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configuration data is stored in text files and these configuration files are in _____path in the
linux ?
2. Linux is a unix like kernal released under GPL lience created by________.
3. What is open source software?
4. Where is the server data stored in linux?
5. Whoami command is used to find the current logged in username,True or False ?
6. What the file kind required to create the instance?
7. What are the characteristic of cloud?
8. What are the various method to create a file?
9. How to check the space of the RAM?
10. How to create a exectable file if that exit in normal file form?
11. What are the file permissions in linux?
12. How to check the current location in linux?
13. How to create multiple directory at a time?
14. What is the process to make zip and unzip a folder need to write the command from basic?
15. Name the command that is used to remove the file?
16. Name the person who created the linux?
17. How many types of users are present?
18. What are the various types of instances?
19. What are the service the cloud provides?
20. Difference between waterfall and Agile (2 point)?
21. Command to create user and group?
22. How to add user in a group?
23. Name some os which are not based on linux
A. Centos
B. Redhat
D. None

24. What are the modes in VIM Eidtor

A. command mode
B. Insert mode
C. Extended mode
Is it true or false

25. root user home directory is _____

A. /
B. /root
C. /home
D. /etc

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