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KS3 Chemistry

Name: Date:

Worksheet One
This worksheet accompanies slide 17 of Atoms, Elements and Compounds.ppt

Match the element

Find the element that each symbol represents…

1. Ar 6. Cr 11. Li 16. K
2. B 7. Cu 12. Mg 17. Na
3. Ca 8. F 13. O 18. S
4. C 9. H 14. P 19. W
5. Cl 10. Fe 15. Pt 20. Zn

r c a y t p n x u a q j f o f

q c u z r d o s l d r w r f w

s l h g w x i i j l h v s k u

i t w l y r t h l r w c u t w

q h u g o h y s m u i c l a c

m d e n i r o u l f f p f k z

u n j u g d i j o f o c u o w

n z m u i s e n g a m e r a t

i v c u s d t h e r o s r u z

t l m a i s c e l g b g y c q

a n t x r m z i n c o p p e r

l o s o n b o r o n u r p m d

p h o s p h o r u s c p d a j

h p j g t w b n h f y d q y k

z q u o e o r y b c q m w r h

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KS3 Chemistry
Name: Date:

Worksheet Two
This worksheet accompanies slide 27 of Atoms, Elements and Compounds.ppt

A compound is not a mixture

Look at the pictures below and then answer the questions overleaf.




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KS3 Chemistry
Name: Date:

1. Which picture represents:

a) atoms of an element answer = ………….

b) molecules of an element answer = ………….

c) molecules of a compound made of two elements answer = ………….

d) molecules of a compound containing three atoms answer = ………….

e) a mixture of elements answer = ………….

e) a mixture of compounds answer = ………….

2. Complete these sentences using answers from the box below:

a) diagram A could represent ………….………….………….………….………….………….………

b) diagram B could represent ………….………….………….………….………….………….………

c) diagram C could represent ………….………….………….………….………….………….………

d) diagram D could represent ………….………….………….………….………….………….………

e) diagram E could represent ………….………….………….………….………….………….………

f) diagram F could represent ………….………….………….………….………….………….………

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