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Lesson 9 Hypertext and Intertext

- It is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and other related circumstances that surround the text and form the terms from which it can
be better understood and evaluated.
- Knowledge of a text’s context helps in appreciating the text’s message more deeply by asking questions like:
When was the work written?
What were the circumstances
that produced it?
What issues does it deal with?
- as a literary device, "it is the complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as fundamental to the creation and interpretation of the
text" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2015)- It is the modelling of a text’s
meaning by another text.
- This view recognizes that the text is always influenced by previous texts and in turn anticipates future texts.
- It is defined as the connections between languages, images, characters, themes or subjects depending on their similarities in language, genre, or
discourse. This is seen when an author borrows and transforms a prior text, or when you read one text and you reference another.
- Intertexuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text.
- Intertextual figures can include: allusion, quotation, translation, and parody
- Intertextuality is a literary device that creates an interrelationships between texts and generates related understanding in separate works
These references are made to influence that reader and add layers of depth to a text, based on the readers prior knowledge and understanding
Intertextuality is a literary discourse strategy utilized by writers in novels, poetry, theatre and even in non- written texts
- is the presentation of a reading material wherein resources are connected to a specific aspect of a text because of a shared semantic link which
allows the reader to explore the manuscript or other reading materials in whatever fashion he or she believes to be logically acceptable
- It is a relatively new way of reading a text online brought by the advent of the Internet and technology.
-It is a nonlinear way of showing information.
- Hypertext connects topics on screen to related information, graphics, videos, and music. This information appears as links and is usually accessed
by clicking.
- The reader can jump into more information, which in turn may have more links.
A non-linear, multilayered system of information files of text, graphics or audiovisual elements that are linked to each other and are accessed by
pointing to or choosing particular references
Hypertexts may be in the form of underlined items and bulleted heads that internet users utilize
Hypertext permits a reader to choose a path through the text that will be most relevant to his or her interest
A reader need not read linearly a material with hypertexts because he/she enjoys the freedom of jumping from one section to another as he/she so

Lesson 10 Critical Reading as Reasoning

Critical reading is a more ACTIVE way of reading. It is a deeper and more complex engagement with a text.
Critical reading is a process of analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating. When we read critically, we use our critical thinking skills to QUESTION both
the text and our own reading of it.
Skilled readers can recognize an author’s point and the support for that point.
Critical readers can evaluate an author’s support for a point and determine whether that support is solid or not.
Reading critically includes these skills:
• Separating fact from opinion
• Detecting propaganda
• Recognizing errors in reasoning
It is an act of giving statements for justification and explanation. It is the ability of someone to defend something by giving out reasons.

Critical reading includes the following three abilities:

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1. Separating fact from opinion. A fact is information that can be proved true through objective evidence. An opinion is a belief, judgment, or
conclusion that cannot be proved objectively true. Much of what we read is a mixture of fact and opinion, and our job as readers is to arrive
at the best possible informed opinion. Textbooks and other effective writing provide informed opinion—opinion based upon factual
2. Detecting propaganda. Advertisers, salespeople, and politicians often try to promote their points by appealing to our emotions rather than
our powers of reason. To do so, they practice six common propaganda techniques: bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, plain folks, name
calling, and glittering generalities.
3. Recognizing errors in reasoning. Politicians and others are at times guilty of errors in reasoning- fallacies—hat take the place of the real
support needed in an argument. Such fallacies include circular reasoning, personal attack, straw man, false cause, false comparison, and

