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Department of Theatre

House management
the living document
Department of Theatre
House management

Holly Houck
As for advice for future house managers, I recommend finding a balance between leaning on your
support system in the theatre department and taking initiative to pave your own way as a house
manager. Tommy, Kelly, and the student office worker have all worked closely with past house
managers if you ever have questions about your role or the timeline of tasks that must be completed.
In addition to these folks, you will want to introduce yourself to the stage management, direction, and
dramaturg teams early in your process. Questions I have found helpful to ask these teams:

To the director: will there be an intermission? If so, how long?

To stage management: how would you like me to notify you that the house is closed for the start of
show, and after the intermission if there is one?

To dramaturgy: will there be a lobby display? What will it consist of, and will the dramaturg be
present to monitor it?

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