Him de - + erHim, if He de = ee fa pone Tet Him de - liv in Him, l¢Him de fon as 7. if He de- light in Handel's Mossiah.—Novello™s Baition, ae ez fey if He de - light . . a 7 in HimJlet Him . in Him, let Him es in Him Handel's Messiah —Novelo's Eaition Ht <= Him de-liv- er Him, im No. 29. Reorrarve. THY REBUKE HATH BROKEN HIS HEART. Largo, Texon, ce aes Thy re-buke hath bro - ken His heart heay -i-ness, he is ge He look- ed for some tohave pi- ty on Him, 7 man, neither found He He look -ed for some — tohave a Sue ass Handel's Messiah—Novello's Edition 12 No. 80, Am.—BEHOLD, AND SEE IF THERE BE ANY SORROW. eS be-hold, and see if there be a-ny sor-row See Ee Tike lato His arb a z xa Begue No. 3. gue NO 8 Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition 13 No, 81, Recrranve.—HE WAS CUT OFF OUT OF THE LAND OF THE LIVING, RS a ao = S = segue oc we Nos No. 82. Am.—BUT THOU DIDST NOT LEAVE HIS SOUL IN HELL. Andante larghetto, 3 108, ‘Handel's Messlab—Novello's Raition. 114 epee SE tee 4 ea ‘Thou suf - fer Thy = nor didst . .Thousuf- fer, rH I soul in hell, = Thoudist’ not leave, Thou didst SS & o_-_? > Sa soul in hell, nor didst ‘Thon suf ~ ~—_— W Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. 2 see cor-rup-tion. Handel's Messiah —Novello's Baition. 5392 1 No. 38. Cuorvs.—LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, 0 YE GATES. A tempo ordinario. # = 76. Lift up your heads, ye. .gates, and 2nd Soprano. bam = ae mos Axo... Lift upyourheads, © ye. .gates, and be ye lift up, = ge Lift up your heads, TERS Je ye it ap e ceces $55 = ee mf = King of Gloryshallcom * Handel's MS. has Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Faition. this King,” not “ the King.” 117 =a ‘this ts is theKingof @lo-ry? who is the Kingof Glo-ry? pe Pot This This is theKingof Glo-ry? who is theKingof Glo-ry? Lord strong and might-y, the might - y in bat-tle. = ee ease Lord strong andmight-y, the Lord strong andmight-y, the Lord might - y in bat- tle, oo es might - y oe in bat- tle, Handel's Messish.—Novello's Edition. 118 = Lift upyourheads, Oye gates, and ev -er-lasting doors, and the es ip wee] Spies ye gates, and be ye liftup, ye ev er-lasting doors, and the SS ee Se Lift upyourheads, © ye gates, and be yo liftup, ye ev er-Jasting doors, and the = ; ree ie : == of Glo - ry shall come in, ig _ SS Who is theKing of Glo-ry? who 2. abso 7 this Who is the King of Glo-ry? who 5 this in, Who is theKing of Glo-ry? who is the King of Glo-ry? who = Lord of Hosts, is the King of Glo-ry? = ae This is the King of Glo-ry? ‘The —S 2 = the Lord of Hosts, Haudel's Mossiah.—Novello's Edition. eC Ist & 2nd Sopray is the King of @lory, He fe is theKingof Glory, Glo-ry, is the King of Glo-ry, is the King of Glo-ry, the Lord of Hosts, He a = ee a = : wo fs the King of Glo-ry, ‘the Lord of Hosts,He is the NNN ee Se ‘the Lord of Hosts, He a the King.. of Glo - - - - - ry,theLordofHosts, He = =o theLord of Hosts,He is . .theKingof Ne == ee ee wee = r = ia the Lordof Hosts, -Heisthe King of Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition pw eee &. Ginger Gio. re lipeee ry, te e is the King of Glo-ry, ~~ the Lord of Hosts, PRR NESS] BONES | ee the Lord of eae = CEE is the King of Glo-ry, the Lord of weet StS oe re SoacaneeE is the King of Glo-ry, the Lord of Handel's Mossian —Novello’s Edition. Hosts, Se the Lord of (GSS ee Hosts, the Lord of Hosts, Hosts, He is Hosts, He is 2 ———_— enter ot d=, He Seto