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The main character in the story of the dead stars which one of the masterpieces of Paz Marquez Benitez
is Alfredo Salazar.

He moved with an easy, indolent grace despite being tall and thin.Underneath straight, rebellious hair, a
thin face with a satisfying breadth of forehead, slow, dreamer's eyes, and astonishing freshness of lips,
Alfredo Salazar's appearance hinted less at exuberant masculinity than at a fastidious artist with keen,
clear mind and a poet with wayward humor.

A thirty-year-old lawyer man with passion and warmth compassion strong and attracted to the two
women. But he met Esperanza first and they both planning to settle in, actually they already engaged
everything is seems to be perfect, Esperanza is a benevolent woman with class, power and principle
which acquainted with the family of Alfredo for so long. But a blink of an eye Alfredo met Julia Salas
when Alfredo visits his brother-in-law and Alfredo became attracted to Julia Salas that he can let go and
take his eyes off to Julia. Julia is the third party.

Moreover, Alfredo came in a wealthy family a successful lawyer his father is Don Julian. It is made up of
his late father, Don Julian. He is a wise man who warns Alfredo about the dangers of extending courtship
and engagement without the proper marriage. Alfredo has a sister, Carmen, and her husband, Vicente.
Esperanza is She is someone who knows how to look after herself and exudes self-service. Julia lives next
door to the Salazar’s with her brother-in-law, Judge Del Valle. Donna Adella, her beautiful sister with
chubby features, is her sister. Dionisio is her husband.

Alfredo Salazar represents men's greed and indecision when it comes to dealing with emotional matters.
He had given in to the pull of an anonymous sensation. He remained anonymous because he never
attempted to comprehend it, but he clung to it nonetheless. In the process, he lost a piece of himself
and denied Esperanza the same. Esperanza is a stunningly beautiful, charming, and witty woman She is
responsible for her home and her family. She, on the other hand, is driven by a desire for material
wealth and a good reputation. And lasty Julia Salas She is Alfredo Salazar's other woman. She is a
thoughtful, beautiful, and charming woman who enjoys conversing about various and profound topics.
She is the polar opposite of Alfredo, being energetic, mysterious, and vital.

The characteristics reveal in the story when Alfredo fall to Julia even, she’s already engaged to
Esperanza, just like Alfredo he sees Julia as a charming, extraordinary woman, while Esperanza he
committed to her because she was a capable, strong and independent woman who conquer everything
and very hands on when it comes to their home, she takes her their things and home of course Alfredo
With his father Don Julian, Alfredo visits a nearby judge one evening. He meets Julia, in "Dead Stars,"
there is action in a number of homes and churches. Julia and Alfredo initially cross paths at Judge del
Valle's residence. Don Julian, Alfredo's father, hosts a portion of the action of the narrative there. a
young woman, there. Alfredo keeps going to see the judge and is starting to feel something for Julia.
Meanwhile Esperanza and Alfredo are engaged to be married when the story opens. Many see their
relationship as the ideal one. They met because they both family acquaintance, and Alfredo family
against to ruin the marriage and he will know that his family will disapprove to his decision by having
another woman. Alfredo’s family knew the practices of values and tradition.

In the case of Alfredo Salazar although his wealth is already in his arms, he has a loving wife Esperanza
but he chooses to cheat and let himself attract to Julia which is wrong because he already engaged to
Esperanza at the time. He’s not contented to what he has because he wants to find more happiness
which Julia make him happy and even excited each day by visiting her. Perhaps, he’s not totally happy to
Esperanza so he finds another woman who makes him happy and put him into a bulk of pleasure.

Even though they have been dating for a long time, Alfredo is the first character to cause conflict
because he refuses to commit to Esperanza, even though Alfredo initially appeared to be unsure of what
he really wanted. It does not imply, however, that Alfredo is reluctant to make a commitment. He
recently started dating Julia Salas, another woman. symbolizes Alfredo's desire for a relationship with
Julia. He thought love existed, but it was more like the glow of a star that might just be the lingering
travel light.

