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TITLE: completely nonsensical bullsit theoiries make so much sense


WRITERS: benny , wœrm, simon
so salem was walking down a dark street corner at 12:03 on a september 1oth and was
looking for someone to tslk ad=bout his cat trauma to. he meandered about for like
an our before encountering a strangely shaped blue figure \. "who tf are u?" the
figure said. "im salem" said salem (obviously).
"I have no idea who the fuck you are. Do you like speed?"
The blue said
",The drug??? yeah i guess"

The blue stopped. "That is NO GOOD"

"ok." Salem replied

"uh, anyways. by speed i meant this!"

Sonic ran a mile and ran back

"Did you even move"

salem asked

"Yeah! i ran a mile and back."

"oh. ok"
salem replied.

they stood and stared at each other

Salem proceeded to pull a knife out from what seemed to be a little bag on his hip,
which apparently wasn't there before but for plot purposes, it is there. He looked
sonic up and down, a mischievous grin wiping over his face as he stepped closer.
Sonic felt a cold shiver roll down his spine, he took a pace backward.

"You know, hedgehog... thing.., I'd best advise you run that mile and don't come
back, if you know what's good for you.."
Salem raised the knife, and before he could do anything to Sonic. There was a blue
blur, and then nothing. This left a vaguely bewildered Salem to ponder what on
earth just happened and how this /thing/ got to his world.

Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.

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