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Canada Story of Us Episode 3:

1st read the COLE’S NOTES about the War of 1812. Then make a copy of this doc,
take notes as you watch the video, and answer the questions below. Make sure to
use information from both sources.
1. List at least 3 causes of the war of 1812.
The Americans believed in “manifest destiny” which is that all of North America
should belong to the United states. Britain and France were fighting each other in
the Napoleonic war and had their ships in the English channel preventing
America from trading with other countries.
2. Why didn’t Britain (who owned Canada at the time) come to our aid to any great
extent? (Perspective/Cause and Consequence) List two main reasons.
They were in european war and they thought that the sugar islands were more
important than canada.

3. Why did Tecumseh try to ally himself and his people with the British? What did he
and his people want? What were they worried about?(Perspective)
Tecumseh found important papers from the Americans saying that the Americans
were afraid of a shawnee attack. Tecumseh offered the paper to the British in
exchange He allied with the British in the promise of their own territory and
resources. And Canada couldnt beat the Americans without the shawnees.

4. What tactics did Tecumseh use in battle? Why were they effective at the battle for
Fort Detroit. (Cause and Consequence)
He got the shawnee to run around base and lots going in different directions so it
looks like the few hundred fighters they had were in the thousands and that they
were going to attack on all sides. The Americans surrendered.

5. Why is Tecumseh’s contribution to defending Canada significant? 2-3 reasons.

without him and the rest of the shawnees the Americans would have won the
war, and canada didn't have enough soldiers to win.

6. Why didn’t the British honor the deal made with Tecumseh? What were the
further consequences for the native people who followed him? (Cause and
Since both of the people who made the deal were dead they didn't see a reason
to go through with the deal, they were asking for land by the ohio valley which
they never got so the americans did instead
7. Why did Tito Lolieve blow up Fort York? (Significance)
He blew up fort york so the americans wouldn't get the explosives for themselves
and blow up other places in canada.

8. Why wasn’t it very ‘smart’ of the Americans to attack the town of Toronto? (Cause
and consequence) List the consequences of this action.
The americans wanted revenge for tito Lolieve blowing up fort york, so they
destroyed the library, parliament building and printing press

9. Why might it be dangerous (especially to women) to be host to the American

army during the War of 1812? Give at least 3 reasons. (Perspective)
The enemies are standing right outside the door and might be unpredictable,
they could kill her and her family and take all her resources (such as food) and
leave them starving .

10. Describe what you feel would have gone through Laura Secourd’s mind during
her journey to reach the British camp to warn them. (Perspective)
She would have been scared to leave her kids and husband alone near the

11. What was the importance/significance of privateers during this war. What
function did they serve? How did Canadian privateers help win the war?
The privateers overtook American ships and robbed them, weakening the

12. How did the war of 1812 help to unify Canadians? What was their change in
attitude? What about the Americans? Did their thoughts about Canada change?
(Change and Continuity)
It helped to make the Canadian identity and make it feel like their own country.
The Americans thought it would be easy to overtake the canadians. But after
losing to them they know that they are a strong country.

13. Name 2 other significant changes made because of this war? Think borders?
Think Territories? (Change and Continuity)
The Shawnee never got their land in the Ohio valley so the Americans got that
land instead. And the Americans kept the land they had originally.

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