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This pocket book has been written for informational purposes only. Every effort has
been made to make this information as complete and accurate as possible.
However, there may be errors in typography or content. Also, this mini book
provides information only up to the date of publication.
The eBook should be used as a guide, not the definitive source.
The purpose of this book is to educate. The author and publisher do not guarantee
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What is the best way to treat enlarged prostate in males age 25?
What is the prostate fluid?
How do I milk my husband’s prostate?
What are the symptoms of prostate trouble?
What is a home remedy for a mild prostate enlargement?
Benefits of exercise for prostate cancer
With prostate removal can one still have pleasure?
What does the prostate feel like?

What is the best way to treat enlarged prostate in
males age 25?
I would like to know if they did an infection study
because that could be producing prostatitis, it controls
sugar levels, which is the first cause of inflammation
throughout the body. Scientists created a supplement that
my husband consumes and maintains his prostate very well
with an excellent PSA. You can see the full video of this
supplement here.
The doctor prescribed the supplement and gave
these tips:
Maintain a healthy body weight, as obesity often
increases the predisposition to many diseases,
including BPH or prostate cancer.
Encourage consumption of prostate-healthy foods,
such as the Mediterranean diet, fish, spinach,
tomato, "good" fats, fruit, or green tea.
Exercise frequently.
Lead an active sex life. Several studies from
Harvard University (United States) suggest that
ejaculating more frequently decreases the risk of
prostate cancer.
You may be producing too much testosterone.
Testosterone is the male hormone par excellence and, as
such, is responsible for the differentiation of the genitalia in
the male fetus and for the changes that occur during
puberty in the genitalia and other parts of the body.
Throughout a man's life, it influences functions that affect
the sexual sphere and sperm production and, therefore, a
reduction in its levels below the reference values for each
age can translate into a decrease in sexual desire, fertile
capacity and erection quality.
The symptoms derived from testosterone deficiency
that are most frequently observed are, as
summarized by Javier Romero Otero, coordinator of
the Andrology Group of the Spanish Association of
Urology (AEU), "erectile dysfunction, decreased
sexual appetite, reduced production of spermatozoa,
insomnia, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, osteopenia
or osteoporosis and depressed mood”.
This pathological decrease in testosterone production, called
hypogonadism, is effectively treated with artificial
testosterone, but it must always be administered under
medical supervision because this therapy is not exempt from
adverse effects.
What happens when it is given to men with normal levels?
Urologists do not think twice about the answer: when there
is no deficit, testosterone can have negative consequences.
What the body needs is to maintain the levels considered
physiological of this hormone and a supply greater than
necessary does not translate into greater sexual potency or
higher fertility.
Testosterone for erectile dysfunction?
The experts are blunt when it comes to therapy against
impotence or erectile dysfunction: in a man with normal
levels of the male hormone "treatment with testosterone to
improve erection is not indicated". This is stated by Josvany
Sánchez Curbelo, assistant doctor and head of the
Andrological Tests Office of the Andrology Service of the
Puigvert Foundation.
“Testosterone is not a treatment for erectile
dysfunction nor is it indicated to potentiate the
effect of other drugs used in the treatment of
erection problems. The indication for treatment with
testosterone is for men with demonstrated low
values of said hormone”, emphasizes the specialist.
Effect on fertility
The testosterone that is produced in the testicles is essential
for the sperm production process to develop correctly, so a
state of hypogonadism has a clear effect on male fertility.
However, the administration of testosterone treatment does
not improve fertility. "On the contrary - warns Sánchez
Curbelo - when a man is medicated with
testosterone, what is produced is a mechanism
known as negative feedback that, as a final
consequence, would lead to inhibiting the production
of testosterone and sperm in the testicle. ”.
The myth of aggressiveness
It is common to relate aggressiveness to excess
testosterone, but this link is not so clear. "There are
various studies on the matter, with contradictory
results," says Romero Otero. "It seems that this
hormone could participate in a complex mechanism
of interaction of different brain systems and
neurotransmitters", which would influence issues such as
the response to a threat.
However, other studies relate the hormone to the opposite,
"with more balanced behaviors and fewer social conflicts,"
highlights the urologist.
"that men who administer testosterone abusively, in
supraphysiological doses for anabolic purposes to increase
muscle mass, may experience an increase in
Alopecia and testosterone
Regarding the relationship between testosterone and male
pattern baldness, the andrologist from the Puigvert
Foundation recalls that hair loss "mainly involves hereditary
factors and age, although some hormonal factors also
influence its pathophysiology."
Testosterone does not act directly on the hair
follicles, but is previously transformed into
dihydrotestosterone, which is, in the words of Romero Otero,
"the one that is responsible for the atrophy of the hair
follicles, which receive less blood supply, which makes them
the hair is weaker and finally ends up falling out without
subsequent replacement”. For this reason, 5 alpha
reductase inhibitor drugs (such as finasteride, used in
benign prostatic hyperplasia), are used with good results
and in lower doses for the treatment of androgenetic
“What is important to say is that, if a man has
hypogonadism, the fact that he receives replacement
treatment with testosterone does not imply that this will
increase his chances of suffering from baldness”.

What is the prostate fluid?

Several glands produce prostatic fluid.
The epididymis passes into the vas deferens, which
connects the epididymis with the urethra. The
urethra sends sperm out during ejaculation. It is
carried out with the help of muscle cells in the vas
The seminal vesicles are two glands that are about two
inches long and are attached to the vas deferens. Sperm are
formed in the seminal vesicles.
Cowper's glands
These two glands are barely one centimeter in size and are
located in the upper part of the urethra. They sit just below
the prostate. When you become sexually aroused, the
glands moisten the urethra.
The rope is a band of sensitive skin. It joins the lower border
of the urethral opening and extends from the glans to the
shaft of the penis. The lower part of the glans is very
The string cannot stretch as much as the rest of the penis.
Sometimes the rope can become so tight that it snaps or
snaps. It may bleed and hurt, but it is not dangerous.
Ejaculation is when fluid rushes out of the penis during
intercourse or when you masturbate. You may also have
nocturnal ejaculations when you sleep.
What comes out of the penis when you ejaculate is called
semen and it is a mixture of different fluids. Semen is also
called seminal fluid or batch. Most of the semen are fluids
that come from the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland.
The sperm themselves actually only make up a small part of
the ejaculate.
During ejaculation, sperm are squirted out in a specific
order. Prostatic fluid and sperm come first, then the more
viscous fluid from the seminal vesicles. When semen is out
of the body, it becomes jelly-like for a few minutes and then
becomes fluid again.
