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Nancy Camp - Teacher Inquiry Ideas

Teacher Inquiry Question: Can third grade students use the

Distributive Property to solve problems involving
multiplication within 100?

ISTE Student standard (1c - I use technology to seek

feedback that informs and improves my practice and to
demonstrate learning in a variety of ways) This will be
the first lesson in a new unit that will be introducing
students to the Distributive Property. I’m going to use both
IXL and the online resources provided by our school
curriculum, Savaas. Students will be assigned specific
things to work on based on the formative and summative
assessments I will do when I introduce the first lesson on
the Distributive Property. As we work our way through the
unit, I can monitor scores and adjust assignments online as

Learning Objective - Students will use the Distributive Property

to solve problems involving multiplication within 100?

Lesson Idea - This is the first lesson in a series about the

Distributive Property. I will start the lesson by posing a
question that we need to work together to solve and answer
in our workbook. It is a brand new concept to them so I will
show them a video that goes with their curriculum to give
them an example of a different, but similar problem.
Students will try the problem in the workbook on their own. I
will walk around the room as they are working and this will
be the formative assessment. We will discuss and I will
allow students to share their ideas with the rest of the class.
I will pass out connecting cubes and we will discuss 2x6
being split up into 2x3 + 2x3 as you can see in the attached
image.  We will end the lesson with an exit ticket/summative
assessment that will have six problems to complete. The
only technology I’ll be using in this lesson is the video I’m
going to show. As we progress through the unit, I will be
assigning iPad work using IXL and our Savaas curriculum
based on student assessment scores.

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