The author didn't just discuss love in this short story. Because it captures the mood of the time, his
writing is important. It illustrates the manners, language, and social customs of the time. The
perspectives on courtship, marriage, and faithfulness at the beginning of the 20th century are made
clear to the readers. This is used as a way to contrast the past and the present, as well as the dwindling
traditional culture and the dominating modern culture. Moreover, every character has roles to plays and
I assume they performed it well the story says it all. The feelings, emotions of each character in this
story hits different in every reader for sure. In my point of view the story is not plausible since then
Alfredo having an affair to Julia in every occurrence that you look up there’s constantly something wrong
to Alfredo which is not be tolerated first his feelings being consisted and unsure. In addition, the author
make sure to all the characters has a role and job to play with.

Esperanza only loves Alfredo unconditionally that she even keep the secrets when the time she knew
that Alfredo have an affair and she finally cancel the wedding I think by that time she make the right
decisions for herself, while Julia is an innocent girl who play by the destiny and suddenly met Alfredo in
the different circumstances all the while she didn’t know that alfredo is already engaged to Esperanza
the moment she knew she never let herself to come across to Alfredo, I think they already justify their
role as a woman who knows their worth and the importance of dignity. While Alfredo didn’t justify her
role as a man who already engaged. The characters are round because they complex under go to
development, as time goes by Alfredo gradually realizes what decisions that he would take and he also
under go to development to fulfill his self to be the best version of his self. And it makes him finally to
appreciate what already in his hands and the mistakes that he did from the past made him as motivation
to keep going and heal. And when time flies so fast he has benefits from it.

He noticed that something was missing when he saw Julia when he got to Julia's house (from either her
or him). Holding her hand makes him realize that he can no longer feel anything and that he was clinging
to a dream that had already been lost. He came to the realization that it was already over for them both
with this. When Alfredo realized that his love for Julia is like a dead star never existed and when stars
die, their glow starts to fade and eventually stops. And already see the worth of Esperanza because
Instead of being sidetracked by fantasies, he should concentrate on the real and the feasible.

2. SETTING- what is the setting of the story?

the narrative is set in the Philippines, specifically in the homes of Don Julian and Judge Del Valle. It
foreshadows the social structure and prevalent ideologies of the area at that time. The society exhibits
the characteristics of such a social structure and is dominated by men.

In Alfredo situation he never reached his freedom when it comes to love since his parents promptly
engaged him to Esperanza who acquainted with their family. On the other hands Esperanza, a
determined young woman with lofty aspirations in spite of her environment and limitations. I believe
Alfredo and Esperanza have no free to do such things that they want to do because they both on the
environment were traditions and culture are open. And it makes them sicks feeling trapped in different

The settings visualize the shape of the story wherein the character live or where the plot and climax
happen which makes the reader excited to read because it has a setting where they can imagine actually
what its look like. The fact that it helps us understand the plot and make predictions about what will
happen in stories is another reason why it's significant. During the reading process, ponder the author's

Yes, the settings are believable the story is written in the third person, and it takes place in the early
1900s. Don Julian's and Judge Del Valle's homes in the Philippines serve as the setting for the narrative.
In addition, A realistic, grounded setting aids in the reader's ability to suspend disbelief. The reader will
be more likely to buy into your make-believe world if the setting feels authentic.

The settings help to reveal to uncover the mood of the story and yes it helps to create the particular
mood such as when Alfredo got home and she felt the atmosphere heavier when she heard Esperanza
and her friends talking about loyalty and faithfulness, there was something behind his chest that he
wants to confess to Esperanza regarding to his mistakes. Or there was one the circumstances when
Alfredo met Julia at Don De Valle house the settings make it romantic to Alfredo since it was a love at
first sight.

The author spends a lot of time and effort in this story and it has a purpose since the author wrote as
the story served as a catalyst for the development of Filipino English literature because the author was a
female author in a world and age that was dominated by men. Wherein When it comes to moral or
otherwise, man is the ultimate authority. When deciding on the prevailing idea and pervasive issues,
women are a secondary and excluded group. But the woman represents everything that a man can
never be, not just what he is not or is not enough. Aa a result, this demands a delicate balance between
the two, which is frequently suppressed and silenced when reformist or revolutionary zeal challenges it.