Lesson 11 Formulating Evaluative Statements

An evaluative statement is a statement that you can make to reflect your judgment and generalization about a text that you have read.
Assertions - positive statements about the content of a text and properties of a text that you have read
Assertions are declarative sentences that claim something is true about something else. Simply put, it is a sentence that is either true or false.
There are four common types of assertion, which are classified according to the degree of certainty they can be judged as true or false.
1. Fact – This is a statement that can be proven objectively by direct experience, testimonies of witnesses, verified observations, or the results of
research. Ex: The sampaguita’s roots are used for medicinal purposes, such as an anesthetic and a sedative.
2. Convention – It is a way in which something is done, similar to traditions and norms. Conventions depend on historical precedent, laws, rules,
usage, and customs. Ex: The sampaguita belongs to the genus Jasminum of the family Oleaceae.
3. Opinions – They are based on facts, but are difficult to objectively verify because of the uncertainty of producing satisfactory proofs of soundness.
Ex: The popularity of sampaguita flowers is most evident in places of worship.
4. Preferences – They are based on personal choice; therefore, they are subjective and can not be objectively proven or logically attacked. Ex:
Sampaguitas are the most beautiful and most fragrant of all flowers.
Claim - suggests an idea to the reader who may or may not agree with it - an arguable statement that reflects the writer’s position about a topic
Counterclaims are claims made to rebut a previous claim. They provide a contrasting perspective to the main argument.
Textual Evidence is defined as the details given by the author to support his / her claim.
In formulating evaluative statements, you must express your judgment of the text. State if you liked the text and what you liked about how it was
Always quote parts of the text to support your assertions about it. When quoting, do not forget to use quotation marks and cite the page if it is from a
book or article.

Lesson11.1 Formulating Assertions

An assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to express strong belief on a particular topic, often without evidence.
The purpose of writing an assertion is for the writer to convey directly an idea or feeling and to convince the reader to accept the writer’s
interpretation of a particular literary work.
Before writing an assertion in literature, the author must comprehensively read or watch the literary work. He must take down the part he is for, or he
is opposed to, followed by his explanation of it. It is also best to collect evidence from the same or other literary authors that have the same assertion
as with the writer.
Types of Assertion
1. Basic Assertion is a statement used to express the writer's feelings, beliefs, and opinions directly. This type of assertion is usually used in
writing formal papers like thesis and dissertation.
2. Emphatic Assertion is a statement used to express empathy or on how a person understands the feelings and emotions of the literary
author. This can be used on writing a formal or informal paper.
3. I - Language Assertion is a statement used to express the feeling and preference of the writer. It is called I-Language because it focuses
on the writer and is using the pronoun ‘I’. This type of assertion is recommended if the author wants to express negative feelings and
opinion. This is best used in writing a review or reflection paper.

Lesson 12 Determining Textual Evidence

A claim is an arguable statement in a text, and its purpose is to persuade you to believe the writer’s position about an issue.
Stating your judgment and generalization about claims of the writer in a text is called formulating evaluative statements.
Textual evidence is information gathered from the text that supports your assertion or counterclaim about the text.

In expressing your judgment about the text,

1. First, state your idea about the text.
2. To determine evidence from the text, look for clues and keywords that support your idea about the text.

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3. Quote or paraphrase the part of the text that helped you come up with your idea.
4. Use quotation marks to quote a part of the text. If it is from a book, indicate the page number at the end of your sentence.
5. Lastly, express how the quote supports your idea.
Types of Textual Evidence
1. Paraphrasing is restating the text in your own words.
2. Summarizing is restating the text in a shorter way using your own words.
3. Referencing is mentioning a specific section of the text.
4. Quoting is stating a part of a text in the exact way it was written.

Lesson 13 Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for Professions

Lesson 14 Writing a Book Review or an Article Critique

A book review or an article critique gives essential information about a book or an article and provides an evaluation or a critical analysis of it.
The material that you will review or critique would require you to read actively, intelligently, and critically. You have to go beyond the content of the
As you read, take down notes.
Formulate questions about the content.
Read the material more than once for an in-depth understanding of what the author is trying to convey.
Your paper should give an informed analysis of the material.
Be mindful of the structure of your review or critique.
Critique: a French word which means critical assessment
A critique is not (only) a criticism.
A critique is a specific style of essay in which you identify, evaluate, and respond to an author's ideas, both positively and negatively.
It is usually applied to academic sources.
A summary of a research article requires you to share the key points of the article so your reader can get a clear picture of what the article is about.
A critique may include a brief summary, but the main focus should be on your evaluation and analysis of the research itself.
A critique is an exercise in judging the value of a piece of writing or research.
You need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the piece of research or writing.
A. Introduction
Know the context or information in which the material was written
Mention the title of the material, year or date of publication, and author’s name.
State the main argument or author’s purpose of the material. thesis statement
Briefly summarize the book or the main points of the article.
B. Body
This is the analysis and evaluation part of the review or critique paper.
C. Conclusion
This is a brief summary of your overall evaluation of the material. You may include here the main reasons, stated in the body paragraphs, why you
agree or disagree with the author.

