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what is aes encryption

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric encryption algorithm used by

governments and organizations around the world to protect sensitive data. It is
widely considered to be one of the most secure encryption algorithms available, and
is used in the encryption of data such as passwords, documents, and files. AES
works by using a key to encrypt the data, which is then decrypted using the same
what is the difference between AES and Cesar Encryption methods

The main difference between AES and Cesar encryption methods is the key size used.
AES is a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses a 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit key
size, while Cesar encryption is a substitution cipher that uses an alphabetical or
numerical key of 3-4 characters. AES is considered to be more secure than Cesar
encryption due to the increased key size. Additionally, AES is a modern encryption
standard which is more resistant to brute force attacks than Cesar encryption.

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