The amount, color and even smell of ejaculate varies and is
affected by how often you ejaculate. After three or four days
without ejaculation, the volume is usually 2 to 6 milliliters,
about a teaspoon or a little more. It then contains
approximately 100 million sperm per milliliter.
In relation to ejaculation, you normally experience an
orgasm. Sometimes ejaculation can come without the
sensation of orgasm, but this is unusual.
Sperm are the cells necessary for fertilization. Together with
an egg cell from the female genital organ, the sperm cell
can form a new human being.
Sperm cells are formed in the testicles from a
special type of cell called stem cells. It takes about
three months for a sperm cell to form. Normally
around 100 million sperm are produced each day.
Because stem cells are constantly being renewed,
you can never run out of sperm no matter how many
ejaculations you have.
A spermatozoon consists of a head, midpiece, and tail. They
can only be seen under a microscope. In the head of the
sperm there is DNA material, the genetic code.
Fluid from the prostate and other sex glands that
helps carry sperm out of a man's body during
orgasm. The seminal fluid contains sugar as a source
of energy for the sperm.

The prostate has several functions, one of them, and

the most important, is the production of prostatic
fluid, which protects the sperm, favoring their
mobility and increasing the chances of fertilizing an
It also has a valvular function: during intercourse it prevents
the passage of the bladder while allowing semen to pass.
The muscular composition of the prostate is what allows it
to push stored semen out during orgasm.
Finally, the prostate is responsible for protecting the
surrounding organs against germs and bacteria from
abroad. Along with the length of the urethra, the prostate is
one of the reasons why men, compared to women, get UTIs
less often.
A large percentage of men ignore the importance of the
prostate, while another group, quite large, do not know
what it is or what it is for. Why is it important to know? In
the first instance because it is an important component to
carry out the reproductive process, secondly, because
prostate cancer is the main cause of cancer death in men.
According to statistics from Mexico, it is estimated that
around 233,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed
each year, of which 29,480 turn out to be fatal.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland located below the
bladder, in front of the rectum, surrounding the tube that
carries urine from the bladder to the outside called the
urethra. It is part of the male reproductive system, helping—
along with the testicles and seminal vesicles—in the
production of semen.
The size of the prostate changes progressively with age, if it
becomes too large it can cause problems. The increase in
the size of the prostate is common after the age of 50,
increasing the chances of suffering from a disease related to
it, for this reason periodic check-ups are recommended once
this age is reached.
The size of the prostate changes with age. In younger men,
the prostate is about the size of a walnut. However, it can be
much larger in older men.
Just behind the prostate are glands called the seminal
vesicles, which produce most of the fluid in semen.
The urethra, which is the tube that carries urine and semen
out of the body through the penis, runs through the center
of the prostate.
The main function of the prostate is to manufacture
prostatic fluid, protecting sperm, helping to increase
reproductive possibilities and maximizing the possibilities of
human fertilization.
It has two other minor functions: the valvular function is that
this organ, during intercourse, prevents the passage of urine
and encourages the passage of semen. This happens
because his tissue is muscular, which gives him the "force"
to generate ejaculation. The other function is protection,
that is, the prostate protects all surrounding organs from
germs and bacteria that may come from abroad.
How do I milk my husband’s prostate?
Many men become flashy when the topic of the
prostate comes up. I UNDERSTAND COMPLETEly.
Once I felt the same way.
Then one fine day, something happened that changed
everything. I experienced the orgasm of orgasms. Such an
intense series of moments.
In this answer you will learn the methods and techniques
that I have practiced and perfected for many years. For me,
I've learned how to conjure up mind-blowing, massive
orgasms. Literally.
The goal here is to help my peers enjoy the same joys that I
wanted to learn. Now you too can score a hat-trick...
This method of prostate play involves inserting your finger or
a special toy into the anus. If you're not comfortable putting
things in, feel free to skip to the next section that covers the
external method. But don't do it!
Before we tackle this section, here are four
important things to consider.
ALWAYS start small and work your way up. The index finger
is perfect the first few times.
Once you have your voice, there is no substitute for prostate
play to get the job done right.
Always use a lot of bleach. Don't jump on it either. Spend a
few extra bucks and make the whole experience easier and
Don't touch his penis! This is the last thing you want during
a prostate massage. He keeps his burdens and ignores the
task at hand.
INSTRUCTIONS. 4 easy steps
Are here. The keys to the holy grail.
In the next few minutes you will learn how I do this. Step by
This guide assumes that you are flying alone. Having a
partner to help you is amazing! These instructions apply to
both scenarios.
Step 1: First, make sure you leave enough time.
I can't stress this enough: prostate play is not a quick
So I know there will be no interruptions. It's not my
girlfriend walking into my bedroom. There are no children
screaming at the door.
My phone and my TV turn off. The lights are low. I want this
for myself now. There are no external dropouts. I need to
focus on ME and only me. This is the key to a successful
It may all seem like an exaggeration, but it really isn't. If you
can't commit that time and dedication, wait until you can.
It's worth it. This is completely different from normal
masturbation. Heck, it only takes 5 or 10 minutes. The lights
and television can be turned on. I can do anything.
A good p-spot massage is an entirely different matter. More
of a challenge, but well worth it.
Step 2: Clear the mind and relax the body
Now that you've set aside some time for yourself, it's time to
relax your body and mind.
Personally, I like Let's start with a bowel movement an hour
before we start. There is nothing more relaxing than a good
Then I like to take a long, hot shower. As hot as I can stand.
They spend a lot of time all over my body from head to toe,
especially around my brain. I also recommend doing a deep
cleaning of the rectum. This includes the wipe and the
finger. Simply push the cloth a little into the waist hole to
filter out the poop that hides near the surface.
Then I go to bed. I like to play soft and relaxing music. Music
soothes my soul and prepares me for the journey I am about
to embark on. This is a good time to meditate. I like to
practice breathing exercises, deep breathing, slow
exhalation. I can do this for 5-10 minutes or until I feel calm.
At this point, it's wise to have everything set up and ready.
This includes towel, ointment, glass of water, remote
control, etc. Room temperature is suitable. Not too hot and
not too cold. It's like a fan blowing on me too.
You'll be here for an hour or more, and the last thing you
want to do is get up and ruin the mood.
Step 3 Get into a comfortable position
I like to use two positions.
Here's my favorite: I was just lying on my bed on my side. –
Whichever side I lie on, pull the knee of my upper leg toward
my chest. This makes it easy to insert a toy, finger, or
anything into the anus.
My second favorite is also very simple. I just lie on my back
and pull my butt up towards my legs. With the knees raised
and apart, access to the rectum is provided. I don't like this
one as much as I find it a bit harder to get there.
There are other positions you can use, but I recommend one
to start with.