th Spf Nee ee is the King of Glo- ry, 198 tT poe: ts <—: SSS SS ‘Hosts, ‘the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Hosts, He & the King. - ; ts SN = Ny SE SSS SSS Ss the Lord of Hosts, «_ the Lord of Hosts, He is the King, . the Kingof ee —— rE 7 a Hosts, the Lord of Hosts,the Lord of Hosts, He eKingof Glo - ry, the SS - == 4 naan aoe 7 a Hosts, the Lord of Hosts, ‘the Lord of He is the King of Poo Sree 5 a ry,the King of, Tee r SE = oe ThtheRingel Gb” ty, He = E + wy, theKingof Glo - He ! =o=E ft =F + ryytheKingof Glo - ry, He sos eee ras at He =e] 6 the ne Ring eye He is the Kingof Gle Nos, 84 to 36 omitted, See Appendix, p. 187. Handel's Messiah —Novello's Kition- see 124 No. 87. Cuonvs.—THE LORD GAVE THE WORD. Andante Allegro. Bornaxo. fF The Lord gave Andante Adiegro. @ 80. preach -ers, great was the com - pa-ny, the aan = pany, the a pany of the SSN pe-ny, the com-pa-ny of the preach * w wast great oe Pe great was the com - ~~ SS > pa-ny, the oe was the com pa-ny, the great was the preach = et8, of the preach -ers, great was the oe ~~ Handel's Messian.—Novello’s Edition. b - the “fom™ * pany, the oe +s Gey ae = ? was the com-pa-ny of the preachers, the com Aad Percecercece pany,the com> preach - ers, of the preach 127 No. 38. Am.—HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET. i a = Preach the gos- pel of peace, how beau - ti-ful are — the feet, how 5 — beau - ti-ful are the feet of them that preach the gos pel of peace, i-ful are the fect.. of them that Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition. sa preach the gos-pel of px and bring glad ti + dings, N ae == E Tl i bring glad ti - - ~~ dings, glad ti - dings of good things, «glad ti _x a = are see ings, glad ti dings of good things, glad ti- dings of. = good things ? Handel's Messiah.—Novello s Edition 129 No. 89. Cuorvs.—THEIR SOUND IS GONE OUT INTO ALL LANDS. - A tempo ordinario, Sornano. in-to all lands, theirsound is gone Auto, sound is gone out Theirsound — is gone Their sound is gone out, SSS out: all lands, sound is gone out their sound — is gone SS S= ES 4} Ge ae Handel's Messiah.—Novello ¢ Edition. Tands, lands, po re oe fey ee ¥ east he words un-to the ends of the ae 7 words mi-to the ds of the wo ends of the world, Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Eaitfon. 181 a i haietectMeryeunsia aletae i ~~ the world, their sound is gone SSS SS the world, their sound is gone in- to all o #2 = ‘and their wordstn-to the ends of the vas S——* = fe ends of the De ‘wordsun-to the ends of the A Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition at pee words tn-to the ends of the work, and their words the “world. =| world, =Z=|| 1 = ‘ei Wandel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition, TA 392 188 No, 40. Am.—WHY DO THE NATIONS 80 FURIOUSLY RAGE TOGETHER. Handel's Messiah, —Novello's Baition 392 eaeeeestes encase career ores. Gln so S25 RS =a gasestepets* 5° ie foe Handel's Messiah—Novello’s Edition, 187 7 —— a ee why do the peo-ple im ag ine vain kings of theearth rise - Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition, er To oe SSS Sasa pe oa —— E a a ===. K oo FEES oopretse dese ea a ‘Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition Fe 189 No. 41, Caorvs—LET US BREAK THEIR BONDS ASUNDER. Sorano. sun-der, let us Auto, SSS SE ae ee SE Let usbreak their 7 = aa : SSS 7 — SS Let us break their bonds a - sun-der, let us, let us break their bondsa - it << SA Ne bonds a - sun-der, let us break, let usbreaktheir bonds . . a-sun-der, [pape oe = = le=¢ =o ee a — + san-der, lot us, let us break, let usbreaktheirbonds a- sun - der, Handel's Megsinh.