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Let’s create a safe space – Inspired Sisterhood

Some sisters suggested to share thoughts to build our safe space, since we don’t know each
other yet. There are stories behind *each* suggestion below:

1. We're gathering not as revert or born Muslims, just *sistas*

2. Speak in English. We love languages, but don’t want anyone to feel left out
3. If a revert sister wants to share her conversion story, she will. Pls don’t ask
4. Building a relationship comes first. Giving advice comes later on
5. Let's not correct another person’s salah (prayer)
6. Let’s not comment on clothing
7. Let’s not ask for private details

8. Distinguish between religion & culture

9. Let’s be respectful of diverse opinions and engage in dialogue
10. Let’s not judge each other

11. Let’s refrain from hard talk against any creed, school of thought
12. Acknowledge another’s struggles, remain positive, if a sister shares it
13. We all have talents, skills, tips, knowledge. Let’s be of use to each other

14. Make opportunities to get close to each other after the luncheon
15. Focus on building close bonds, many sisters feel lonely or isolated
16. Ideas: Invite each other to our homes, go out together, attend a lecture or
online classes together, swap recipes and cook together, play dates. Others?
JazakAllah khair

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