Step 4 Start the massage
Assuming you follow steps 1-3. Steps, it's time to start. The
following technique is the one that works best for me. There
are other ways, but this is my favorite.
Start by applying a generous amount of lubricant to both
the toy and the pant opening.
Then gently move the stimulator toward the rectum. It must
be anatomically designed to reach the right places.
The game will likely feel awkward at first and can be difficult
to get into. The important thing here is to rest, wait a bit
and then try again. Usually prostate toys have a bigger
commercial end than it goes down, so once you get in, you
feel more comfortable.
It might even hurt a bit before you insert it. This is normal.
But if the pain is too much, stop and try again. If you have
difficulty, loosen the hole starting with your finger.
If you are using your finger and are not sure where the
prostate is, see Section 5 below, How to find a prostate? .
Follow the massage instructions.
Continue the act and release as much as possible. I
recommend holding the lift for a few seconds and then
slowly releasing it. Simply repeat this process several times.
Try to contract the muscle and take a deep breath at the
same time. Then release the contraction and exhale.
The longer you can do this, the closer you will get to your
ultimate goal, prostate orgasm. If you are a beginner, it will
be difficult to progress as the muscles are not trained for
this activity. You can improve this over time with practice.
It's like going to the gym for the first time. You will be very
weak and will not be able to reproduce multiple times, but
over time your muscles will and they will come back
stronger and stronger.
Infographic: The Five Stages of Prostate Orgasm
If you are trying a prostate massage, it is important that you
know what to expect and when it will happen. The following
infographic guides you through the five basic stages from
initial stimulation to orgasmic climax. Wear this while
practicing this step (step 4).
toy recommendation
I will offer the prostate game here as I feel it is the most
efficient and effective way to experience this. It's called
Aneros Helix Syn (see the full review here or click the banner
Obviously, it is not necessary to use a toy. You can use your
fingers or any other SAFE item to do this. I recommend it
based on my own personal experience. It was the first time I
started using it and because I became a Pro Prostate Player.
Remember how I told you not to touch his penis a little while
ago? Well, it's time for me to do this.
Personally, these are the fastest orgasms I could ever hope
to have. After an hour or more of prostate orgasm,
traditional ejaculation is literally just minutes away.
The great. Very intense. Very satisfied. Make sure the towel
is ready to clean. YOUR. WILL. NEED. THAT.
These ejaculations are at least twice as large as a normal
one. Shooting big loops of semen is not normal.
3. How To Do It: External Prostate Kit
This is a very indirect way of touching the prostate, which in
my professional opinion is not that effective. There is too
much skin and tissue between the outside of the body and
the prostate to stimulate it properly.
If putting fingers or toys in the anus is not your thing, this is
the best method for you. The anal passage is not necessary.
Simply put, the prostate is activated externally by applying
pressure to the perineum.
This area is sometimes called the "spot." “It's a piece
of leather that has a spine and feels like two pieces of
leather glued together. The prostate is located directly in
this area.
Here's how to do it
The first two steps are the same as in the internal method.
Lying on a flat and comfortable surface. The bed is the best
Relax and get in zen mode. Meditate, listen to erotic sounds,
read erotic stories, etc. Regardless, you should be calm and
able to focus solely on the task at hand.
Lying on your back with your knees and feet on the bed, use
the 3-finger method to place all three fingers on the
perineum. Use firm but gentle pressure.
Start the area in a clockwise direction. Do this 5 or 6 times,
then turn counterclockwise. You may have to move around a
bit to find the spot you like best. Repeat the different
pressure levels until you find the one that works best for
Continue these repetitions until you feel comfortable.
As I mentioned before, achieving orgasm is extremely
difficult. I have tried many times over the years with little
success. At the same time, it feels great, which is a great
way to warm up for an internal massage.
4. How does prostate massage feel?
You may be wondering, “What's scary, Dave? It feels?"
Well I recently received an email from a reader who has a
better answer to this question than I do. This is what Klaus
says from Denmark. If that doesn't get you trying, I don't
know what will.
I am a 67 year old single (divorced) man and would like to
thank his site/position as he has done just for me. I've never
been into anal sex, but about two months ago I started
googling it as a replacement for an enlarged prostate. I
discovered that prostate massage could be the answer to
my benign enlarged prostate.
I came to his site today and read that prostate sexuality
requires patience, awareness, very good timing, etc. There is
(your post: takes time...)
So I followed your instructions and it turned out very nice. I
was able to find the right places etc. Nice, but not an
orgasm. After a long time, I couldn't take it anymore, so I left
it there and cleaned it. After that I sat in a chair to read.
And then I realized!
He had been in heaven for at least half an hour. I'm just
sitting in the chair, my pelvis spinning like hell, experiencing
one orgasm after another. Orgasms that seem to involve my
entire body (except my penis!). The focus of the orgasms
was in the prostate area, but I felt in my chest, I would say in
my heart, where I was “feeling-orgasm”.
The last one shot up my throat and into my brain, but now it
wasn't possible. I had never experienced anything like this, I
just kept going and a part of me just couldn't believe it: here
I am, sitting in a chair with no external stimuli, having an
orgasm over and over again.
After the last orgasm, when I went up on the head, I started
to go down, but they were completely silent for hours. WOW.
So, thank you for your very informative and
uncritical site. Like I said, he really did. THANK YOU!
Thank you Klaus! You found his axe.
Read more of my thoughts on this topic...
Why should you try it?
The big question is "why not try it?"
Seriously, doing this has changed my sex life. For the best.
The tried and true method of going hard and then stroking
to orgasm is fun, but it's gotten really old. I've found that p-
spot milking gives me enough variety to keep things
interesting and allows me to have a full "sexual release"
from time to time.
It's good for me both mentally and physically.
Mentally, a good massage calms my soul. The resulting
orgasm provides a fantastic emotional feeling of well-being.
Calm and relaxation almost always follow. For a single guy
who doesn't always have a sexy moment around him, this is
a great way to fill the void.
physically it feels good because the orgasms are, well...
AWESOME! Prostate massage orgasms are even more
intense. There are many scientifically proven benefits of
landing. From increasing energy to reducing the chances of
depression, this activity is a great way to "take the fun out of
it" and make life more fulfilling and satisfying.
You are never too old or too young!
Anyone with a prostate, whether they are 18 or 85 years old,
can do this activity! In fact, as men age, it often becomes
difficult to achieve and maintain an erection. Prostate play is
a wonderful activity because you don't need an erection. All
you have to do is rub the right spot!
Unique game is fun either. Pair play is even better!
I really like prostate massage on myself. Enjoyed with a
trusted partner is 10 times better. This is one of those sexual
experiences that couples can do together, it strengthens
their bond and provides mutual sexual satisfaction. Not to
mention, a trusted partner often finds these hard-to-reach
places better than I do.