Lesson 15 Writing a Literature Review

A literature review is an integrated analysis and synthesis of scholarly articles related to the topics or issues included in your written thesis,
dissertation or journal article.
It is used to describe critically, summarize, and evaluate the updated information from sources like academic books, journal articles, research
resources, and government articles.
The purpose of writing a literature review is to let your reader have a full grasp of understanding on the background of your research, problem,
experiment or investigation. It is also used to analyze critically and synthesize other published writings to your work or research.

Before Writing a Literature Review

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1. Identify the issue to be discussed on the paper
2. Determine the problem statement, main statement questions, research/problem findings and scope and Delimitation of the paper
3. Collect the materials from credible sources
4. Evaluate and categorize the information gathered
5.Make sure that the information contributes to the understanding of the topic and is supported by evidence such as case study, statistics or scientific
6. The information gathered can either be the same or against your proposed statement.
Structure of a Literature Review
1. Chronological Literature Review is a type of review where the information is arranged sequentially in the progression of time. It is best used
for historiographical paper and research methodology that focuses more on how the ideas have developed over time.
2. Thematic Literature Review is a type of review that defines or describes theory or categories significant to your research. It can be
compared to an inverted pyramid that focuses on broad to specific topics and ends with a synthesis. It is considered more essential as
compared to the Chronological Literature Review.
Writing a Thematic Literature Review
Broad Topic
The broad topic discusses a clear background on what the research is. It gives the reader an overview of what the general topic is all about.
Information Partly Related to the Paper
Writing next after the broad topic is the information somewhat related to the research. Partly related information refers to data from studies not
directly related but somehow can influence the research.
Information Directly Related to the Paper
The information directly related to the paper refers to data from other authors with the same problem statement. It can either agree or disagree to the
problem stated.
Synthesis of the Literature Review
The last part of writing literature review is to synthesize all of the information gathered. Synthesis, in simplest definition, means to put together
multiple ideas from different sources to understand the role of each part or element of the paper. It is also suggested to compare and contrast works
done by other authors.

Lesson 16 Writing a Research Report

It is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
It is the “process of posing a research problem, gathering information, determining relationships, and writing the paper.
Formal research is done when you conduct a thorough inquiry on a particular topic.
Informal research is conducted on tasks that do not require a highly structured paper as an output.
Parts of a Research Report
1. The Research Problem and Reviewing Related Literature The research problem and the questions that you produce are the heart of your
research report. The research questions embody the main problem of your research that you will answer later on.
2. Materials and Method This section of the research report should explain the methods that you will deploy and the data that you wish to
3. Results and Discussion The results contain graphic representation of that data you have processed in the course of your research. You will
provide the results of the data analysis but your are not yet to discuss the implication of it. You may use a table if your want to summarize
your data analysis. On the other hand, you may use figures such as charts if you want your readers to see trends in your data set.
4. The discussion presents answer to the research questions that you have created in the introduction.
5. In the conclusion, you have to cite inferences that you made that answered the research questions.
6. The recommendation provides possible tasks to those who will benefit from the research report.

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Lesson 17 Writing Project Proposals
A Project Proposal sometimes referred to as ‘Terms of Reference’, is a document used to present the general plan and justification to pursue a
The purpose of writing a project proposal is to serve as a guide, to get funding, to convince people to participate, and to serve as a reference for
evaluating the project.
Types of Proposal
1. Solicited Proposal is a type of proposal requested by businesses and government agencies; this could also include Broad Agency
Announcements (BAA), Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Quotation (RFQ).
2. Unsolicited Proposal is a type of work proposal submitted voluntarily. It can either be research or academic program proposal.
3. Grant is a type of proposal asking for financial solicitation that is related to business, and not work.
Parts of a project proposal
I. Project Description contains necessary information such as project title, type of project, project proponents, number of beneficiaries,
location of beneficiaries, date of implementation, area of project implementation, budget requirement and budget requested.
II. Background/ Situation Analysis In this part, you may write the brief history of the proposal and the immediate need or potential problem
that you want to address. You may end the background by including the major goal of this project.
III. Project Objectives includes short-term objectives needed to achieve the major goal. It also includes strategies to be done to make the
project successful.
IV. Expected Output or Outcome of the Project refers to the specific and long term effect of the project in relation to the economic, social,
institutional or environmental factors. It includes indicator (e.g. 90%) used to measure the success of the project.
V. Risk Management Plan This is the part where you list down the risks that could impair you from achieving your objectives and outcomes.
You should also include steps needed to be done to prevent such occurrence.
VI. Project Organization and Staffing It includes information on the staff assigned and his responsibilities. You can also indicate the name of
the contact person and his cell phone number if committed or involved permanently to the project.
VII. Project Work Plan is a part of a project proposal where the detailed activities for every phase of the project are written.
VIII. Detailed Budget Requirement This is the part where itemized expenses on the project duration are written.
IX. Signatories It is the last part of the project proposal where names of people involved are written.