3. PLOT-

What use does the story make of chance and coincidence? Are these occurrences used to initiate, to
complicate, or to resolve the story? How improbable are they?

The focus of the short story is on Alfredo Salazar, a single man, and his love life. He is a man who
believes in true love and seeks happiness as its byproduct. Esperanza is the first woman with whom he
truly connects. Since their families are familiar with one another, they start a passionate relationship.
Alfredo Salazar, an older bachelor who was engaged to Esperanza, was about to get hitched. His
devotion to his fiancé began to wane as he developed feelings for Julia Salas, another woman.

The story of the dead night is absolutely chronologically when the moment reminiscing how Julia caught
his eyes in just blink of an eye, and how the first time they met. He also reminiscing the memories with
Esperanza realizing the love of Esperanza for him.

The story narrated by published from a third person perspective, writer tells the story in the third
person (using pronouns they, she, he, it, etc.). The author Paz Marquez Benitez using slow-paced which
portray the scene remarkable, dramatic and at the same time romantic.

When Alfredo Salazar fall quickly to Julia and for him its okay to left Esperanza without a word just for
the love that he has for Julia Salas, also when Alfredo came across to Julia again and realizing that her
love for Julia is like a dead starts, it will easily die and never exist.

The conflict on the plot in the story of the dead stars even though they have been dating for a long time,
Alfredo refuses to commit to Esperanza because he is unsure of what his true desires are. But this does
not imply that Alfredo is reluctant to make a commitment. He recently developed feelings for Julia Salas,
another woman.

All the main characters in the story of the dead night are experiencing physical, moral, and emotional
because all of them are affected to what Alfredo’s decisions. But it is resolved the moment Alfredo and
itself-have a reflections choosing Esperanza is the best decisions as he thinks.

The main Conflicts is subtle and complex from Alfredo’s affection to Julia Salas on how they first met full
of affections and it made him crazy when Julia caught his eyes, the its quickly jump to an affair and
Alfredo keeps it as a secret to Esperanza, and when time goes by Esperanza discover it and at first, she
never speaks. And when Alfredo’s vagueness about his decision made him uncertain.

The climax moment begins when Alfredo unexpectedly spotted Julia in the plaza. After approaching her,
he discovered that Julia had learned of his engagement to Esperanza. Alfredo was perplexed by his own
emotions because he thinks he has fallen in love with Julia but can't help but remember that he was
engaged to Esperanza.

As luck would have it, he was assigned to perform work-related duties in a location close to Julia's
hometown. He was unable to fight his feelings of longing and previous lust for Julia. He made an excuse
and traveled there, where he met her. He was compelled to daydream about a life with her rather than
Esperanza because she was still a spinster. But he quickly realized that something was in fact different.
He was broken-hearted, reflective, and doubtful about whether he had ever truly loved her.

The story of the dead night by Paz Marquez Benitez is open ending.

Yes, all the episodes is relevant to the effect of story which have been seen from the very beginning and
it makes the story more interesting and unique, somehow it makes the reader feel uncertain and unsure
to what the character Alfredo’s decisions at first, all the episodes aforementioned are shown at this
story and cause a huge effect in every main character.

Some occurrences in this story are both character families are close together likewise to Esperanza and
Alfredo they family arranged their marriage it means it has a plan at the very beginning. While Alfredo
and Julia Salas are accidentally met because Julia is in that place at the time.

The story in the dead stars by Paz Marquez Benitez it uses a third person to narrating the story,
Including the use of she, he etc. Also, they use this kind of point of you to furnish the feelings of each
character and emotions to make it more fascinating in the readers eyes. And it also helps to express the
emotions in the chest of the main characters the thoughts that they have.

I believe the narrator or third person study the masterpiece of Paz Marquez Benitez so this person have
extra knowledge and to learn each characters emotions and behavior so he/she can portray it easily and
according to the knowledge that she/he gain from the own author. And lastly, the narrator will refuse
this kind of Job if he/she can’t do it accordingly through his/her own ability and strength.