This is what makes this activity super exciting for me: the
law of submission. В Having a loving partner (which could
be your girlfriend or boyfriend) makes the experience that
much more enjoyable as a part of it. By giving back and
letting that person take control, I literally submit to them
and allow them to have power over my body. This is the
ultimate activity for your Sub or Top to spice things up a bit.
Submission was difficult for me at first, but when I allowed
myself to take control, the orgasm led to release. By
becoming someone else, I was actually more in tune with
my body and what I like.
5. How do I find my prostate?
This is usually a difficult task for beginners, but with a little
practice it is easy to find.
Here is a step-by-step guide to help you find it with
her finger:
1st step
Use the bathroom, or more specifically, a bowel movement.
This ensures that the rectum is clean and ready for action.
Step 2
Afterward, I always recommend a bath or shower. Washing
the puncture hole is done with a cloth, but the hot shower or
bath is full, the relaxation process helps the work.
Step 3
Make sure hands are smooth and fingernails are trimmed.
File those nails to avoid sharp edges or bumps. Scratching
your rectum is the last thing you want to do, for obvious
Step 4
Lying on a flat and comfortable surface. Preferably a bed. I
like to lie on my back with my knees bent and my legs
stretched out behind my back. Placing a pillow of underwear
will help with the angle.
step 5
Make it alkaline. Trying to put your finger or toy into a dry
hole is just not fun or fun. Trust me on this one and get some
good bleach. Read everything here.
Step 6
Place your hand between his legs and GENTLY insert your
index finger into his rectum and push it towards his penis.
Stop at the second or third joint.
Step 7
Now sit down a bit. Go a little deeper or a little shallower
until you feel the prostate. You may feel a different
sensation. It may not be joyful at the moment, but it feels
"interesting". Remember this location later.
Congratulations! He started his first massage! Start
slowly if you feel comfortable.
"Warming up" is a good way to prepare, especially for
beginners. This is what I mean: massage around the anus
and perineum to get the blood flowing and get you in the
mood. Don't let anything get stuck there. This is good if you
lie on your back before you start.
The prostate cannot be touched directly because it is behind
the rectal wall. When you perform the massage, you press
on the rectal wall and transmit this pressure to the prostate
Don't just stick your finger or your toy in! Be nice. Go slow.
The seal is likely to be very tight when inserted, so you don't
want to rush it and cause pain or discomfort.
If you're having trouble finding the location, you might
consider asking someone for help.
Once you've entered, ask another guy to give you a
handshake. Who better to find a prostate than another guy
who also has one? Check out this reader introduction from a
guy who did exactly that. Did I mention it's straight?
6. Will I have an erection?
Maybe. But maybe not. Every boy is different. I personally
get a strong furious squeeze during every session. But some
guys have told me that they don't show up at all. Remember
that there is nothing abnormal here, the joy of the prostate
has nothing to do with a veiny penis.
BONUS: Are you a man with erectile dysfunction or
prostate cancer?
Congratulations on your luck. A strong penis is not
necessary to fully enjoy this activity!
7. Do I have a prostate orgasm?
If you do your best, YES! But I'll be honest with you: it's not
an easy task to accomplish. It took me many months and a
lot of practice to master the art of prostate touching and
reach prostate nirvana. I think all the guys can do it, but
some guys have to work harder and dedicate themselves
more than others. Just a fact of life.
Once again, this orgasm is elusive. Patience is key.
prostate vs traditional orgasm
The difference-by-difference method is the best way to deal
with the food analogy:
I'm a guy who likes meat. Yes, I like my fruits and
vegetables, but the meat is there.
Sometimes I want a big, fat, juicy hamburger. Load up on
cheese and bacon and mayonnaise and I'll be a happy boy.
Mmmmm, yum. Consider this traditional orgasm.
Other times, the only thing that satisfies me is a juicy steak.
Filet Mignon medium rare is my favorite. There's nothing
better than getting a slice on offer and savoring every bite in
my mouth before I can swallow. The steak prostate orgasm.
Yes, the difference between the two is significant.
8. Wait, did you say multiple orgasms?
Yes it was me! More orgasms are not just for women. With
practice and proper technique, men can experience them
Traditional orgasms result in what is called a refractory
period. Most guys need anywhere from a few minutes to a
few hours to get it back before another one.
There is no refractory period with prostate massage. So
there is no need to delay or cool down between orgasms.
This is where a lot of guys get impatient. I got tons of emails
and messages asking what it takes to make multiples
happen. Sometimes it's luck. Sometimes it's the
circumstances or the person you're with. Sometimes there is
no explanation. Better not think about it and just enjoy the
moment. Worrying about things that may or may not
happen just kills the mood and makes it nearly impossible to
have multiples.
9. Do I cum?
This is another question I get asked a lot. And to be
completely honest, the answer is NO. It's not just the
prostate at stake. It's rare, but a guy can have an orgasm
without ejaculating. However, when I combine it with
traditional masturbation, I create a lot of shots, I'm afraid I'll
dry out!
Leaking TONS or precum. In fact, it has always been
deserted. Just a touch and a passionate kiss can make my
jeans watery from a woman!
10. Play safe and fair
This is one of those sexual activities where safety and
cleanliness are important. Since we run in sensitive areas of
our body (rectum), it is advisable to be weak and practice
good hygiene there. Prostate toys are not dangerous, but too
hard on the fingers and toys can cause pain. And in extreme
cases, a fissure inside the rectum. This must be avoided at
all costs.
There are four rules to follow to ensure you play safely.
Just put things in the rectum that are designed for that
purpose. Yes, your finger is safe. DO NOT use things like
broomsticks or toothbrushes!
Keep your sex toys at the best quality by following the
manufacturer's recommendations. Both last longer and are
still safe for many uses.
Use a lot of bleach. If you can afford it, pay money and get a
higher quality product.
Don't do this activity too often. At least until you get used to
it. Leave at least a couple of days between sessions. Once
you've experienced it and know how your body can handle
it, you can play more often.
Before you decide to play with a partner...
Reduce the risk of injury. Practice on yourself first and get
comfortable with your body. This will help you communicate
better with your partner. An inexperienced partner may go
too hard or too fast, which can be uncomfortable or even
painful. You also want to create certain safe words.
11. Should I take a shower?
Many guys (and girls) are nervous about playing with the
rectal area. One of the biggest things is poop spilled on
fingers or toys. Let's see, we deal with it when we grab our
stuff, there's a good chance of that. But stay calm. It is not a
big thing. The area is definitely coming.
Personally, I don't drink that much. I am very clean there.
How to do it?
