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Economic factors

College has been hailed as a “great equalizer” that can substantially reduce the
influence of parents' socioeconomic status on their children's subsequent life
chances. Do the equalizing effects of college extend beyond the well-studied
economic outcomes to other dimensions, in particular, marriage? When and whom
one marries have important implications for economic and family stability, with
marriage acting as a social safety net, encouraging joint long-term investments, and
potentially producing dual-earner families. (King, M., 2021)

King, M. (2021). College as a Great Equalizer? Marriage and Assortative Mating

Among First- and Continuing-Generation College Students. Demography, 58(6),

Family environment during the early years, especially parenting, are major
determinants of human development because they shape the foundation for lifetime
skill development because formed before children enter formal schooling. Through
dynamic complementary, they enhance the productivity of downstream
investment.Francesconi, .M., & Heckman, J.J. (2016).

Francesconi, .M., & Heckman, J.J. (2016). Child Development and Parental
Investment: Introduction. Economic Journal, 126(596),

Income generating

Income Generating simply means gaining or increasing income or money that an

individual or business receives in exchange for providing a good or service after
investing capital.

The aims at creating a financial income, also aims at positive effects terms of self
reliance, household satisfaction, empowerment and community development as
whole. Income generating initiative help people to provide adequately for their
families, provide badly needed income generating activities is of paramount
importance to economic development in our country. (G. Garingan, E., & , 2021)

G. Garingan, E., & , (2021). By Hook or by Crook: Married Students’ Outlook in

Coping Academic Stress. American Journal of Educational Research,


Married students participate minimally in college activities. They desire social

activity and not satisfied with what they have, but do not participate in campus
activities because of the financial burden and lack of time. The importance of college
activities in developing social awareness and competence and the number of
married students in college require that attention be given to campus activities for
married students.The activities for married. The activities should be inexpensive and
should involve as many married students as possible in their planning (Assistant
Dean, College of Education, Ohio University).

Mohammadi, A., Khojastehmehr, R., Abbas Pour, Z., Tabeh, L., & , (2016). A
Qualitative Exploration of Married Students Attitudes toward Marriage. International
Journal of Life Sciences,

Cultural factors

The married females that are enrolled in university studies based on mature
decisions, these students were able to adapt well and this was demonstrated by the
medium level of difficulties they suffer, and that the most level of difficulties faced
female students has to do with the overlap and the increase in household burdens
and university assignments, also, most married female students who suffer from
difficulties are in the age group.

Married students suffer from many difficulties, most notably the pressure
related to homework, married student with children often wakes up very early in the
morning trying to get everything done at home before going to lecturers and
becomes tired and inconsistent with university lecturers, married female students
also suffer from fatigue, stress and lack to do homework, comfort and feeling guilt to
not meet the expectations of the traditional role in the home, on campus, it is often
that there is lack of support for mothers, and this make childcare problem and
academic programs ignore the need of women during pregnancy, childbirth and
maternity leave ,if ignoring this creates an atmosphere of distress and then the
students of mothers feel that their problem has not been taken care. (Amos&
Manieson, 2015)

Smadi, E., & , (2020). The Reality of Married Female Students in the Bachelor’s
Degree at the World Islamic Science & Education University W.I.S. E/ Jordan. Modern
Applied Science,

Amuda b. G., Bulus A.K,& Joseph, H. P. (2016) Marital Status and age as predictors of
academic performance of students of colleges of education in the North -Eastern
Nigeria. American Journal of Educational Research , 4(12), 896-902

Dillon,J.(2018). 4 pros and cons of getting married while studying at university.

Retrieved from
Financial hurdles are another common problem for young couples especially for
those married students who are then force manage their finances carefully.
(Solomon, 2019)

Financial management, a concept grounded in human ecology theory and utility

theory (Bubolz & Sontag,1993), is defined as the “planning, implementing,
andevaluating by family members that is involved in theallocation of their current
flow of family income andtheir stock of wealth toward the end of meeting
thefamily’s implicit or explicit goals“ (Godwin, 1990, p.103). Financial management
is one of several conceptscomprising the family resource management model.

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