Lesson 18 Writing a Position Paper

A position paper, also known as point of view paper, is used to claim a one-side position on a specific issue.
It contains factual arguments to support the one-side claim or position statement, but this will not limit the paper to present just only the strength but
also the weakness of the position statement.
1. Identify the issue to be discussed
2. Research both positions and collate the arguments
3. Choose the position or side you want to support
Structure of a Position Paper
The Introduction
Write the specific issue, together with its importance and effect to the society. End the introductory paragraph with your position statement or your
stand on the issue. Keep in mind that you could take only one side of the argument.
The Content
The content may have several paragraphs. It may begin with short background information or a discussion of arguments on both sides of the issue.
The End Statement
On the last part of writing the paper, summarize and reinforce the concepts and facts presented without repeating the introduction and its content. It
is also optional to include the procedure used to deal with the issue and your suggested possible solution or recommendation.

Lesson 19 Writing a Resume

Résumé is used to apply for a job that contains a summary of an applicant’s personal information, educational background, skills and work
A resume is a document that contains a brief account of a person’s education, skills, work experience, and other qualifications. It is usually sent
along with job applications, and sometimes with school application as well.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is used to apply for an academic training or grant that contains a detailed description of a person’s educational background,
academic credential, and achievement.
Résumé Formats
1. Chronological Format used to emphasize the applicant’s work experiences progress. It starts with the complete work experiences, followed by the
educational background.
2. Functional Format focuses on the skills
3. Combination or Hybrid Format
Writing a Résumé
1. Heading - the heading contains basic information about the applicant
2. Objectives - reflects the applicant’s career goals and intention for applying for the job
3. Professional Summary - showcases your knowledge and abilities.
4. Expertise and Achievement - refers to the ‘professional skills’ and ‘qualification’ of the applicant
5. Work Experience - the applicant states all previous employment.
6. Educational Background - write the degree together with your major, minor or concentration (if there is any), school and year attended.

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Lesson 20 Writing for College Admission - Letter and Essay
College Admission Letter also referred to as the "letter of intent," is a one-page letter required for college and university admission. The sender
writes a letter to briefly discuss his intention for attending the college program.
College Admission Essay, or known as "statement of purpose" or "personal statement," is an essay written by the student applicant to answer the
essay topics given by the admission office.

Lesson 21 Writing for Employment Application

Employment Application Letter, also referred to as the "job application letter" or "cover letter", is a one-page letter attached to the resume when
applying for jobs.
Letter Formats
Full Block Format
This is the most common layout used in writing cover letter. In this format, all parts are justified to the left.
Modified Block Format
Modified block is a type of format where applicant’s address, complementary close, signature and sender’s identification is shifted to the right side.
Note that the first sentence in the body or in each paragraph is not indented.
Semi-Block Format
It is almost the same as the modified block format; however, the difference is that the first sentence in each paragraph is indented.
Writing an Employment Application Letter
1. Heading, Date and Inside Address
2. Greeting or Salutation
3. The Body
4. Complimentary Close
5. Signature and Sender’s Identification

Lesson 22 Forms of Office Correspondence

Office correspondence is a written exchange of internal and external communication to support all business processes. It is also known as the
business correspondence.
Internal correspondence means that there is a communication or agreement between departments or branches of the same company,
External correspondence means that the communication is between the company and another organization or firm.
Major forms of office correspondence
1. Business letter is the traditional way of communicating information from one company to another or used in external correspondence.
2. A business memo is a written communication strictly between the company’s offices to another.
3. A business e-mail is an office correspondence that can either be internal or external. There is no required format in writing e-mail
correspondence but it is expected that the writer maintain a professional tone.

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