It is much easier than you think. The only tools you need
include climate change or a rectal syringe. They are
available online (search for “rectal bulb syringe”) and at
your local corner pharmacy. They are also very inexpensive,
usually less than $10.

12. Will I need anal bleach?

The short answer: …absolutely!
You cannot enjoy this activity without using a quality
lubricant both for the anus and for the toy or finger with
which it is held. Check out the mega guide on lube bags
Now you know how to take masturbation and your sex life to
the next level! With these tips and tricks, you're now ready
to take the next step on your path to prostate nirvana.
Remember, using your fingers is a great way to start down
this path. If you're ready to go to the next level, there are
tons of special games created to make it easier and more
Remember: practice makes perfect. To hit the home run
(prostate nirvana), you practice, practice, practice. But like
all good things in life, the best things come to those who
persevere and make their dreams come true.
If you have any questions or problems, feel free to write me
on my contact page or leave a comment.
Of course you need to have a deflated prostate that
is why I recommend this supplement. Thank you and I
hope my answer will serve you, share it.
What are the symptoms of prostate trouble?
At the beginning of its evolution, prostate cancer
does not give any symptoms. If it is a localized
cancer, there are usually no urinary problems.
Mechanical symptoms due to compression of the urethra
appear when the prostate enlarges.
But the increase in the volume of the prostate is present in
other much more frequent diseases:
benign prostatic adenoma or hypertrophy (nearly
all men older than 70 years have a prostate
prostatitis or infection of the prostate (about 50%
of men have prostatitis at some point in their life).
Therefore, this volume increase is not specific to
prostate cancer.
Be careful though, some men may suffer from both
prostate cancer and benign prostate hypertrophy.
Symptoms related to an enlarged prostate include
the following:
frequent urination, especially at night ( urinary
frequency );
weak urine stream;
feeling of not having completely emptied the
loss of urine ( urinary incontinence );
urinary tract infection: cystitis, prostatitis, or
difficulty or inability to urinate or urinary retention;
presence of blood in urine or semen;
difficulty getting an erection ;
pain during ejaculation.
The diagnosis can be:
evoked, in the absence of symptoms, during a
digital rectal examination for another reason;
raised during the pathological examination of
tissue taken during the surgical treatment of a
prostate adenoma.
During the consultation, the doctor talks with his patient to
assess his general health, his personal and family history
(particularly prostate cancer), the existence of symptoms
that may suggest a prostate abnormality.
He then performs a clinical exam, including digital rectal
Rectal exam
The doctor palpates the prostate by inserting his gloved
index finger into the rectum. This medical gesture allows
checking the volume, surface and consistency of the
prostate. If the surface of the prostate appears irregular or
with nodules and if its consistency is hard, the doctor
suspects the presence of cancer.
Video: Examination of the prostate using a digital rectal
PSA assay by blood test
The attending physician or urologist, in case of an abnormal
clinical examination, prescribes a blood test for Prostatic
Specific Antigen (PSA) , a substance produced by the
prostate. Inform your patient of the modalities of the
examination, of the complexity of the interpretation of the
results of this biological test. He is in the best position to
explain its meaning.
The most commonly used threshold value for normal PSA is
4 ng/ml (depends on the test technique used).
A level greater than 4 nanograms/ml is not
systematically synonymous with cancer. Other
situations, in addition to prostate cancer, can
explain a high PSA level: enlarged prostate due to
prostate adenoma, recent ejaculation, urinary tract
infection with prostatitis, recent prostate surgery,
urinary endoscopy.
Conversely, it may happen that a PSA level remains normal,
even in the presence of cancer.
prostate biopsy
If the doctor has found abnormalities in favor of prostate
cancer, he prescribes a prostate biopsy to his patient.
Prostate Biopsy Procedure
This is an exam performed under local anesthesia most of
the time.
The urologist usually inserts a needle transrectally (through
the wall of the rectum) into the prostate under ultrasound
guidance. Take at least 12 samples in different places for
pathological analysis, which will confirm or not the
diagnosis of cancer and give its characteristics.
Possible complications after a prostate biopsy
The most common complications of prostate biopsy are low-
abundance hematuria (presence of blood in the urine),
haemospermia (presence of blood in semen), and rectal
More rarely, they occur:
acute prostatitis (infection of the prostate), infection of the
subcutaneous tissue at the sampling site, or even
septicemia (generalized infection),
acute urinary retention (inability to urinate to evacuate the
urine contained in the bladder),
Significant hematuria (presence of blood in the urine).
For more information, see the fact sheet on ultrasound-
guided prostate biopsy from the French Association of
Urology (AFU).
If the diagnosis of prostate cancer is made, other tests are
to assess the general state of health and check that
the treatments will be well tolerated. A blood test,
among other tests, is essential to evaluate the
functioning of the kidneys, liver...
to assess the extent of the cancer locally (is it
through the prostate capsule? Is there invasion of
the pelvis?) or at a distance (is there metastasis in
specific bone?).
These tests are most often:
Nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) pelvi-prostatic
and whole body,
abdominopelvic computed tomography (or scan),
Bone scintigraphy .
What is a home remedy for a mild prostate

Historically, medicinal plant extracts have been used

to alleviate the symptoms of benign prostatic
In fact, even today many of the prescription drugs available
for its treatment are manufactured from plant extracts. The
main plants used are:
It is a saw palmetto that was used by the Indians for
hundreds of years to treat the specific problems of men, and
its use in the treatment of an enlarged prostate has been
described since 1800. The part used is the fruit, from which
is extracted a fatty extract known as "lipid-sterol extract",
rich in free fatty acids (acids: oleic, lauric, myristic, linoleic
and linolenic) and other substances such as sterols and
It has an antiandrogenic effect on the prostate (it is capable
of inhibiting the biological effects of androgens or male sex
hormones), anti-inflammatory, antiedematous (reduces fluid
accumulation) and antitumor. It is indicated for benign
prostate adenoma and to relieve associated urinary
symptoms. Something important is that it does not produce
changes in the hormonal levels of testosterone or other
African plum or pígeum
Certain African tribes already used the powder of its bark to
improve difficult urination in the elderly. Based on these
observations, a method was developed in the middle of the
last century that allowed obtaining, as in the case of saw
palmetto, an extract containing a lipid-sterol complex. Its
effect is also similar to that of saw palmetto and in fact, both
extracts are often combined.
greater nettle
The root is used, which contains, among other
polysaccharide components, a lectin (UDA) and fatty acids
and steroid-type lipophilic compounds. Among the fatty
acids, 9-Hydroxy-octadecadienoic acid has been shown to
inhibit the activity of the enzyme aromatase, which is an
enzyme that plays a very important role in the synthesis of
estrogens. It therefore has an action at the level of
hormones, helps to inhibit the growth of the prostate and
has an anti-inflammatory effect.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) in the monograph of
the greater nettle, indicates the root for the "relief of lower
urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH)". It can be used as an adjuvant treatment,
or in the mildest or initial cases, in which pharmacological
treatment is not yet indicated, as the only treatment to
relieve symptoms. Of these three plants, the most advisable
is to use standardized pharmaceutical preparations in active
ingredients to guarantee their effectiveness.