—Novello’s Edition, 382 St = sun - der, ‘and east a = = their yokes from Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. —* =f. Ss let us break their —————} = — Fe i SN oY “eu? Jet us break thir bonds a - us break their Handel's Mossinh.—Novello's Edition pondsa-sunder, let us break, let us break their bonds, i. ye —— os , ae : = sun - der,theirbondsa - sun - der, SSI Sg = eo their bonds a - sun - der, = Tet tsb acreneies let usbreak their bondsa - SSE eee us, andcasta ~ and cast ae aera eas ‘tlrer ts Handel's Messiah —Novello's Eaition, 143 —N—N— ee ee ‘and cast vay their yokes © their yoKer ——— —e ee ~ way their yokes Tet usbreak tieir bonds a - sun -der, and = and cast a - wee ee their yokes from us, Handel's Messiah, —Novello's E ssa 144 SSS fo let us break theirbonds,andcast . . + way theiryokes from us, der, and cast a ef SS der, and cast a sun - = sun = sé snn - der,and cast a ta-way theiryokes from us. - way, and ¢ ees ~ way, and cast - way theiryokes from us. way theiryokes from us. Handel's Messiah,—Novello's Edition, 145 Reorrative.—HE THAT DWELLETH IN HEAVEN. Hethatdwelleth in bee al heaven shall Jangh them to scorn ; the Loni shall havethemin de -ri-sion, oe = Thou shalt break — them, ‘Thou shalt é SS = break them with a ‘Thou shalt dash them in pie - ca like a pot = - tere — Handel's Messiah—Novello s Haitien, 08 ‘Thou shalt, ———: Thou shalt et fe ‘Thou shalt dash them FE ter's ves - sel, like a NS ee Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Edition, SSS re pot ~~ ter's ves - sel, ‘hou shalt dash them in Handel's Messiah—Novello’s Haition 149 No. 44 Crorvs.—HALLELUJAH ! Allegro. Sornaxo, i Bal - lelu-jah, ee Hal- le Goa Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal = a SS) wpa = == eS P| oe ee & tent reign = eth, Hable Iy-jeh, Halley jah, is oe. pS e—s 55 pais for the Lord G reign - eth, Hs “jah, Hal-le-lu-jaht ~ Ia Bee AAS == 5 + Tn-jah, Halletn-jah! fo, the Lord God Om-ni = po-tent reign - eth, Halle- $ S > oe 5 (et ee pay - Ipoh, Hal-l for the Lord God Om-ni_- po-tent reign - eth, Halle- . eee + lu-jah, Hal-le-Ia- jah! . iu=jah, Halle ~ Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition, casa po-tent ae | SE pre ee \jah,Hatle-lu- Re 8 -—hign sailed ea taps 2. oe eth, Sets a= 9g Hallelujah, Habletujab,Halle - Iu - jab, Hal - = wr S| stent reign eth, Hallelujah, “Tord, God Om = ni 7 po: tent areata ead -lwjah, Wieiniah, “Tale toads et wot = Te to HHH world == king-dam of = King-dom of King-dom of fae reign for ev-erand ev - ¢y ay and He Hal-le - lu-jah! Hat-le-In-jah, = Be ‘Hal-le + Iu-jah! Hale-ln-3é, 2 EegoS Re fife in jah, ever, spe 33+ Hal-le-Iu-jah, ‘Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition (ee Se Toe | oe ‘andLord of Lords, ez eS = Ss gga = =e for ev-er and ev-er, HaFle-lu-jah, Hable - Iu jah! a ee ee a =a for ev-er and ev-er, Halfe-lu-jah, Hi T —— fa fe-2h = ESS pee Pee ee 8 SS for ev-er ev-er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Halle- Iu- jah! . andLordof Lords, and Heshallreign, ‘and S ae — i - andHeshall regn, . * and Heshall Kings, and Lord of Lords, andHeshallreignandlle. . shall reign, eae : . 