Furthermore, this book is written from an objective third-person pov. The main revelation from this
point of view is that, even though we don't get to hear the characters' thoughts, Alcott still manages to
make her point through the actions that they take.


When Alfredo happily and every time he excited to meet Julia and have a conversation to her even a bit,
and when Esperanza already knew about the affair of Alfredo but she hides it for a couple of days
waiting that Alfredo will confess it to her, and lastly when Alfredo vulnerable to what path or decisions
that he would make and path that he would able to look forward. The particular images that I
aforementioned made me feel sad, nervous at first on what this story leads me or there were these
thoughts what might be happen in the engagements of Alfredo and Esperanza, what Esperanza feels
makes me sad knowing he loves Alfredo whole heartedly. When the moment Julia Salas knew about the
engagement of Alfredo and Esperanza, I sense that she become cold, angry at the same time happy to
Alfredo. And I sense after that she will not able to let herself meet and associate to Alfredo as a respect
to herself and Esperanza. Also, the author made me realize to understand each situation in every aspect.
Furthermore, it frequently employs metaphorical and figurative language to enhance the reader's
sensory experience. Instead of just stating the facts, imagery helps writers paint a complete picture of
their stories.


Although Alfredo and Julia's love and affection appeared to be present and genuine, it eventually
vanishes like a dying star with the passage of time. Because of this, the illusion and the memories from
the past are no longer true. It turns out that the delusion he had been hiding for so long was simply a
dead star that, despite having died a long time ago, is still emitting what appears to be real light from a
great distance. Esperanza's devotion to Alfredo is a representation of love, but she places more value on
knowledge than genuine affection. The particular scenery or images made me feel sad, disturbed, angry
at the same time happy. I’m happy to Esperanza because she was a humble woman who made decisions
not only for herself but to other main character, it made me sad, disturbed and angry at the same time
to Alfredo actions and decisions, he’s feelings is so unsure and uncertain. When the moment the actions
of Julia Salas makes me sense that she probably doing the right decisions by avoiding Alfredo because
after all Alfredo is an engaged man. In addition, I learned from the author that I must comprehend every
circumstance from all angles. Additionally, it frequently uses figurative and metaphorical language to
heighten the reader's sensory perception. Writing with imagery helps authors create a full picture of
their stories rather than just stating the facts.


Dead Stars, the author's masterpiece, contains more than just a love story. Her writing most importantly
captures the language, social mores, and way of thinking of the time the literary work was written.
Readers can use it as a literary time machine to learn how courtship, marriage, and fidelity were
perceived according to early 1900 standards. It makes a convincing comparison between the past and
present, between the current modern culture and the dwindling, almost extinct tradition. Also, the
author wants me to make me understands more Alfredo characters in this story.

I believe, the author didn’t use the narrator if she dislikes or she have mistrusts. This is only base on my
perspective. And I do believe the author make at least research before she opens her hands to let other
persons in on her masterpiece. Perhaps at some point she’s really proud to the narrator because as I can
read and see it deliver perfectly.


The situations are ironic me expecting that Alfredo fights for Julia Salas because at first, he didn’t love
Esperanza but I was shocked when he chooses Esperanza, I’m not sad though, Esperanza is a good
woman who unconditionally loves Alfredo. We have the different predictions as well the main character.
Yes, the character has the ironic thoughts Alfredo believes that Julia is the one but in the end his love for
Julia is infatuations and it is just like a dead star. Yes, the character did or say unintentionally and
intentionally, the moment he hides his affairs to Esperanza and on the other hand he is not intention to
hurt Esperanza since it was a love at first sight his lust made me do it.


Is there more than one theme? Does the theme support or oppose popular notions of life?

Does the theme offer a new insight into human experience or does it support an old (traditional) one?
What lesson or message does the author want the reader to understand from the story?

The best work of Paz Marque Benitez is Dead Stars. He didn't just talk about love in this brief story. His
writing is important because it captures the mood of the time.It portrays the manners, language, and
social customs of the populace at that time.


If you're given the chance to end the story, how would you end it? (Explain your answer in 10 sentences)

Is the title relevant to the story? If given the chance, what do you think is

the appropriate title? If given the chance, how would end the story?

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