Its seeds are used, which are rich in lipids, especially in
linoleic acid, which represents half of these. It also contains
vitamin E, sterols and proteins. These lipids have been
shown to significantly decrease dihydrotestosterone levels in
prostate tissue and also bladder and urethral pressure.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) approves the
traditional use of pumpkin seeds to treat discomfort when
urinating associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and
unstable bladder. This plant can also be used as an adjuvant
treatment, or in the mildest or initial cases as the only
treatment, especially to relieve nocturnal symptoms.
Remember to consult your doctor before resorting to these
medicinal plants, even in case of benign prostatic
What you should know…
Some plants have long been used to relieve the symptoms
of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Sabal, nettle, pumpkin and African plum are the main ones
used for this purpose.
Of the first three, the most advisable is to use
pharmaceutical preparations standardized in active
ingredients to guarantee their effectiveness. Pumpkin seeds
are used.
The most complete supplement that contains
everything you need is ProstaStream
What are the ingredients of ProstaStream capsules:
● Vitamin E: helps the proper functioning of the organs.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects against oxidation
and free radical damage. Vitamin E is beneficial for the
immune system, skin, and libido. ProstaStream Review can
reduce inflammation of the reproductive organs and
enhance their functions.
● Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is used
to treat heart problems, depression, premenstrual
syndrome, and other conditions. Vitamin B6 is used for a
variety of purposes, including preventing heart disease and
relieving morning sickness during pregnancy.
● Zinc: The human body requires it for a variety of catalytic
processes, as well as for the proper functioning of various
organic functions. Also, regular consumption of zinc can
help prevent the development of prostate cancer tumors.
● Selenium: This is an antioxidant that can boost your
metabolism and thyroid function. It helps boost your
immune system and slow the decline in mental health as
you age. ProstaStream customer reviews may also reduce
the risk of heart attacks, but this has not yet been
● Copper: Copper promotes healthy bones, blood vessels,
nerves, and the immune system. It can also help prevent
specific cardiovascular and bone problems!
● Saw Palmetto: Commonly used to treat enlarged
prostates, promote hair growth, and improve urinary
function. ProstaStream works is sometimes used to increase
libido and reduce inflammation. This berry probably inhibits
● Plant Sterol Complex: Reduces cholesterol levels and
improves prostate health. They can also help prevent certain
types of heart disease. In addition, they have the potential to
effectively and quickly alleviate the symptoms of blood
circulation abnormalities.
● Pygeum Africanum: Pygeum bark is used to treat various
inflammatory conditions. Improving prostate function can
help with bladder problems, penile dysfunction, urine
leakage, and other incontinence-related issues.
● Red Raspberry – Berries are high in antioxidants, which
help the body fight disease and inflammation. Strawberries,
raspberries, and blackberries are high in vitamin C, which
helps treat symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
such as urination and bloating.
● Annona Muricata: Annona muricata inhibits the
proliferation of BPH-1 cells and reduces the size of the
prostate, possibly through apoptosis. Therefore, this is
added to make the blend anti-BPH as it is so commonly
found in men.
● Green Tea: This natural extract helps improve the body's
immune response mechanisms, allowing people to fight
various inflammatory conditions. Prosta Stream reviews
reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and
prostate cancer.
● Cat's Claw: Due to its ability to fight viral infections and
other diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, arthritis, ulcers,
parasites, etc., this herb is commonly used in dietary
supplements. When it comes to something that aims to
boost the immune system as a whole, it's the perfect
● Broccoli Leaf: Broccoli leaf extract contains high levels of
fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. When it
comes to substance, it is one of the richest ingredients. It is
a power-packed ingredient that can benefit overall health.
● Tomato – Tomato powder is widely used in weight loss
solutions due to its high fiber content and its ability to keep
users full for long periods of time.
● Stinging nettle: Stinging nettle, when combined with
other herbs (particularly saw palmetto), may be effective in
relieving symptoms such as decreased urinary flow,
incomplete bladder emptying, postvoid dribbling, and
constant urination.
● Maitake, Reishi, Shitake Mushroom: The presence of this
type of mushroom in a supplement is usually due to its high
B vitamin content. B vitamins promote a healthy heart,
digestive system, and red blood cells. Mushrooms can help
protect brain health and boost the immune system.
And the ingredients can go on and
on. ProstaStream's advanced formula also contains a
proprietary blend of some more powerful ingredients.
Benefits of exercise for prostate cancer
Exercise has many benefits for prostate cancer. Exercise and
rehabilitation are important factors in both fighting the
disease and preventing recurrence for prostate health.
Exercise has been shown to improve health, both physically
and emotionally.
In addition, regular exercise (exercise) helps control weight
during and after cancer, strong muscles and bones, and
possible side effects of prostate cancer treatment.
Exercise is the movement of the body, which uses energy. All
good examples of being healthy are riding a bike,
gardening, climbing stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the
night away. Along with the health benefits, moderate to
vigorous exercise will help you breathe easier and provide
better blood circulation.
A new study has found that men with prostate cancer who
follow an active lifestyle have a better survival rate than
those who don't. Other studies have shown that obesity is
related to the level of aggressiveness of prostate cancer,
doubling the risk of death and metastasis.
Fortunately, regular physical activity and exercise have
positive effects on prostate health and cancer. Men who
walked one to three hours per week had an 86% lower risk
of prostate cancer. Additional research has shown that three
or more hours of vigorous exercise reduces the risk of dying
from prostate cancer by 61%.
Exercise therapy during cancer, and even after the cancer is
gone, can help with the following:
Reduce stress and fatigue.
improve self-esteem
Increase feelings of optimism.
Improve heart health
keep a healthy weight
Improve muscle strength and endurance
Men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer should pay
special attention to ensuring good pelvic floor strength to
minimize adverse effects of cancer treatment and improve
urinary and sexual function, especially later in life .
The pelvic floor is a collection of muscles and connective
structures located between the legs in the abdominal area,
serving the bowel, bladder, and sexual organs. The pelvic
floor muscles help with urination, defecation, and sex life.
In addition to supporting the spine, they provide structural
strength to the pelvic joints. Like any other muscle in your
body, the glutes contract and relax.