7 ERE — —— —=t Kings,andLord of Lords,andHe shall reign for wo: et fe o rogh eas (a Safe and Heshallreagn or ev-erandev- er, King, =. = Pate oe = ¢ Fe = - _ E . afd He shall eign for —ev-epand ever, King of King, for ev-Gr and Hendol's Messiah. —Novello's Edition. 309 2-2-4 -F lal le-Iu 34h, SSF es ‘and Lord of. SS Se Kings, and Lord Of . « —— Kings, and Lord of raids | tis == Ff === = shall reign for ev -eadey - - Shot ——— er and ev BSE Hable ~ $2222 =F 5-Fs. Handel's Measiak.—Novello’s Edition, WND OF PART IL 158 PART III. »—I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVETH. Handel's Messiah,—Novello « Edition, 332 159 eps + up-on the earth, BE eee liv- eth, and that shal stand earth, =... . . up-on the earth, = T Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition. And though worms de - stroy this gifts flesh shall Handel's Messiah, -Novello’s Bdition, Sapa gee know my Re- deem - er liv- = aa God. 1 zt py aaa Ror now is Christ ris-en tH == (ets from the = = fos - fruits of them that aa Handel's Mossiah.—Novello's Bastion, sxe, i + Fe + Bae ee et of them that sleep, the first - fruits of =H at o - en from the dead, Handel's Messiah.—Novelto’s Edition, No. 46, Sornaxo, man came 168 SINCE BY MAN OAME DEATH. ‘death, since Au. (AS : = nian came death, since by man came ‘Taxon, =f SE e= Fe be Fe came death, since by man came death, Bass, z man came death, ~~ death, ~ ree- tion “of the dea d, al - sothere-sur- “fy man ene al = ree- tion of the deat al - sothere- sur - d, by man came ina by aan came al = sothere ~ sur - f = Seat dead, by man came al - sothere - sur ee cae ea pecs cme, al Sthe re - su ao of the s. = $i 8 oat f ——F 4 w= =F £ EF i Handol's Messiah.—Noveilo’s Edition, . ae Kor asin Ad ~ —— = — For as in Ad - am all p aS live, e- ven live, e- ven - aoe % 0 = ce toe shall all be madea - Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Baition. in Christ ee shall so in Christ in Christ shall = - a a shall all, shall alll shall all, be made i = - i et be..made a= live, Christ shall all, Handel's Messiab.—Novello's Edition. 166 No. 47. Recirative.—BEHOLD, I TELL YOU A MYSTERY. Pepe sleep, but we shall all be tS ef pant-ae a? et t Handel's Mossiah.—Novello's Edition. sa trum-pet shall and the dead shall be raised, a ie See the trum-pet shall sound, . . and the dead shall be Handel's Mossiah.—Novello's-Eaition, we shall a the trum-pet shall sound, Handel's Messiah.—Novello s Edition and the dead = rup-ti-ble, eet a9 36% wo shall be changed, Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. se wo shall be changed, Goat =, we shall be changed, (Ln fete et fet eee 5 rm _Adagio., eee poe ity foe is ===e SER . . . and we shall be changed, we shall be changed. Adagio. Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Edition ssa Ses this cor-rup - ti-ble arte == a= on in = cor = rup-tion, for this cor -rup - ti-ble must ie se Fe qa rup-tion 5 gash Jee * This second part of the Air is generally omitted. Handel 8 Messiab.—Novello's Edition. = Nos, 49 to 52 omitted. See Appendix, p. 187. tiandel's Messiah —Novollo’s Edition Cy 178 Cuorvs.—WORTHY IS THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN. — == — that was slain, and hath re - oo Se that was slain, and hath ~~ re - oe Taxon. 