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north of the North Saskatchewan river forests are again met

and described by him during the years 1869--1879 in the

the foot and at the top, or (rarely) in the middle, but never

almarium, cf. Lat. armarium, a place for keeping tools;

bishop, who, on his return from the Holy Land, was wrecked on

Serapeum. Hard by immense catacombs and columbaria

among the states of the United States in the manufactures

princesses was a favourite theme for later rhetoricians.

He published a dull and biassed, but useful Natural and

excellence, i.e. of the city of Agade of Sargon I., which

with the Lesser Rhone and with the Mediterranean, on which


van Rensselaer (1764-1839), the last of the patroons; the

Moreover surveys of high accuracy have been made at several

during the war, including all penalties and forfeitures incurred

with acids and alkalies, but is essentially acid in nature.

(compare the Slavonic pobratimstvo); the contract is

Origin and spread of the racial stocks.

those of Buffon and Linnaeus. He founded his classification

Of the later development of Phoenician amongst Phoenician people

an account of the chief Arabian songs, ancient and modern,

ranges. It consists almost entirely of Jurassic and Cretaceous

F.R.G.S. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

character, at least the moral value, of human action. His

and the eloquence and learning which he displayed in his first

thought of the cultivated class, and to him Carlyle, who

of about 150 yds. a triple line of defences of later date

and gave to the world Tartalea's rules for solving cubic

before. Christians might not enter a church to say their

West Amana, South Amana, East Amana, Middle Amana, High

incurred rejection. In keeping with this, verses 26-28

so the mood of the contemplator. One may almost say that

are simply forged-steel common shell filled with lyddite and

parts of the tropical zone; wheat in Egypt, Algeria and the

centuries consists mainly of translations and religious works

and two thousand for prizes to the authors of four works

Orange Free State. On the 12th of April 1877 Sir Theophilus

late years, its original meaning has been more generally

be separated from that of the queen, and it is unnecessary

the material of the navy; while the parliamentary secretary

Spaniards, with monstrous fatuity, refused to make use of

result as that of Vauquelin (Ann. de chim xxii. 280).

the 14th of September 1486. The details of his early life are

congressional hostility to the presidential plan that the

wilful or involuntary, with almost any form of bloodshed, with

this subject with Dollinger (q.v.), went to Rome in order

neuropore. It is thus possible that the neurenteric canal

(transl. J. Pory, ed. R. Brown), 3 vols. (1896); O. Dapper,

one moiety acclimatized to endure extreme heat, and the

Konigsberg. At the present time extensive mining operations

Monopnoa and Dipnoa (1821), J. Muller's Squamata and Nuda

AK-SHEHR (anc. Philomelioii), a town in Asia Minor, in

trees, resemble the huertas or gardens of Alicante; but broad

influence of France to the south of her Mediterranean possessions

pycnantha, golden wattle, A. decurrens, tan wattle, and A.

with his former enemy, George Podebrad, king of Bohemia, a

1902 28 1 25 8 20 2

expect that whatever fraction of I0 is absorbed in the first

toward the Aleutians. A great submarine platform extends

by the strong and unwarrantable measures he adopted to reduce

have been introduced, or the bowel may have been wounded. In

the water-bailiff is judae. He is also styled admiral.

pontiff on the demand of Spain. At the next election (1724)

youth. Self-educated and early thrown upon his own resources,

on the holding,'' of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff

in the massif of the Pic d'Arbizon and the Pic du Midi de

his error by a signal victory. This promise he brilliantly

and agape was that known as charistia described by

deities or cult-ideas. We may take it then (and the fact

necessarily Christian and Anabaptist. Lutheranism was more

brilliant colouring of his on pictures, gave them pronounced

find that in 1813 Sahela (or Sella) Selassie, younger son

the attendance of his witnesses, it had not been changed in

Ladysmith. The settlement, c. 1890, of the main lines of

created in England, a limited admiralty jurisdiction has

the spots where they sink to comparatively low depressions or

effects being compensated molecularly without affecting the

as Maxwell's electric displacement in free aether---is

coincides with the history of the older Puritanism, and

ABYDOS, an ancient city of Mysia, in Asia Minor, situated at

cases, where civilization was low and Egyptian influence

the Sacred College more completely he created twelve new

Dated in this day of 188 .

Aluminium Hydrates. -- Several hydrated forms of aluminium

in Brazil, was not, as has often been said, one of pure

AMANUENSIS (a Latin word, derived from the phrase servus

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