Kegel exercises are easy and don't require special
equipment or space. First, you need to find your pelvic floor
muscles first. Find your pelvic floor by bending your knees
over your back and keeping your feet flat on the floor/bed.
Allow yourself to completely relax, and then try to isolate
those muscles. Imagine trying to lift your male genital base.
Or try activating the muscles you need to stop the flow of
urine midstream. The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles
that make you contract!
Imagine standing up while contracting your pelvic muscles
as if you were in an elevator.
Go up and lock for 5 seconds. Let your muscles slowly relax
as you step off the lift for the next 5 seconds. You should feel
completely comfortable when you're done. Repeat this
contraction/relaxation sequence for 20 reps.
The normal mechanisms of aging and androgen deprivation
therapy can lead to loss of bone density, leading to
osteoporosis. People with osteoporosis have weak, dense
bones that are prone to breaking. Hormones like
testosterone prevent bone loss, so once levels of these
hormones are altered, bones become less dense.
The best weight-bearing exercise for the bones forces the
body to work against gravity. Activities like biking, climbing
stairs, and lifting weights will help prevent bone loss, among
other benefits.
Side Effects of Treatment Prostate cancer can affect your
quality of life. Three hours or 90 minutes of easy, brisk
walking a week can relieve some symptoms of prostate
cancer therapy, such as fatigue , anxiety, and weight gain.
It is important to have a heart check-up before the age of 20
to prevent heart disease. If you are 45 years old and have a
family history of heart disease in your family or if you have
high blood pressure or are a smoker then it is very important
that you have a heart check-up . For this, check blood
pressure, heartbeat and stress test with the help of an makes it easy for them to diagnose heart disease.
A lipid profile check checks the amount of cholesterol in
your body. It can also check if you have heart disease. Check
your blood levels to determine the amount of good
cholesterol and bad cholesterol in your body.
If your total body cholesterol is 200 and your good
cholesterol is less than 40 and your bad cholesterol is
greater than 130, you may be at risk for heart disease.
Similarly, your doctor may perform an apoB test to check for
fats in his blood. can grow more. To do this, start doing this
test from the age of 20, if your test is negative, do this test
again after five years, if there is a family history of heart
disease in your family, then it is very important that you do
this test . test every year.
A glycated hemoglobin or A1C test is usually done every two
to three months to check blood sugar levels in diabetic
patients. If this test is equal to or greater than 6.5 percent,
you have diabetes.
If this is the case, your doctor may recommend that you do a
random blood sugar test or a fasting blood sugar test. If the
random blood sugar test reading is 200 mg/dL or higher and
the fasting blood sugar test is 126 mg/dL , then you have
If you are over 45, have a BMI over 25, have high blood
pressure, high cholesterol levels, heart disease, and a family
history of diabetes, you should have this test.
You should also have these tests if you have gestational
diabetes or polycystic ovary syndrome.
You need to get this orthopedic test to diagnose
osteoporosis. If you are a postmenopausal woman then you
should have this test because bone density decreases by
30% in 5 to 7 years after menopause. Men should also have
this test after the age of 60. years and according to medical
Today, DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) technology
can be used to measure bone density. Under this method,
bone density can be measured under the table with a low-
power X-ray.
Two tests are done to detect this cancer. Digital rectal exam
and PSA test are two tests that are done. For a digital rectal
exam, the doctor puts on gloves, applies a lubricant, inserts
a finger into the rectum, and looks for abnormalities. The
prostate-specific antigen test analyzes PSA, a protein
present in the blood of the prostate gland.
A PCA level of less than 4.0 ng/mL is normal, but if the level
is higher, prostate problems can occur. Age, race, certain
medications and treatments can increase the risk of
prostate enlargement and prostate infection due to
increased PCA levels. This test should be done before age 50
or between 40 and 45. Or if your father or brother has
prostate cancer, you should have this test.
With prostate removal can one still have pleasure?
Radical prostatectomy is surgery to remove the
prostate gland. In most cases, this surgery is done to
treat prostate cancer, and the success rate is good if
the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate.
However, this surgery carries risks. One of these is
erectile dysfunction (ED).

The reason radical prostatectomy carries this risk is that

there are two very small cavernous nerves located on the
sides of the hazelnut-sized prostate gland. Normally, these
cavernous nerves signal the penis to fill with blood and
become erect. However, during surgery the doctor may
remove one or both of these nerves if they are very close to
the cancer. Even if nerves are not removed, they can be
damaged during surgery. This trauma to the cavernous
nerves is one of the main causes of ED after prostate
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and require
surgery, you may want to know what alternatives are
available to restore sexual function after surgery. First, it's
important to talk openly with your doctor about:
How extensive the surgery will be and whether it will be
necessary to remove the cavernous nerves
If you are a good candidate for nerve-sparing
surgery (this type of surgery is done in some cases,
but there is still a risk of ED)
You should also talk to your doctor about your overall risk for
ED. For example, if you are older, have a chronic condition
like diabetes, and already have problems with sexual
function, you may be more likely to have ED after surgery.
While sensitive topics like sex can be difficult to discuss,
remember that your sexual health is part of your overall
health and well-being, so it's definitely worth talking about.
If you have a partner, be sure to involve this important
person in your recovery since his sexual function affects
both of you.
Since ED is a common complication after prostate
surgery, it's a good idea to learn about treatment
alternatives. It's also important to understand that
while ED affects most men after prostate surgery,
many regain the ability to have erections within two
years of nerve-sparing surgery. However, this is not
as common if the nerves were removed.
Medications for
Your doctor may prescribe medications such as sildenafil
(Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), or tadalafil (Cialis) after
surgery. These medications work by increasing blood flow to
the penis, which causes an erection.
Another alternative is the injection of medication directly
into the penis. Although not as convenient as taking a pill,
this alternative can help produce an erection.
There are also vacuum devices. This involves placing a
mechanical pump over the penis. The pump creates vacuum
pressure, which causes an erection by causing blood to flow
into the penis. To maintain the erection, a small elastic band
is placed around the shaft of the penis.
Surgery can also be done to treat ED, as there are several
devices that can be implanted in the penis to help you
achieve an erection. In one type of surgery, a small pump is
implanted under the skin of the scrotum. When you want to
have sex, you press down on the pump and fluid is sent to
the cylinders implanted in your penis. This fluid helps
generate an erection.
Another alternative is the exercise of the perineal muscles.
These exercises have been shown to improve erectile
function in men with ED caused by other causes. Your doctor
may recommend exercising your perineal muscles after
surgery. This can help you with urinary control and may be
helpful in restoring sexual function.
Since there are many treatments that can be tried,
the chances are high that you will find one that fits
your lifestyle.
However, there may be other sexual problems beyond the
ability to get an erection. For example, you may have
difficulty reaching orgasm. Men who are able to orgasm
after prostate surgery can have a pleasurable experience.
