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Putting a STOP to Online Meanness This graphic shows the dangers of Online Meanness and reasons why it must stop. What even is Online Meanness? Online Meanness is when someone intentionally tries to hurt someone else's feelings through technological platforms such as social media. Effects of being hurt If you ever become a victim of Online Meanness, it can be very hard. Some effects include depression and sadness that may change someone's views and life for the worse. According to, 37% of teenagers admit to have been bullied online. How to deal with this!! First know that you are loved. The only reason people try and hurt you is because of their jealousy. Try putting away all of your devices and talk to family and friends about the issue for comfort and support. 5 UO) sly When dealing with Online Meanness, you show follow the S.T.O.P method, S: Step Away T: Tell a Trusted Adult O: OK Sites First P: Pause and Think Online Time to take action!! Pee eenener einer ente . ction to treat others the way you would like to be IC. hange treated. Would you say the same things to : people's faces that you say online? Do not say T) hings anything mean because you never know how it can affect a person. \. REFERENCES, ‘+ "Putting a Stop to Online Meanness.” Common Sense Education, meanness. "11 Facts about Cyberbullying.”, facts-about-cyber-bullying.

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