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Rempah Bakar

Samantra is a local team that was founded in 2022, we

have decided to create a new genre of Nusantara Food.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the
world with 17,508 islands. Its tropical climate and high
humidity support a rich and unique blend of diverse
natural resources including beaches, volcanoes, tropical
forests, and wildlife. We believe that Nusantara Food
has a lot of potential identity, culture and ingredients.

We want to share Nusantara food with our Project such

as Research & Development Product, Private Event and
Social media.
Soteau Cuisine 01
Soteau cuisine is Elevate Indonesian Cuisine , we serve 15 pax, start from appetizer - dessert.

Soto Wagyu Keluak Sauce Bebek Bakar Rendang Sirsak Sorbet Talam Ubi
France Event
We serve 10 pax, start from appetizer - dessert.

Tomato Salad Seafood Boiullabaise Chicken Ballontine Pumpkin Risotto Rosella Poach pear
Artotel Event
Cigar pairing event, we serve 20 pax, start from appetizer - dessert.

Salmon Gravlax Green Soup with Raviolli Beef Bouguignon Chocolate spices Cigar Migniardise
Formula E Event
for private event for Mr. AS at Tanjung Priok, we serve up to 17 pax with premium ingredients, start from appetizer -

Punch-Salad Pumpkin Soup Lobster spaghetti with A5 Wagyu with Beef Jus 2.0 Pavlova
Bianco Truffle
Our R&D Clients
Clients for research & development

Solo, East Java DKI Jakarta Bandung, West Java

Rempah Bakar

Labuan Bajo, Cianjur,

East Nusa Tenggara West Java

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