However, due to the removal of the prostate, they no longer
ejaculate semen.
Facing a cancer diagnosis and impending treatment is a
momentous event. It can be very overwhelming to think
about how prostate surgery will affect your sex life.
But don't forget that there are doctors and mental health
professionals who have a lot of experience with ED.
Psychotherapists understand how sexual problems can
affect your self-esteem and personal relationships. If you
have a partner, maybe He would like her to accompany him
to therapy sessions. Both of you will be able to express your
fears and concerns, learn coping strategies, and find new
ways to be intimate during your recovery. There are also
support groups where he can find encouragement and hope.
Although ED is very common after prostate surgery, it is
possible for him to regain sexual function after a while. (This
can range from a few months to two years.) Also, remember
that ED can be treated. By working with your doctor, you
can recover from prostate surgery and find an effective ED
treatment that's right for you.
What does the prostate feel like?
The most comfortable is to use the index finger,
since it will allow us to perfectly control the
movement. Now, once you have lubricated your
finger, insert it slowly into the rectum until you reach
the location of the prostate with the tip of your
finger, as we see in the image.
The prostate is a small gland of the male urogenital system
that is located just below the bladder and its main function
is to secrete the seminal fluid through which the sperm
travel. By surrounding the urethra, when the prostate
enlarges, difficulties occur in urination and when having
sexual intercourse. Pay attention to the following steps to
perform the prostate self-examination and check if there is
any type of alteration.

1.     The examination of the prostate must be done

through a digital rectal examination, so it is
essential that you are calm. In this way, the anal
sphincter muscles will be more relaxed and the
task will be much easier and more comfortable.
2.     First, wash your hands properly, using an
antibacterial gel to reduce the microbial flora on
your hands and get a deep clean.
3.     Next, apply some lubricant or petroleum jelly to
the anal opening and around the area. With this,
the finger will slide inside more easily. You can buy
any water-based lubricant that you can find in
4.     The next step is to put on disposable latex gloves
and also lubricate the finger that we are going to
use to do the prostate self-examination. The most
comfortable is to use the index finger, since it will
allow us to perfectly control the movement.
5.     Now, once you have lubricated your finger, insert
it slowly into the rectum until you reach the
location of the prostate with the tip of your finger,
as we see in the image. Take into account that you
will be palpating the surface of the anal wall,
without touching the prostate directly. This is when
we must check if there is any type of inflammation,
change in texture or sensation of pain. If so, it is
essential to visit a urologist urgently for a thorough
medical examination.
6.     Prostate self-examinations are reviews that we
can perform on ourselves as a preventive measure,
but in no case should they replace routine medical
check-ups. It is important that all men over 45
years of age go to the urologist once a year to carry
out a check-up and, if they have a family history of
prostate conditions or cancer, advance the visit to
40 years of age.
The enlarged prostate can press against the bladder
and urethra. This can slow or block the flow of urine. Some
men may have trouble starting the flow of urine, even
though they feel the need to urinate. Once the flow of urine
starts, it can be hard to stop.
If you have any of the following symptoms, see your
doctor right away:
Difficulty starting to urinate.
Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
Frequent urination, especially at night.
Difficulty emptying the bladder completely.
Pain or burning when urinating.
Blood in urine or semen.
Symptoms may include slow or delayed-onset
urination, the need to urinate frequently at night,
difficulty emptying the bladder, a strong, urgent, and
sudden need to urinate, and incontinence.
Early-stage prostate cancer usually does not cause
symptoms. More advanced prostate cancers can sometimes
cause symptoms, such as: Problems urinating, including
slow or weakened urine flow or needing to urinate more
often, especially at night. Blood in urine or semen.
Chronic prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain
syndrome, is a common prostate problem. It can cause pain
in the lower back, in the groin area, or at the tip of the
How does the prostate affect sexual relations?
There is an increase in urination disorders secondary to the
growth of the prostate gland and along with this there may
also be difficulties in penile erection, loss of ejaculation and
painful ejaculation.
Alcohol and other drinks: alcoholic drinks and others such as
coffee, black tea and cola-based soft drinks are highly
irritating and according to studies, they are one of the main
drinks that favor the appearance of prostate cancer. Avoid
consuming these products as much as possible if you suffer
from prostatitis.
There are supplements that give very good results for the
prostate such as ProstaStream .
A super-powerful, all-natural supplement designed to target
the real root cause of BPH: a severe inflammation caused by
the body confusing DHT hormones for an infection.
Initially, at an anatomical level, any affectation that
exists in the prostate, such as an inflamed prostate,
does not affect the erection or the sexual activity
that a person can maintain.
An enlarged prostate is usually the result of the
multiplication of normal cells, but it can also be caused by
the multiplication of cancer cells. It is extremely important
that every man over the age of 50 see a urologist for a
prostate exam. It is a simple and painless rectal exam (ie, an
exam with a finger inserted into the rectum) that allows
evaluation of the prostate gland. In addition to the rectal
exam, the doctor also orders a urine test and measurement
of the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood.
Why is it so important? Because after lung cancer, prostate
cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed malignancy
in men
Fortunately, prostatic hypertrophy itself does not directly
interfere with sexual activity. However, it must be taken into
account that the prostate and the seminal vesicles are the
place where the seminal fluid is produced, in which the
spermatozoa and the substances that allow adequate
hydration and technically facilitate sexual intercourse are
deposited. Any alteration in the production of these
compounds can (but does not have to) cause discomfort
during sexual intercourse, although male sexual
performance (ie, the possibility of obtaining an erection) is
still preserved.
This type of rectal exam, or digital rectal exam, is
the second component of the prostate exam. The
test involves the doctor inserting a finger through
the patient's rectum to feel the gland.
The procedure is performed with gloves and using a
moisturizing gel to reduce patient discomfort. It is
suggested that the patient assume a lateral position in bed
and, if possible, lie in the fetal position. So the exam is the
least inconvenient and not so painful.
The examiner, doctor, or nurse is trying to feel the prostate
gland near the rectum directly. Therefore, it can be achieved
with this maneuver. On palpation, look for any lump or
induration that indicates an abnormal process.
After finding abnormal prostate exam results, the next step
is to order an imaging test to clarify the diagnosis. Your
doctor may request an ultrasound and, if necessary, also a
gland biopsy.
It is imperative to detect the disease as early as
possible. At first, the tumor is completely curable
and easy to control. Health professionals insist on
having a prostate test because it is highly effective
in reducing the mortality rate of this cancer.
It is important to put aside human fear and shame about
this test and perform it when indicated. An annual checkup
can add many years to a patient's life.


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