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Advantages and disadvantages

Of online learning

After covid 19 pandemic, many institutions have shifted to online learning, this topic has advantages and
disadvantages. what do you think of this phenomenon? In my opinion this issue has cons and prons.

To start up with the advantages of online learning, for teachers it was so nice and less tiring because
some teachers have kids and they should take care for them, cook and clean etc.... so this was helpful
for them and some didn’t think the same way. Now for students it was saw nice because 90% of the
students were taking their classes in their beds and some were taking it on their table where they put
their books and everything related studies.

Everything has advantages and also disadvantages. The some disadvantage of online schooling is that all
friends became separate other. Other than that, some students their academic results lead them to
failing and some to improving. To continue the disadvantages of online learning towards teachers are
that some teachers were facing a big problem that some students don’t have internet or electricity. This
disadvantage was common with students and teachers because the schedule of electricity wasn’t the
same .

To sum it up about advantages and disadvantages of online learning. some disadvantages should be
changed and more practical specially to electricity and internet. Because of this phenomenon was and
this led to some universities made some of their courses online and some on campus.

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