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B2 First Autumn 2022

Unit 2


Is it better to have a small or a large age difference between


When we talk about family it is complicated to give an objective and universal opinion.

It is really hard to not put your own experience. I only have one sibling; his name is

Afonso and we have an age gap of seven years.

One of the things I really don´t like about the huge age difference between us, is that

without I even realized, I put so much pressure in me to be as much perfect as he was in

my age. In this aspect of competition, having a small age gap is better.

Another case where having a small difference between siblings is better, it is the

friendships. If you are closer to your sibling in age you will understand the jokes

between his or her group of friends and have the same interests. It is much easier to

bond with your sibling friend´s.

One more example, is that if you aren´t lucky enough, like me, and you are the youngest

sibling you will reuse everything your sibling wore or used. And you must be asking,

why is this such a bad thing? Well, I explain…The clothes are no longer trendy and the

toys because of the time difference start to be broken.

B2 First Autumn 2022
In conclusion, I prefer to have a small difference between siblings. Because, you can

understand what your sibling is going through and you learn important lessons, such as

sharing and to be patient.

However, like I said in the beginning, this is only my personal opinion, maybe if I had a

brother with a small age difference, I would have a different opinion.


Laura Monteiro


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