2 Bass. 4 ae Wor theLamb that was slain, Andante. = by to re-celve pow-er, and rich-es, and = 7 3 — NN SNES NS i SSS Se a 4 =o aie ——— eT deem- ed us to God by His blood, to re-ceive pow-er, andrich-es, and 5 Noha a : - ie Fanaa ep Tdeem-ed us to God by His blood, te ro-ceive pow-er, afdrich-es, and a “His blood, ‘to re-ceive pow-er, Andante, JY 100. Ses ‘and rich-es, and z 2 = f f hon-our, and ee ‘and bless - ing. oo SE ae ‘andstrength, and hon-our, and glo-ry, and bless - ing. Ls ee =e - ——= = = pt & —— mm, andstrength, and honour, and glo-ry, or pe ‘and glo-ry, Fiandol's Messiah.—Novello's Bastion. Wor = thy is the Lamb and hath re- deem - ed “us fal Heth re- deem - ed us 7 ed us to ce ee and hath redeem -ed us to 33. % Fee a ve power, es pow-er, EG and riches, ‘and rich Fee power, and rich-es, and a e how-our, luon-our, Handel's Messiab,—Novello's Haltion. B Larghetto, Bless - ing and honour, glo-ty and p e un -to Him f ee 9. # Bless -ingand honour, glo-ry and pow, be wn-t0 Hin be unto ihn aren that sit-teth upon the meaaeetrass ‘that sit Seine upon th ‘Bless-ing and honour, glo-ry and tee throne, 7 that sit-teth upon the throne, and un - Handel's Mossiah.—Novello's Edition. * See Preface, =e ae E hless-ing and hon-our, glo-ry and h Poe —— that er, for ev - erand ev —— et ee a —_s— S SP toth up-on the 7 o the throne, . . and aint Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. ry be un - o fo == Bless ing and hon-our, —glo-ryand pow'r, x eo ry be wn - fo Him Handel's Messish.—Novello's Edition. Throne, bears oS sees or} Poesy et 9332, oS that mar be v. —— un - to Him =a hon - our, glo = ryand pow, be ‘un - to ‘Handel's Mosaiah.—Novello’s Edition. =e Gar 88 et glo-ry and pow-er, beun-to aS Ss = SSE glo-ry and pow-er, beun-to Ppa bb EE Him, be un-toHim, a glo-ry and pow-er, be unto f- 9 # ft. —f- Him, be un- to Him, Pees Sa + up~ onthe throne, and un - to the ‘that sitteth upon the i hi | Tint” stteth pda the throne, and un - to the — => ¥—V sitteth upon the throne, Handel's Messiah. —Novello’s Edition, ev -er, 2 for ev-er, for ntH ev-er ahd ev-er, for a Ceres, Ke . > = = = joe : = ey > er, and ev-er, 2. er, for = er an Ee er, for ev Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition. F Attegro moderato, 4 — $ —E Ao. os + meA = + +. - mm As ee b Allegra motlerato, @ = 84. Se — men, A rt Asmen, A= ES G Sa ‘A mien, tolts % mien, A ~ Handel's Messiah—Novelto's Edition, men, e i men, A Handel's Messiah.—Novello’s Edition. Handel's Messiah ~Novello's Waition. Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Edition, ‘THE END, 187 APPENDIX. No. 84. Recrrative—UNTO WHICH OF THE ANGELS SAID HE AT ANY TIME. OR. KO . pe Le eo! an-gels said eat any time, Thouart My S - got-ten Thee ? — —— = — 7 a— fF = l eS — Sj 2 oS — S No. 85. Cuorvs.—LET ALL THE ANGELS OF GOD WORSHIP HIM. Kg Allegro, — ae [a2 Sornaxo. = an gels of God ‘Texon, an-gels of G ts an-gels of God wor ee Bass, Allegro, = "72. an- gels of God Ant God,let all the an 77 - “f= God wor; Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition, ¥ = gels of God wor - sti) Him, let all the ———— Ss - ship Him, let all the — an-gelsof God re — yogi Jet all the an ges of God eo E. let all the ship Him, ——= 2 ‘an gels of God Handel's Messiah —Novello’s Edition 332 Handol's Messiah —Novello's Edition ssa 191 No. 36. Am—THOU ART GONE UP ON HIGH. Allegro, b= 84. — aa art goneup on high, Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Raltton. esa 192 = oe e- mies, a+ mong them, that the Lord God might Handel's Mossiah—Novello's Baition, essa might dwell a= ty a= tee ester f $c: SS = artgoneup on high, ‘Thou artgoneup on high, ‘Thowhast ———— “4 i SS 3 ts SS S== ——== SF Re cap - tive, Thouhast led cap-tiv - i- ty cap - tive, Handel's Messiah,—Novello's Baition. eae ae BE = = e-mies, for'Thineen - © - mies, that the Lord God might dwell tp + mong them, + |__» _ —=-} wa a mie f - f _ t= ie a that the Lord God, that the Lord a Lg pees Fh Ee ———— P ee ————— == Se Se Handet's Messiah.—Novello's Baition. wna 195 c - ep te o. et et tt ene le (St : a God might dwell a - mong them, might dwell HHH sf == that the Lord God mightdwell a - mong them, Handel's Messiah—Novello's Haition. 332 196 Reorrarve.—THEN SHALL BE BROUGHT TO PASS. SSS Ato. _S=N SS pee eles ys ‘Then shallbebowghtto paste anyng hatis writen, Death isewallow'd Past No, 50. Dvrr.—O DEATH, WHERE 18 THY STING? Andante. ‘Taxon, where, where is thy N.B.—This Duet is given in the abridged form indicated by Handel in the Dublin score. Compare the Full Seore, ‘Handel's Messiah. —N dition, eae vel where, where is thy sting? © death, where, is thy vie-toxy?0 grave, whereis thy vie-to-ry? The sting .. of death is sin, the +. of death is sin, and the strength the sting . . oF death is sin, and the = of death is sin, the sting of death is sin, and Handel's Messials.-Novello's Eaition, 198 No. 61. Cnonvs.—BUT THANKS BE TO GOD, Andante. h, Sornaxo. ere Be re Butthanks, but thanks, thanks, thanks be to But thanks, but thanks, thanks thanks be to God, to God, thanks be to a = = = E Texon. : ¥. God, thanksbe to = = —— —— Base, [SS =e ——= = See =: Se I But thanks, but thanks, thanks,thanks be to God, thanks be to Andante, # = 69. Gene ere = #1 et 5 SS ne aneags thanks, thanks, thanksbe to God, Whogiv-eth usthe vic - tory, the vie - to-ry through thanksbe to ener SA God,thanksbe to God, to ‘Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. sa Se eee our = Lord Je - sus Christ, RE vie - tory, the vie - to-ry through sus Christ, but —— Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition, coy but thanks, thanks be to 4 thanks be fo God, thanks . 2 Handel's Messiah —Novello's Balti 201 ee Pe ee ee giv-oth us the vie - to-ry, SSS op Who giv-eth us the et ‘Who giv-eth us the — —— ‘thanks, but thanks, ae SSS = to - ty, Who (gee os gv - eth = eth vie - to-ry, Who giv - eth vie giv - ers z w-77, Who giv - eth us the E Je - sus Christ, but thanks, thanks, thanks he to hanks, thanks, ae Handel's Messiah —Novello's Edition. sae 7 thanksbe to God, Who = oe. thanksbe { eth us the to - ry, ‘through our Lord + ee giv -ethus ie vic - to-ry through our Lord Christ, : o— 2 —_—— ee Ve ——| wiv - eth us the vie - to-ry Christ. —s-he —=——— = z = f = tae =} =e] > eth us the vie - to-7y through our Lord Je - sus Christ. Adagio.) —2 Handel's Messiah.Novelio's Faition. 204 — for us, who can be a- [PSs SS re be canbe against us?who ean be a - gains — Who shall lay.. any -thing to the charge of God's ec - lect? . . . God's e - lect? TP + whoshall lay a ny-thing to the Omg. n— tr ; ~ > e = 2-4 ad — Handel's Messiah.—Novello's Baition. 208 rt that jus - ti Handel's Slessiuh.—Novello’s Baition. ea that con - os, Christ ‘that right hand of Handel's Messiah—Novello’s Edition. 2 = ces - sion for us, Whomakes in - ter- cos = = = - 5 = = Handel's Messiah —Novollo's Edition, ro} = right hand of God, Who is at the righthand of God, at the righthand of — Adagio. Ke = ee = 7 ———— ‘Who makes in - ter - ces - sionfor us. Adagio, ; ' A EE ee S ze 5 —— 2 3S PF ad lib. f atempo. ~e. : * =—es 2 SBS T1601 a Mandol's Messiah —Novello’s Haition.

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